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How we feel about earthquakes

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posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 04:05 AM
This is how we feel about earthquakes.

Firstly, you don't care that people died.

Secondly, you are waiting for another one.

Thirdly, we are on earthquake watch, so we are obviously worried.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
This is how we feel about earthquakes.

In socialist Amerikka it's about how earthquakes feel about you.

Originally posted by spellbound
Firstly, you don't care that people died.

That's why God made brown people.

Originally posted by spellbound
Secondly, you are waiting for another one.

Another one is waiting for ME.

Originally posted by spellbound
Thirdly, we are on earthquake watch, so we are obviously worried.

Chuck Norris has been having insomnia, tossing and turning all night and waking up grouchy.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 06:03 AM
Firstly, you don't care that people died.
A bit presumptious as you dont know me or other people, I have friends across the world (who I keep in touch with regulary) who live in Earthquake/Volcanic prone areas and anytime anything happens I always think of the loss involved. I want to spend my career in Seismology/Volcanology and stop mass casualty events from happening.

Secondly, you are waiting for another one.
It'd be naieve to think those living in the Pacific Rim are standing-down right now, especially since the recent quakes. everyone is waiting for where the next quake will strike, its how they respond to it thats the issue.

Thirdly, we are on earthquake watch, so we are obviously worried.
Again living in a Earthquake-prone area you'd be worried 24/7, not necessarily to the point where it takes over your life, but it makes you more aware of what to do when one does hit. It makes you think of evacuation procedures, stocking up on supplies regulary and how to cope in the aftermath.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by ROBL240

Sorry, I was replying to someone else who did not care.

Got it wrong.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by ROBL240

Sorry, I was replying to someone else who did not care.

Got it wrong.

You started a thread when you meant to make a reply post?

Firstly, did you think about the repercussions?

Secondly, do you even care about my feelings or those of other posters?

Thirdly, why were you so careless?

Fourthly, we cannot let this fine distillation be wasted.

Fifthly, just like an earthquake it has already happened by the time you know about it.

Sixthly, do you normally add a title to a post? Something smells fishy.

[edit on 10/5/2009 by EnlightenUp]

[edit on 10/5/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by spellbound

Firstly, you don't care that people died.

Secondly, you are waiting for another one.

Thirdly, we are on earthquake watch, so we are obviously worried.

1st: Any loss of life should not be trivialized.
If one were to carefully consider the premise of "you don't care that people died", one may conclude that those who are striving to provide a standard of living for themselves and their loved ones are put in the position to be in harm's way. In a perfect world, the earthquake prone areas of the world would be devoid of people.
IMO, the uncaring ones are those profiting from the toils of the people who may lose their lives because of having to live in the areas prone to disruption.
(This applies not only to earthquakes, but to any natural disaster.)

2nd: I personally could care less when "another one" happens... I can not prevent it, only do my best to position myself to be out of harm's way when it comes. It will come, again I have no control over any aspect of the event.

3rd: I "worry" only about those things over which I have direct control.
I minimize that "worry" by being in a position that assures the safety of my life, which I consider more valuable than any possession I could ever have.

I all boils down to common sense...if there is a chance the ground is going to shake your house to the ground; the wind is going to blow your house away; the mountain is going to blow its top and cover your house with burning ash; or, the sea is going to inundate your house and wash it away...YOU ARE IN THE WRONG PLACE, and perhaps, should be elsewhere.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 08:58 AM
EARTHS way of saying treat me as if I am alive and I have help, before I go ballistic on YOU and ask for help form A STAR LOL.

[edit on 10/5/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

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