A Brief Recap of the Facts:
Prior to the start of World War II, the Western elite desperately needed two things:
* 1) They needed to destroy Russia's image and/or somehow hobble its growth and development to stem the alarming trend in 2nd and 3rd World
nations to view Russia (i.e., Communism) as a lucrative role model.
* 2) They needed a permanent military base strategically located in the Middle East to ensure permanent use of the Suez Canal, and to defend their
colonial interests not only in the Middle East but throughout Africa.
But quiz baby boomers about what threats existed to the Western elite prior to the war, and you may grow old, before the issue of Middle Eastern oil,
the Suez Canal, or even Russia ever emerges from their consciousness. Awareness of these issues appears now to have been purposely suppressed as an
integral part of Allied war strategy. The full reason why suppressing these facts was so important will soon become self-evident.
Ruthless Chess Moves in the Middle East
You are about to be presented with undeniable evidence to indicate that the Second World War was initiated by the Western elite to deal with these
increasingly urgent problems. The evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the invasion of Palestine was a premeditated plan by the Allies not just to
CREATE a much needed permanent ally in the Middle East, but more importantly to create a location to establish a permanent military base from which to
ensure the continued use of the Canal as well as protection for their colonial oil interests in other adjacent countries like Iran, and Saudi
I would ask those readers who are tempted to label this view as anti-Semitic, to withhold any such pre-judgment at this point. Not only will the facts
speak for themselves, the anti-Semitic issue will be dealt with very shortly.
The Invasion of Palestine
The first outward manifestation of a play for Palestine formally surfaced on August 13 1945, when the World Zionist Congress demanded admission of 1
million Jews to Palestine. It should be remembered that at this point, the war had ended, the Germans had surrendered, and concentration camps of all
descriptions had been emptied. Europe was filled with people whose possessions had been completely destroyed and who were forced to start all over
again from nothing. Many even had to clear away the rubble to get to that state. However, the Jews who later emigrated from all over the globe to
settle in Palestine had not been born in Palestine, nor had their fathers or their fathers' fathers. In fact, Jews have as much claim to Palestinian
property as the American Indians will have to reclaim America two thousand years from now!!
Meanwhile, the Arab World immediately recognized that the West was trying to install a puppet government in their midst. They were enraged.
* On September 13 1945, Iran requested the withdrawal of U.S. and British forces.
* On September 25 1945, Egypt demanded an end to British military occupation.
* On October 20 1945, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon joined together to establish the Arab League. One of their first acts was to warn the U.S.
that the creation of a Jewish state would lead to war.
When the impending confrontation started to make newspaper headlines around the world, both the U.S. and Britain attempted to diffuse the issue by
announcing on April 29 1946 that a joint U.S. British Committee studying the matter, had advised against the partition of Palestine. The Arabs were
not about to be fooled by this superficial ploy because on January 26 1947, Egypt actually broke off diplomatic relations with Britain.
On May 14 1948, the British mandate over Palestine ended, and the Allies proceeded to support the creation of Israel by giving David Ben-Gurion and
his chosen associates full military assistance to begin a covert imperialistic invasion of Palestine. The well understood advantage of supporting and
installing puppet governments, is that the elite can implement their strategies without having to assume either direct responsibility or
In reality, the initial invaders were nothing more than a commando force similar to the CIA financed Contras!!
In the wake of the Jewish Holocaust, the Western media was used extensively to justify almost unlimited financial and military support for the
creation of Israel, which served as a perfect smoke screen behind which the Allies could install a puppet government in Palestine posing as refuge
The Western media spared no effort in depicting the Allied invasion forces as refuge seekers, and so were able to successfully transfer the sympathy,
which had been generated for the Holocaust victims, directly to the invasion forces. If they had not done this, the citizens of the West, and indeed
the world community in general, would have been more critical of the invasion, and would most certainly have sympathized with the innocent
Palestinians who were literally being thrown out of their homeland to make way for a collection of people who already had countries to live in. Jews
who came from places like America were not refuge seekers, they were encouraged to go to Palestine to help occupy territory forcefully taken from
innocent Palestinians by the right-wing militant faction of the puppet government's invasion forces.
Mind you, most Europeans were busy picking up the pieces of their lives after nearly six years of war, and could be forgiven for being a bit numbed at
this stage to the invasion of Palestine. Quite conceivably, this too figured into the timing of the invasion.
Israel - Middle East Warlord ...Overnight!
With American military hardware and advisors, Israel almost instantly emerged as the strongest military might in the Middle East. Within 8 years, this
artificially created nation, which theoretically should have been a collection of the most grateful people on earth, had already gone to war against
each of its neighbors Jordan, Lebanon, Syria.
And within 5 months of Egypt declaring that she would not extend the Suez Canal's Concession, Israel invaded Egyptian territory and advanced to
within 10 miles of the Suez Canal.[B175]