While you certainly have a flair for the dramatic I have to say I actually missed thee... When you have a grip on a subject the "jaws of life" could
NOT pull you out in a debate.
Welcome back (I am betting *ON* FM lasting the month)..
The Grand Inquistor and HighLord Director Plenipotentiary of the Department of Boardland Sanity has instructed all members to observe the following
Also, all are advised to please remember the drills and precautions in the event of a mass drama event:
Remember me? Lol... If you don't, we've been in a few arguments before. But you must have had arguments with a lots of people here, you used to be a
great debater (fighter) when you didn't simply lost reason.
Try to stay civilised and polite this time, and maybe you won't need your others 10 nicknames lol...