posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 11:23 PM
In all honesty it was probably a dream.
I had one of those, fell asleep on the couch watching house.
And I went through at least 4-5 different real time dreams.
I woke up one time, and couldn't move my legs, and wondered if it was a dream, so I dragged myself into the next room and remembered the numbers on
the suitcase in that room then bam, I'm getting up off the couch again, and the tv is off. So i figured I may of turned it off before I took my
So I walk up, and some shady people break into my house saying its a gov't thing.
Then bam I get back up off the couch, and am entirely confused at this point.
look around and started watching the tv show house.
about ten minutes pass, and bam.
I wake up, truly, and the tv is still on, and I checked the room, no suitcase lol.
took me awhile to make sure I was awake.
Man, It was a trip I tell you!