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I was born into the "bloodlines" and went rogue

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posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:06 PM
Hmmm. I'm still reading. And awaiting further posts from clandestiny

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:08 PM
You know what, I have no problem backing someone up and hoping that they will listen to myself and others who have warned them to contribute proof of what they are stating to be a fact. How come a bunch of us here on ATS have asked nicely for some more information regarding everything you have stated so far, and maybe some more info regarding your claims in the original post that started the thread would be helpful as well.

This is the last time I'm going to bother with this thread if the OP doesn't want to play along here and give us more information than things we already know are true or false, and/or things that were stated as fact when no proof has been shown other than maybe 2 or 3 links total...

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Mindmelding
reply to post by Aeons

Nope, ethanol is crop to energy. There is enough land for food and fuel. Food prices are because we are running a funny money economy and has little to do with actual physics and geography.

This is a madman run world, nothing makes sense, and if you accept pricing as reflective of value you have not learned anything on ATS

To boot....if everyone grew their own food, which is 100 percent possible by planting gardens in your back yard, or if you don't have land, growing crops hydroponically, food prices would be a moot point.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by clandestiny
On stratospheric water vapor and ozone - Shindell - "Changes in stratospheric water vapor, also a greenhouse gas, and in transport between the troposphere and stratosphere are also current research topics."

Thats nothing like what you said in your previous post.

Now your own source contradicts you:

Similarly, changes in atmospheric circulation appear to have played a major role in the cooling seen over Antarctica during recent decades

Global Warming eh

We have been investigating the causes and impacts of these trends, with a focus on determining if the regional warming and cooling patterns result from natural variability or are due to human activities.

So they are still investigating wether or not its natural or human impacts that caused the weather patterns. Wait, I thought you said that pollution was causing it, without a doubt

Concurrently, surface temperatures appear to have been at or near their lowest values of the last millenium in the Northern Hemisphere, and European winter temperatures were reduced by 1-1.5 C.

Again, global I said the earth has say its warmed

We find that changes in naturally occurring climate variability patterns can play a major role in large regional changes (especially cooling over North America and Europe as solar output decreases).

Again, you said weather patterns had been changed by man made processes. Your source says otherwise

Changes in stratospheric water vapor, also a greenhouse gas, and in transport between the troposphere and stratosphere are also current research topics

Again its still being researched. And where exactly did they say there were massive amounts in the atmosphere? They didnt....again I will gladly provide you with real time evidence for the low amount of stratopsheric humidity.

I guess we dont need to debunk you, you do a pretty good job of debunking yourself

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:11 PM
I believe this is the most screwed up site on the internet. I love it! NWO, UFO's, Bigfoot, Antichrist and this thread. We are all crazy, including myself. I just hope 1/3 of this stuff comes true so we won't be bored.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by PenandSword

But that assumes that people don't use money as a way of exchanging units of work.

I don't or can't grow oranges where I live. But I like oranges. I can do XYZ type of work, and then have some way of having a system of work exchange units to trade those to someone else who can grow oranges.

I could spend all day running to the creek for water, and eeking out some food from my short growing season. Or I could do some other form of work, and exchange it with someone who does grow food.

[edit on 2009/10/6 by Aeons]

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by doctorvannostren
This guy obviously just wants attention. If you really have an ounce of truth, why all the pauses? Dont wait for us to ask you a question, you started the thread! This is nothing more than an ethanol gasoline yada yada yada conspiracy theory. A weak one at that. I mean its like trying to asphyxiate an roach when you could just step on it. Just admit it- you sit in a cubicle all day, and when you get home you eat peanut butter with a spoon. Nothing special about you aside from your level of boredom.

He is cutting and pasting from somewhere. Sleuths get on it!

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by clandestiny
On stratospheric water vapor and ozone - Shindell - "Changes in stratospheric water vapor, also a greenhouse gas, and in transport between the troposphere and stratosphere are also current research topics."

Thats nothing like what you said in your previous post.

Now your own source contradicts you:

Similarly, changes in atmospheric circulation appear to have played a major role in the cooling seen over Antarctica during recent decades

Global Warming eh

We have been investigating the causes and impacts of these trends, with a focus on determining if the regional warming and cooling patterns result from natural variability or are due to human activities.

So they are still investigating wether or not its natural or human impacts that caused the weather patterns. Wait, I thought you said that pollution was causing it, without a doubt

Concurrently, surface temperatures appear to have been at or near their lowest values of the last millenium in the Northern Hemisphere, and European winter temperatures were reduced by 1-1.5 C.

Again, global I said the earth has say its warmed

We find that changes in naturally occurring climate variability patterns can play a major role in large regional changes (especially cooling over North America and Europe as solar output decreases).

Again, you said weather patterns had been changed by man made processes. Your source says otherwise

Changes in stratospheric water vapor, also a greenhouse gas, and in transport between the troposphere and stratosphere are also current research topics

Again its still being researched. And where exactly did they say there were massive amounts in the atmosphere? They didnt....again I will gladly provide you with real time evidence for the low amount of stratopsheric humidity.

I guess we dont need to debunk you, you do a pretty good job of debunking yourself

I think after that OP you have to give us a BBIIIIGGGG explanation!

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by clandestiny
Rain in drought regions, or desert, is a trigger to causing plate movement.

The dollar started sinking to where it is now in the spring of 2006 just as the switch to ethanol was being made. Also the price of oil was being falsely inflated through oil futures speculating at the same time because anhydrous ethanol can't compete against cheap oil.

Hydrous ethanol can and is actually a useful fuel that can be produced at a competitive price. But it doesn't cause the harmful emissions, much of which are needed to keep the quality of air we breath toxic so the house of cards the economy is built on using its favored source of free money (I call the bloodlines "the people that love free money"), sales of medical related products and services, health insurance, the whole shebang.

What Obama is trying to do now is prepare the medical system for a collapse when our air quality is restored to normal and we go back to our old rates of illness, well,, really much lesser rates. In order to keep the system afloat until it adjusts, the government will have to be able to pay for it while it will need as many patients as possible to try and keep our medical personal trained. So he wants to make sure people who can’t afford it can still get treatment. We are being poisoned from many direction but not enough to keep the medical bubble from busting, nor the financial community that relies on it from caving in.

Ethanol is not as toxic as MTBE. Well, with either one, the longer we are exposed to it, the more sensitive we become.

Hmm, something is screaming Chemtrails to me.

Mascoma teams with Chevron to turn ethanol byproduct into diesel and jet fuel

It fits. I'm listening.

PS. For a place that touts "deny ignorance", this thread is full of responses suggesting otherwise.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:18 PM
Excerpt from email sent to,,,,,, someone -

Let see if I can put a little perspective on the kind of landscape we are talking about if you choose to accept this mission. St. Bernard de Clairvaux wrote the charter for the Knights Templar, the first military branch of the Vatican. They lead the crusades and founded the first banking system in Europe, the same one we use today that is crashing.

Later, the king of France and the pope disbanded their forces running them underground taking a great treasure with them where they later surfaced as Freemasons and founded the United States. It’s the story the movie with Nicholas Cage titled National Treasure is about.

I am descended from Jacques Fontaine who was a Huguenot that fled France with the Catholics on his heels wanting to kill him. He came to Newfoundland, wrote a book, and went back to Europe leaving behind a town in St. Bernard county called Jacques Fontaine.

The name American has two histories. One is that the map maker that Columbus took with him on his expeditions, Amerigo Vespucci, wrote his name clumsily on a map that was misconstrued to be the name of the land.

Another is that an ancient celtic tribe of Amoricans –

“Perhaps the best battle fleet of ancient times belonged to the Amoricans. These were a Celtic people living along the English Channel. When Julius Caesar was conquoring Gaul he could not attack them directly because of extensive swamp land. He decided to bring up a large fleet of Meditteranean galleys and launch a sea borne invasion.

What he saw made him poop in his toga. The Romans encountered a large fleet of stout oak constructed ships with beaten leather sails. The Amoricans were handily defeating the Romans when fate intervened. The wind died down and the Amoricans could not manouver their ships. The oared galleys then had the advantage and defeated the Amoricans. It is reported than rather be captured by the Romans that the Amoricans threw themselves overboard and drowned.

I understand that about one or two years ago one of these ships was discovered and is currently undergoing archeological investigation.”

the only quick reference I can find off the cuff. I’ll get more later.

that the Amorican’s knew about these continents for a over a millennium keeping their locations secret until a time they could make best use of them. St. Bernard de Clairvaux’s title Clairvaux comes from where he built his first monastery. Before that, his last name came from the region of France he was born in, Fontaines, which many of the first Knights Templar were from there as well.

The name Fontaine means Fountain. It evolved from a royal lineage of Aquitanians. The name Aquitanians derives from Amorican.

Jacques Fontaine was a decedent of the same St Bernard do Fontaine strain of Fontaine’s that we are.

From -

“Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History (2.17.105), claims that Armorica was the older name for Aquitania, stating Armorica's southern boundary extended to the Pyrenees.”

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:19 PM
What bothers me about this is that as the OP says 'I am exceptionally proactive in exposing the misdeeds of my forefathers'. But so far all you seem to have done is post a thread on a conspiracy website. And with no real in depth preparation with regards to providing hard evidence.
Even if a few people here do believe you, what is that going to achieve? If you are intent on exposing this plan, it would seem logical to gather evidence and then wait until the time is right to go public with it. So posting this thread with no real evidence to prove what you are doing here seems like a step backwards in revealing the truth.
Especially considering one of the people who are in on the whole thing could easily see what you're posting on here and decide to bump you off before you get any ideas!

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:20 PM

Impossibly massive copy-and-paste removed.

Original content is here.


[edit on 7-10-2009 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

as this alage is the way the oil company elite wants us to still use oil.

Yes it is all about money. In the mid eighties (gas guzzler 8 cylinders) my boy friend was part of a team who did a real life test on a new type of carborator add on. It was retrofitted to a big 8 cylinder and changed the real on the road around Boston MA gas mileage to over 50MPG

There are plenty of inventions that get bought up and squashed. Heck the big corporations now control the colleges and get control of any patentable inventions.

Sorry for the off topic.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Apologies it was against T & C's

[edit on 6/10/2009 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Mindmelding
reply to post by Aeons

You're assuming that farmland is used at full capacity. It's everything but.

Hemp may be easier than ethanol, whatever works. But there are other crops for ethanol that are much better than corn, and those are, purposfully, not mentioned. Ethanol can be made from a wide spectrum of sugar heavy crops, from beetroot to sugarcane and even from waste like lawn clippings and cop surplus donuts.

How is drilling miles into the ground, having massive wars and shipping across the darn planet more economically viable? I'll answer, because it allows for monopolies for those making the decisions, and ethanol is an omniavailable fuel. It's everywhere if you just look for it.

Well stated. I am glad you mentioned beatroot and sugarcane. Brazil, thanks to GM no less, is independent of foreign oil. Their cars run on sugarcane crop ethanol. Their government mandated a new way from the first oil embargo of the 70s. Kudos to Brazil for doing something about the oil cartels' grip on the world. Their crime rates might be through the roof, but at least they are independent from oil. Ironically, Brazil discovered one of the largest reserves of fossil fuels in the southern hemisphere, so the rich get richer! And thanks to the Clinton and Bush administrations, who completely ignored Brazil and S. America, China will be the main beneficiary of Brazil's net importation of mineral and raw material wealth.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by clandestiny

Hello Clandestiny;
Thank you for sharing your information. I hope you continue because I'm sure there is a great deal more. I for one am very interested in hearing all that you have for us to know. I think it is important and regardless of what each of our biases are I believe we should allow you to have uncriticized freedom to do so.

Sometimes it's a very difficult thing trying to help people with information because they can make sharing difficult but there are many of us who think first and process everything after it is all said and done in order to reach our conclusions. I hope you are given that levity so that you don't become frustrated with some critical remarks.

I for one am glad you have come forward, as I feel it is very important and I thank you for that.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:24 PM
Sounds like it would make a great
"Dan Brown" novel

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:29 PM
Op I am curious as to know how you are typing such big posts out so quickly.

I am assuming that due to this and due to lack of interaction with those asking questions, plus the contradcitions in your own posts, that you are merely cutting and pasting.....

Had enough, time to hit the alert button

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by clandestiny

I'd like an explicit answer on this one: What is your position regarding the House of Rothschild and Zionism?

And this one to: What is your position regarding the Jesuits and the Pope?

How do they fit in? No offense, but history, the further back it is, the more noise it has been subjected to. People lie, it's a fact of life. Though most people don't like to think about this, but psychopaths actually lie in writing, heck they have whole lieing systems. So rather than focus back on pasts we have no real way to know how true they are painted, how about you focus on the here and now, on the recognisable timeline?

Who has the power now? What are they doing with it? Because from my corner of infinity it seems like the big candidates here for TPTB are the Rothschilds and other european aristocracy and that millenial parasite that is the Catholic Octopus. Sorry, Church. And what they are doing seems to be eugenics and/or sadism, both of which can be construed as symptoms of psychopathy.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:32 PM
Interesting post OP, it would seem the manipulation of the climate would be an excellent component towards the ultimate goal, but would they really do it with barbaric fossile fuels, to me that is just to low on the scale of human ingenuity.
I would think that HAARP and manipulation of the ionosphere could have greater impact and quite possibly direct control of weather conditions.
Tesla's technology was used not for mankind, rather against it. If one were to be able to manipulate mangetic fields or perhaps the all permeating light (aether, electromagnetic radiation, mangetism) it would be quite possible to change anything from it sub-atomic level, which could result in weather manipulation, manufacture of materials at nano-scale, subliminal mind suggestions, in otherwords anything.

It's a great conspiracy theory that the weather has been in control of a priviledged few, look at what happened with New Orleans. Is it purely coincidental that a strong hurricane like Katrina shifted perfectly enough to come through and devestate NO. Coincidently affecting oil prices and access to the oil reserves, coincidently killing off mostly impoverished people, coincidently with a lack of aid and response from the White House, coincidently setting up NO for a more upscale housing market after the clearing of premium land that had an eyesore of ghettos built upon it. Katrina never sat right with me due to the reason that a day before it reached our country it was projected for a straight path towards my home here on the panhandle of Florida.
That aside I'm not sure the OP's foundation is built on a truthful premise, but may contain some factual evidence nontheless

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