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Need advice Now!!! I didn't want to sing but I had to!

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posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by chillpill

A journey eh? I hope I end up somewhere nice as compensation for all this sufference I've been put through by myself!
Or some other force...

I will keep updating if anything else happens to me or anyone else that I know. It would be nice if I did because I could share the worry- but then again that would be selfish of me

Thankyou ChillPill
good health to you

Ramadwarf on journey, self torture and selfishness

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by YouAreDreaming

Hmm, I sympathise with you about not being able to sing (normally I mean). And thanks for the God comment

Ramadwarf on sympathy, singing and god

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
Still, if I do have something psychologically wrong with me that's a worry, I mean it's always a shame to hear about the downfall of something brilliant issn't it?

If you find it worrying, then yes that would be a worry. I rather enjoy my own psychological 'wrong-ness', but it is best to get to grips with your powers if you want the brilliance to win out over the straight-jacket.

Why don't you enjoy these 'fits' of yours? Not saying that you should, but is there a specific reason why you don't enjoy them?

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by shamhat

Well, I enjoy them to an extent, if you get me. The singing, well, the first time wasn't enjoyable for the first five minutes or so, but then when I started with the electric guitar tuner and stuff it was quite thrilling; though I'm not saying I wasn't worried about it. The laughing was alright, but very painful. I don't think I'll end up in a straight jacket unless I have a fit in a public place or something (I've been close a couple of times though). If I'm honest they are quite fun, but only because of their weirdness. They still worry me though.
I mean, breaking down in tearful laughter in front of people you know who will worry about you can't be bad can it?
Although one of the people in the room took it quite seriously and told me that it was quite sad seeing me break down like that. Ah well, hehehe, they're 'fun' because of their scariness, like those dreams where you fall from a great height and stuff (although this is real, but ah well)

You seem quite psychologically sound though, still, I don't know you and you'd probably disagree with me

Ramadwarf on having fun with his mentality

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 04:31 AM
Howdy Ramadwarf,

I think that I know what happened to you and I don't think that you had a seizure. A bit of background first, I have had abduction experiences my whole life and on a few occasions the visitors have left me with random memories of my abductions. These memories are usually from occasions when they have been trying to impart some kind of information. If you want to know a bit more about my experiences, my website is here

Anyhoo, one of these memories concerned involuntary chanting, the visitors showed me images of myself in my local town center. They are able to place me in completely realistic scenarios. I don't know whether this is hypnotism, holographic, psychic manipulation or a mix of all three (I suspect the latter).
As I am walking along, amongst the busy shopping crowds I felt a deep vibration in my lower gut. As I am walking the vibration became more intense and rose up to my throat and head and also down through my legs and feet. Eventually the vibration became so intense that my mouth opens up and a deep Aaaah sound comes out. As the sound is released the people around me stop and look at me. At first they look either creeped out or amused, but then they begin to chant too. The sound then fills my body completely and seems to fill the world. My mind then expands with the sound as the chant expands around the world and all those that are chanting become one mind. The experience ends with a huge feeling of euphoria and joy.

I was then told that the unconscious mind of man exists as a kind of sea of thought. Our physical bodies divide this mind, but that we are all part of this huge sea of consciousness. It is in this sea of consciousness that all psychic phenomenon occur. The visitors have told me that as mankind is evolving, so is this mind and that it is beginning to develop a level of linear consciousness itself. Buddhists, Hindus, Krishnas and many other Eastern religions have learned to dip into this form of mass consciousness. Whenever a Buddhist meditates upon the image of an ancient god, they are dipping into the floating personalities that have formed in this sea of consciousness. This is the reality of the Hindu gods, they are real, but exist as huge non-corporal minds within the sea of living consciousness on Earth.

As the human population of Earth reaches critical mass, the mass unconscious mind of man is beginning to awaken. We can access this form of consciousness through meditative chanting. I am guessing that while you were hoovering, that you where in relaxed, almost meditative state as you set about your routine task. The deep hum of the hoover would could have built a resonance in your mind similar to a chant or Ohm. This may have given the mass unconscious mind of man a window, which allowed it to surface in a song that was embedded in your mind.

I believe that these events will increase over the next 10 years or so, but don't worry, they are not destructive. The Earth is about to give birth.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Martindoolittle

Hmm, interesting experiences you have had! I can only say that I am glad to have (hopefully) shared them with you.

That's a good website you have there, I like your art work an' all so I favourited it
I want to have a proper look later.
What you described is really weird but I can understand you- and I will keep an open mind about the possibility of Aliens. And, I'm sorry if I've missed it, but what is the Earth going to give birth to? The future race of humanity that will be far more developed neurologically in comparison with us? Thanks Mr. Doolittle

Ramadwarf on being initerested, intrigued and impresses

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Ramadwarf Philes

My dear Ramadwarf, I feel I have wronged you, my friend. I'm only now checking back on this thread to find that you are apparently serious. I'm so sorry. I thought this would go the way of the terroristic squirrels, but I see not.

first, I am happy to see you had a medical evaluation to rule out any organic/medical issues. Good deal.

Now, what can account for this singing? Tourettes Syndrome comes to mind, however this Dx would have to take your age into consideration, and I don't know your age. The onset for Tourettes is generally in childhood, before the age of 14.

After one is 21, the diagnosis of Tourettes Disorder may no longer be made, but rather Tic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) is made.

Tourettes is most often associated with ADHD, or Attention Deficit Disorder. Have you ever been diagnosed with this? It also occurs....the tic....when one wants most to be quiet. Tics include cursing, rhyming, clucking, ticking, and singing, eye blinking, coughing and barking. (Yes, barking! Singing doesn't sound so bad, now, huh?)

Typically one is irritable, and has a low frustation level, and at times symptoms of Obsessive/Compulsive behaviors may also be present.

Now, if anything here rings a bell, you may want to see someone (a psychologist) who can make a proper diagnosis, and prescribe treatment.

Do know that since this is a late onset, that it is very likely a "transient tic disorder", and generally this does not lead to a chronic condition.

Yay! It will likely disappear altogether, or reappear only during times of significant stress.

Just a thought: Carbon Monoxide poisoning and other inhalants can cause transient tic disorder. Make sure nothing like this is present in your environment. (inhaling gasoline can cause it too, as can some medications).

So. I hope you are better. Please talk to a physician, as there are other causal factors I have not discussed.

Keep your stress level as low as possible until you see what this is.

Sorry I was flippant in my first post. I've adjusted to your wonderful sense of humor, and I really thought you were kidding.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
Well, I enjoy them to an extent, if you get me. The singing, well, the first time wasn't enjoyable for the first five minutes or so, but then when I started with the electric guitar tuner and stuff it was quite thrilling; though I'm not saying I wasn't worried about it. The laughing was alright, but very painful. I don't think I'll end up in a straight jacket unless I have a fit in a public place or something (I've been close a couple of times though). If I'm honest they are quite fun, but only because of their weirdness. They still worry me though.

Are you happy in your life? Do you feel that you provide your brain with sufficient stimulus to prevent it from getting bored and acting of it's own accord? A bored brain, will, depending on it's capacity, misbehave if not properly fed by it's owner. It is worth assessing whether you are providing the proper intellectual nutrients.

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
I mean, breaking down in tearful laughter in front of people you know who will worry about you can't be bad can it?
Although one of the people in the room took it quite seriously and told me that it was quite sad seeing me break down like that.

You have also gained an understanding that people care about your well-being and seem willing to understand your suffering.

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
Ah well, hehehe, they're 'fun' because of their scariness, like those dreams where you fall from a great height and stuff (although this is real, but ah well)

If you are physically sound, had your brain checked out, then it is as likely that your 'fits' are as real as your dreams, or at least they originate in a similar source. It is up to you what you do about that or what you choose to do with it. Depends on whether you are worrying about being weird or whether people think you are weird. And many other things. If in doubt of course you should see a doctor in case there is a physical problem, but if not, don't waste your life trying to find one. Make the most of it. You might miss it when it's gone.

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
You seem quite psychologically sound though, still, I don't know you and you'd probably disagree with me

Years of practice.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Cheers Ramadwarf,

Although I am not suggesting that you have had an alien encounter, rather that you have connected to the mass psychic unconscious of the human race.

When I say that the Earth is about to give birth, I mean that all life on Earth is about to develop a new form of consciousness. The greys already operate with access to their full psychic potential and we are about to join them. The trouble is that it is really hard to describe what it means to exist like this. I have tasted the experience, but I've only dipped briefly into it. All living experience on Earth is stored in the mass unconscious mind of all life. We think of it as psychic energy, but I think that it is the Quantum imprint that our minds leave upon reality. Well to cut a long story short this sea of unconsciousness potential is becoming conscious. Pretty soon we are going to find ourselves standing between two different forms of existence, the macro-linear one that we are familiar with, but we will also be able to draw experience from the mass sea of dynamic quantum consciousness.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

No, no, no, you have done me no wrong; I expected a reception of laughter and humerous comments and that was what I recieved; but to no offense
I enjoyed what you said at any rate, and I know I generally don't seem very serious when I myself contribute largely to the comments of that nature
but rest assured I took no offense

As for your advice/diagnosis': I don't know about tourettes, I'm older than 14, by a few years, but I'm quite a bit younger than 21; so I doubt it will be that? I don't know, I still look on it as a potential cause though.
I'll have to look into this 'tic', I can't say I have any recollections of this and will definately be interested in checking on it.
I know that I don't have ADD (that is what you said I hope), in fact there is nothing wrong with my attention span. Although earlier I was meant to be reading a book, but I had ManHunter on and I dropped the book...
but we all do that.
hehehe Actually it was really good because I was reading aloud and a moth came along and sat on my hand for the four hours I was reading, so I was reading to it

And, in a way, this thread is the same (or similar) in tone as the ol' Squirrel thread, but this to me is far less terrifying than the threat of an army of sadistic, cold, calculating squirrels!

Thankyou for another impeccable post, and please: remember that your previous comments were taken with no more than gentle good humour

Ramadwarf on reading to a moth

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by shamhat

Well, thankyou for all the points ShamHat

I do feel that i provide my brain with a lot of wholesome activities, often not so wholesome but nevertheless it gets its fill alright. I wouldn't say that my brain is bored, but you never know. i hope that it isn't, otherwise I haven't been doing my job properly have I?
Yes, I was slightly warmed by my friends concern, although he did say that he felt a little ashamed and that I looked pathetic...

You know, I probably would miss them when they're gone. It's like most things that are seemingly irritable, then they''re gone and you realise how much you loved them. Still, I could do without the pain of them and the threat of my new found insanity being publicly revealed

Ramadwarf on having a happy brain that does so ardently swim in the outpourings of knowledge (however juvenile it may be

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
Yes, I was slightly warmed by my friends concern, although he did say that he felt a little ashamed and that I looked pathetic...

Hmm...I think your friend sounds like a complete knob. So he wasn't concerned about you, but how you made him look? Nice guy. However, again, don't take my advice, I have no friends.

Perhaps your fits are a subconscious means of weeding out vacuous people around you. Perhaps, you may want to be like them, but another aspect of yourself can't stand them or wishes to test their loyalty. All show and no substance makes for a highly dull existence. Your brain could be protesting.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by shamhat

I WILL listen to what you say about my friend because I thought the exact same thing
To be honest sometimes life'd be simpler without friends, well, friends that aren't that good. He's alright though, just gets a bit intimidated for some reason when I do something weird.

Back to the subject: So my brain might be rebelling? Do you mean rebelling against itself (me)? So even I don't love me... Hmm, I can't think of anyone that I know in a physical sense that I desire to be like; but you never know. I often find that I think things I don't know about until I talk to myself (internally of course, as in thinking). However I do like to test people's loyalty, because I'm a very loyal person really, but I've found most poeple don't return the favour. In fact the only person that wasn't embarassed was the teacher. He just laughed in pity... But yeah I agree with you

Ramadwarf on friends, self rejection and talking to his thoughts

[edit on 15-10-2009 by Ramadwarf Philes]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
I WILL listen to what you say about my friend because I thought the exact same thing
To be honest sometimes life'd be simpler without friends, well, friends that aren't that good. He's alright though, just gets a bit intimidated for some reason when I do something weird.

Friends are good, it simply pays to use a little discrimination. It could be that he doesn't understand, he may think you are doing it for attention, or for the laugh and doesn't really know how to respond. Do you not trust him enough to discuss this matter with him? He may be a knob (we all are from time to time), but that doesn't mean that he is beyond redemption. He could be as confused as you are and simply not know what is expected of him.

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
Back to the subject: So my brain might be rebelling? Do you mean rebelling against itself (me)? So even I don't love me... Hmm, I can't think of anyone that I know in a physical sense that I desire to be like; but you never know.

I don't think that your brain is rebelling against you, but it is capable of acting in ways that you are unable to measure consciously. It communicates with your body in a language that you can have no comprehension of, and can make you do all manner of things that you cannot consciously percieve. This does not necessarily mean you cannot over-ride it, with practice and more importantly self-examination. Just because a symptom is psychosomatic does not mean it is not 'real'.

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
I often find that I think things I don't know about until I talk to myself (internally of course, as in thinking).

We absorb an enormous amount of information on a subconscious level, it is not necessarily that you don't know it prior to it entering into your conscious self, it could be that you have 'forgotten' or that that particular item of information required another piece before it became a 'whole' concept. However, I do believe in the concept of genetic memory, but have found that there are great limitations in our ability to extract that information in a salient form.

Some of my best conversations take place inside my own head, between me, myself and I. I'd recommend it. But not too much, some things have to be said out loud to become fully formed ideas (not sure why)...if you spend too much time in your own head there is always the risk of spontaneous outbursts or as I find, replying to others in a confusing and irrelevent way. That'll get you some odd looks too!

Originally posted by Ramadwarf Philes
However I do like to test people's loyalty, because I'm a very loyal person really, but I've found most poeple don't return the favour. In fact the only person that wasn't embarassed was the teacher. He just laughed in pity...

I think the recruitment slogan would be much more appropriate if it was 'Those that can't, teach'. I have only ever had two teachers that I had respect for, the others were too bored to impart anything of value. Teaching is nolonger a vocation, it is a job, a very sad state of affairs.

Why do you feel the need to test people's loyalty? Do they test yours?

[edit on 16-10-2009 by shamhat]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by shamhat

I do trust him, but he's the sort of person that you talk to, quite pleasantly, but the moment you say or do something a little out of the ordinary you'll see him hanging around with other people and just generally trying to avoid you- even if it means ignoring e-mails and calls. Why do I keep saying 'you' when it's me? And when I say 'he hangs around with other people' it's not jealousy on my part, he really is blowing me out. I won't dwell on that though, and no he isn't beyond redemption; he's still half the amount of 'proper' friends that I have and I don't dislike him at all. Much. But I understand what you mean

Yes, I too talk to myself (not out loud) and often my conversations come out in essays and exams, which tickled one of my teachers so much he felt the need to read it to his family. hehehe
But yes I do spend a lot of time in my head, it can be a nice place to be (but not always).

Hmm, why do I feel the need to test peoples loyalty, well I'm not sure. i mean I don't do it all of the time and to everyone I meet; but sometimes, if someone does or says something that may have a malicious meaning attached to it in some way, like sarcasm, I might do something or say something to see how they react. I generally don't like it depending on who it is, but a lot of people that I've thought were close to me have just left me after something I've done, which I've done because I know they wouldn't. If that makes any sense at all

Thankyou for the information on the brain by the way; I agreed with interest
but I still reckon I've got a bad one in my head... Maybe it's one of the ones from that 'Fiend without a face' film
thanks for that ShamHat

Ramadwarf on friends, loyalty and a black and white prosthetic brain

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Not wanting to dig up something dead here- which to me it isn't- but, to conclude: I have been checked out both mentally and physically, but nothing has been found that might have caused the fit. I have not had one since the last one that I mentioned, and my laughing has eased off.

Therefore, throwing any ideas revolving around the sensational, I will (for now) put this down to stress.

Thankyou to all who has taken the time to read and contribute to the thread, and I apologise to those that never recieved a reply. Believe me, I read your posts and pondered over each one; none were either pointless or superfluous to me (unless they were specifically specified as such- You know who you are!!!
) so thankyou!

Ramadwarf on digging up the past and thanking the many concerned individuals, all of which deserve no more than good times and a merry Christmas (when it comes), who took an interest in his odd experience

[edit on 24-11-2009 by Ramadwarf Philes]

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