posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by reticledc
Not at all reticledc, that's not what my post was about.
The underlying thing about survival and your OP was and always will be society,environment and the nature of people. How we interact.
Step back for a moment and ponder what civilization and technology has done for us and to us as humans in general and our ability to communicate
effectively in A positive way with each other.
Reflect upon the reason you wanted create this thread in the first place.
Four magnets,Four coils,something moving and what do I get ?
If you and I or anybody else end up on the same acre of land at same time in a sitx or shtf situation what's going end result you think ?
This thread is about "absolute minimum", one of the words was "tactics".
I think we need these words: Trust,Honesty,Respect,Compassion, Altruism, all the positive aspects of humanity really.
Whats the difference between a survivalist and criminal ?
Who's fence is that ...and how you react to that fence.
Remember that saying... A stranger is A "FRIEND" you haven't met yet.
I wonder what the actual percentage of strangers that's valid for these days.
~breaks down the soapbox and makes a bio-gas generator out of it~