posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:55 PM
may I suggest
I only want at least these six quality's in any govermental office holder .
1)they beleive in people . they are trusting in the people around them to handle things with out goverments involvement .
B) goverment is a ref , a judge , not a player . goverment is not here to do stuff , " I beleive that the magority of people
are honest , hard working , capable and good natured . "
2) they are clearly unqualified by any measure of experaince , training ,or education . I dont want a person who knows how to
control or govern ! I want some one who doesn't know how the system of goverment works , and little intrest in learning how it
can work effectivly .
3) unqualified at keeping secrets , inept at lieing , I want some one who can't lie to save their life . quite frankly , a
moron , or low grade retarded person who is honest because they can't remember the lie they need to tell .
4)some one that will say out loud with words , " I don't have a plan ! .
I have not one tiny clue what I need to do for you , you tell me what goverment needs to do to get out of your way . "
5) not any legal back ground at all... not the tiny clue about corts , or legal procedure ... but a long record of
speeding tickets , parking tickets , failure to appear warrents , DUII , devorce , seat belt violations , tail light tickets , and
civil land lord cases .
6) some one that can say out loud with words , " there is not a single thing wrong wih the constition if we just do what
it says "
I was in the [ marines , army , navy , air force ] and served for [ years) ... and was honorably discharged .
or says " the least goverment is the best goverment . lets protect personal rights , and the country will take care of it self
. "
...and most important of all ...
6) you tell them what the plan is , and they are going to spill the beans .
I want a gosip ! some one who loves to tell storys out of school .
you put them on a committee , they are going to tell the world what the deals are , what happens behind the closed doors .
a blabber mouth , a person who likes to tell everything they know , the moment they know it ! to any one who will lisen .
... and if you tell them what the programm is... and they might just get mad and tell you... " who the %$#$@&^ do you
think your talking to ! I am not going to go along .
frankly , I don't care how pretty they are , what smart things they say , or how wise they are ...
I want a person who will cut budgets , close down programms and pass the laws that are clear and simple .
I want them to lisen , and not tell .
I want a person who see's eleted office as a kool job that won't last , and then they go back to working at a REAL job !