posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:01 PM
In 100 years nobody will be laughing, slaves won't be educated enough to study history, and the elite won't bother with anything like facts.
The NWO isn't coming, it's here, these are the first days, there is no opposition, there is no resistance, there, is no other side to come and free
us, this is all there is.
You don't have the right to be in the elite, the elite don't waste their time on here, at best all you can hope for is to be a minion, to be a
henchman. Would you rather be a camp guard than an inmate? Would you rather put the bodies in the ovens then be a body loaded into the oven?
How soon until we start ratting out our neighbours for various misdemeanours? How long until our children report our outbursts and frustrations? How
long until children start wearing BlairJugend Outfits or MandlesonJugend outfits?
Before the end comes all we can do is look for when this all started, record the true history somewhere and keep it alive by word of mouth, by
samizdat, and other means. The end is nigh, and there is nothing we can do about it.