posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 06:52 PM
What amazes me are the Pro-ET brigade who are always so quick to slam the possibility of a human answer.
Oh it can't be human invention cos we don't have the intelligence or the technology.
Then they trot out the ancient drawings..pffft. could be anything.
We are alone, there are no ET's.
We are a species that has risen and fallen several times, if there are remnants of ancient tech on the moon or Mars then you can bet it is ancient
human tech.
That is why the SS researched the Occult, to find the ancient tech.
Our species currently is like a trauma victim just recovering from amnesia, the memories are returning and with that recovery has come the return of
The theme of genetics spans all the way back to the writings of Sumer.
They wrote of the ancients who came before them, the Annunaki.
Now you can pretend the Annunaki were ET's or you can accept that they were human scientist's.
Some of the post's have stated that all the Nazi scientist's were executed at the Nuremberg trials,hmmm so not so.
And even if they were, the research remained quite intact and worth plenty to those with an interest.
It is not my intent to convert the ET believers, i am merely attempting to shine some light on another possibility which has more credibility and as
more information is released through FOI is becoming more and more probable.
Many of you may have witnessed UFO's, none of you have witnessed an ET.
Conspicuous by their absence these ET's