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Swine Flu Vaccines at my school

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posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:29 PM
In home room, our teachers passed out a packet regarding the H1N1 vaccine.

It gave details about it.

We have our own choice of whether or not we wish to obtain the shot. They do request and require that even if we do not want the shot, that we fill in the packet and turn it in.

Now, I will leave the thinking to the rest of you all, but just thought I would toss this information out since it is such a heavy issue.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:49 PM
What state may i ask are you in? and when do they plan on doing the shots?

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Drkguardian

I would have to look at the packet...Ohio though.

Like I said. It is the parents choices (or depending on how good the kid can persuade their parents for either side).

What irks me is the fact that we still have to fill it out AND get the parent signature if we do not want to be administered. It isn't a problem for me in terms of getting the signature, but the idea that they will put it on file.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:15 PM
I wouldn't worry about returning it unless your teacher is really at you about it. I never return those pamphlets about flu vaccines and stuff, I just throw them out. I think it's just something that they would like to have on record, but not necessarily need.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:16 PM
I see your point.

Please don't pay any attention to my next sentence as you are a child and I do not want to influence you the wrong way.

If I were in your shoes I would not fill out the paper if I was not going to take the vaccine.

I would discuss this with my parents and obey them, of course.

But if they didn't make me get the vaccine and I didn't want it I would throw the paper away.

You students are our hope for the future. Think for yourself.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by dizziedame

Oh I thought about this.

I actually plan on holding on to the packet until the last possible minute when they tell me they are going to have to kick me out until it is signed

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:28 PM
I am curious as to what all is in the packet and what is written that they want you to sign. Ultimately this should have gone to the parents and not the students, as it is the parents responsiblity to either vacinate or not to vacinate a child not the governments.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by FritosBBQTwist
reply to post by dizziedame

Oh I thought about this.

I actually plan on holding on to the packet until the last possible minute when they tell me they are going to have to kick me out until it is signed

This is what I would do... and then, when they finally got around to telling me that, I would tell them that I lost it... and wait for another and so on and so on and so on... by that time, flu season will be over!


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