posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 06:59 AM
It is all well and good Scientists whooping with glee because they can reproduce something which has a huge significance to a lot of people.
However I have to say, with all the speculation over the years, is it a fake, is it real, has anyone ever asked and answered the question, why would
someone all those years ago, want to fake it?
I am far from allowing such an artefact become significant in my faith and belief, but it seems to me that forgery of this kind is a modern affair,
mostly for profit, because a clever Scientist can reproduce something very similar, does not in any way shape or form, tell us that the original was a
To be honest, you would expect top Scientists to be able to produce such copies, Many people can reproduce the Mona Lisa, that does not mean Leonardo
was just the average run of the mill Painter.
I have to say it again, just because it has been copied, with items and techniques available at the time, does not mean that was the way it was done,
or indeed happened, it simply shows us that it can be done.