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In a matter of years, Islam will be the dominate religion

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posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:51 AM
Im noticing a lot of Negativity towards this issue. I wonder if people realize they are being brain washed. Obviously 1 guy doesnt even know what his views are on the subject, he trips over his own statement and contradicts himself in the same sentence.

So much fear in you people. OOOHHH!!! watch out for the Islamic bogyman. I bet 50% of you dont even know anything about Islam but what you have seen on tv or the radio. Just for the record im Roman Catholic by baptism not a practicing one. Regardless i understand that all faiths have some good to add. The problem isnt religion its man and his twisting of it to suit his or her desires. So run for the hills all the chicken little's, the Muslims are coming RUUUUN FORREST RUUUN.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

It's quite simple, really. Believe what you want, but stay out of my laws. no contradiction there. Unless you want sharia law?

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by dooper

I live in America.

So I don't know what you are talking about.

It's funny how much B.S people are willing to believe.

Stop feeding the Ego, and think for yourself.

See the bigger picture.

There's no such thing as terrorists.

One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

It's a made up word.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:59 AM
In a matter of years there will be no dominant religion....

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by tmayhew01

what makes you think that? religions are still in the rise. Islam is spreading over Europe and the Americas are still hugely influenced by Christianity and Catholicism. I would say religion is spreading more than before.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:41 AM
well the scary thing is i see it with my own eyes,muslims just want to spread marry our women,convert them,convert our kids,they thinkg were infidels.
theyr blinded by theyr stone age religion,atleast we christians are smart enough to start doubting our religion and look at the truth,theyr just like sheep,who HATE us and want to kill and convert and spread. not all of them...
but i guess the old ones are the stupid fanatics...
well i got news for them,and for anyone who is afraid to say anythng against them couse they will call him a racist.
"allah? more like fallafel, praise jesus u infidel!"

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:13 AM
actually when it comes to fastest growing religion, I do believe that it is no religion at all, is the fastest growing. When it comes to fastest growing religion that actually is a religion yes, Islam may take that battle. this does not necessarily mean it will be dominate however

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm
Yes there are terrorists(evil men who carry out attrocious acts to cause terror), not only jihadists are terrorists though.

One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist that is a wartime situation and is a given "IN WARTIME". Guess what , we're at war with Jihadist Muslims , Illuminati , NWO , Zionists , Reptilians etc they are already fighting , we are not. Will you fight and resist or will you wimp out and bury your head in the sand believing all humans are deep down inside good beings , even the ones who want you dead and wish for your death behind your back. Vigilance is the cost of freedom.

And all words are made up.

How many people here know about the East/West Feud. It's been going on since Ancient greek and Persian days. The Roman/Sassanid WARS that left both sides so drained that when Islam burst onto the scene they were too exhausted to resist , so Sassanid Persia was conquered by the Arabs in the name of Allah and the Byzantine Levant and North Africa also. Who remembers ABU AFAK an elderly poet and ASMA BINT MARWAN a mother and female poet , both gruesomely assassinated on Mohammed's requests for speaking out against his tyranny.who knows of Charles Martell , Charlemagne;Holy roman Emperor's struggles to keep islam out of Europe , of the Spanish Reconquista. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was destroyed in 1009 by the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah(so much for islam is a religion of tolerance and peace) , which broke the camels back for the christian west of Europe and gave the Pope , Sergius IV , reason to call up The Crusades.How many know the name of Richard the Lionheart and of the battles he fought against Saladin in the crusades.

From the very day islam was born through the middle ages muslims were vigorous in their attempts to conquer the world especially Europe. They succeeded in conquering Eastern Europe
implanting islam there but this caused the Balkans to lag behind western Europe and Russia.Around the Renaissance Europe began to outpace the Muslim world because she separated church from state. Europeans were still godly and moral but more open to reason which allowed an atmosphere of almost limitless possibility for Europe's brightest minds unfettered by theocracy.Europeans decided they didn't want to travel the long treacherous Silk Road where they would pass through muslim lands and be attacked so they decided to sail around the problem and reach the east to India and China themselves.This cut the middle man ,the muslims, out of the picture and Europe quickly replaced the middle east as a trading partner to the far east and the middle east was stagnated in medieval times.The rest is colonialism.

Things would have remained as it was and islam might have eaten itself into oblivion with it's violent , backward theocracy and constant warfare but we had to go and discover petroleum in their backyard , instead of using Nikola Tesla's free energy devices to power the car , Ford decided to go with oil. Then America signs a deal with the Saudis offering them protectorate status in exchange for free oil. couple decades later and they wise up and nationalize the oil and form OPEC and reap much money to buy toilet bowls of solid gold and harems of kidnapped christian girls. They along with other muslim leaders realized that the west is an oil junkey , so like any other pimp they begin to exploit the junkey. In the 1970's oil crisis they withheld our oil fix and made the weak Western leaders of Europe agree to a diabolical contract , unrestrained muslim immigration in exchange for the oil.We the people are now reaping the benefits of this forced , one way multiculturalism. Islam is now reinvigorated with oil money and set to continue where they left off and instead of fighting fanatic Catholics that whooped them upside the head , they get to fight...........!

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by dooper

USA will cease to exist sooner or later ,lol

US economic collapse and USSR like collapse is near

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Doc Tesla

It's the hindi that wear turbins, not muslims. I really hate when people call muslims towelheads although the arabs wear picnic tablecloths on their head.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 07:36 AM
strange thing about U.S. warring with countries (Iraq, AfGhanistan, Japan,...)

killed tons of japanese and now the #1 and #2 cars purchased in US are Japanese, all electronics, Japanese food, vietnamese food, Tai-Chi, Yoga, Fung Shui,...

The Japanese culture has somewhat fused into the american culture.

Wait a while, Shish Kabob will become very popular, Persian carpets will be sold in walmart, Muslim would be taught in schools here more openly.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by dooper

Since you are accusing people of being ignorant I might point out that in Saudi Arabia Christianity is the second largest religion and that the King's highest advisor is himself a christian. So who are you calling ignorant.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by dooper

If any of you are ignorant as to think Islam is tolerant, just take your ass to Saudi Arabia, and tell them you want to build a church in the country.

Heck if you want an object lesson just let you wife walk out side the compound in shorts without a male escort. A coworker had to have her ten year old son go with her if she left the US compound. HE had the freedom to walk around SHE did not!

.....the Mutawwi'in, religious authorities who patrol the streets carrying sticks with which they beat women who are not sufficiently modest in dress or manner. These authorities are responsible for enforcing the social restrictions on women in the fundamentalist Islamic moral code, and they are legally empowered to detain suspects. On one occasion, Nada was surrounded by Mutawwi'in and narrowly escaped arrest by covering herself with a veil and running away. The Mutawwi'in have been known to threaten women with an "inspection of virginity" for violating the dress code or for being seen in public with men who are not their fathers, brothers or husbands.

Here is the reason we see the spread of Islam and a hands off attitude (see Muslim recruitment and paramilitary training camps in the USA

The Bush family,... the Saudi royals....—and other rich and influential Saudi families [Khashoggi ] were naturally drawn to one another as they share similar ideologies and goals: the “new world order” which is to be governed and controlled by a small ruling class elite, That is, the “Brotherhood”. In the 1960s, and certainly by the 1970s, they were all doing business together.

However, in the case of the Saudis, that new world order will be a world-wide Islamic state, governed according to Sunni Wahhabi interpretations of Islam (15). Although that goal is not shared by the Bush-Wall Street-corporate elite, the Bush team and the Saudis are nevertheless willing to work closely together, to increase their wealth and their power, and to combat and eliminate common enemies and competitors for world domination .

Indeed, due in part to Saudi efforts, since the 1980s, Islam has become the fastest growing religion among Latinos in the Americas ....

Bush business partner and friend, Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi billionaire oil and arms trader, admitted in a television-interview, that he funneled $5 million dollars to help finance arms shipments to the Contras who were terrorizing Nicaragua. In addition, the Sultan of Brunei — the richest man in the world — pitched in another $10 million. Let us recall that Saudi billionaire, Adnan Khashoggi, was providing millions of dollars to support the Contras, as was the Sultan of Brunei, and the royal family of Saudi King Fahd .

In other words our glorious leaders here in the US and the EU sold us out on purpose. That is why Anti - Muslim feelings are punished by TPTB.

Search Results 1. Dutch Lawmaker, Charged With Insulting Islam, Fears Prison ....

Defend Ur Faith to a Muslim in U.K. and Face Jail Time

Susanne Winter, an Austrian Politician, Convicted of Anti-Muslim Incitement

Woman judge allows beating in marriage... and invokes the Koran,” said a front-page headline in Germany’s top-selling Bild newspaper

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by mnmcandiez

The point of the video wasn't about conversion, it was about population growth. According to the video, middle-eastern muslims living in Europe and North America are reproducing at a much faster clip than the non-muslim population.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by finemanm

The point of the video wasn't about conversion, it was about population growth.

Yes and in the USA they convert black convicts and in South America Latinos. Once they are in the majority the conversion will not be by done "nicely"

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:53 PM
china, india, russia, and the us might have something to say about islam gaining that much territory. they tried this about 4 other times in the history of the world and were badly beaten. too many free-thinkers, i would say

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:57 PM
I'll ignore Islam like i ignore christianity.

Quelle probleme?

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm

No, my friend, it is your ignorance of the religion of topic that is sorely lacking.

Many are converted, using just the Qur'an. Now once you are in, then they break out elements of the really good books. Bukhari, Tabari, Muslim, and Ishaq.

They in turn take these words and teachings which are of Muhammed (whom they are to emulate and in whom Muslims have a good example) and start extrapolating additional meanings to the verses in the Qur'an.

Now unless you are familiar with these teachings, and you clearly aren't, or you would never have made such mistaken statements, then your opinion is based on erroreous preconceptions.

Study up. And then come back with knowledge.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
Im noticing a lot of Negativity towards this issue. I wonder if people realize they are being brain washed. Obviously 1 guy doesnt even know what his views are on the subject, he trips over his own statement and contradicts himself in the same sentence.

So much fear in you people. OOOHHH!!! watch out for the Islamic bogyman. I bet 50% of you dont even know anything about Islam but what you have seen on tv or the radio. Just for the record im Roman Catholic by baptism not a practicing one. Regardless i understand that all faiths have some good to add. The problem isnt religion its man and his twisting of it to suit his or her desires. So run for the hills all the chicken little's, the Muslims are coming RUUUUN FORREST RUUUN.

maybe you can explain to me why women do not have the same rights and powers as men in islamic law? don't they make up 1/2 of all muslims?

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 04:51 PM
Religions rise and fall like empires does.

Islam may proliferate but as long as countries stick to their guns aka, respect our laws for you are in a host country and do not demand any special compensation or foreign laws because of your religion, then all shall be fine and dandy. Some people or countries just go overboard to accommodate something that is different than their own set of values in fear to be called intolerant. And it is human nature when given a foot, the human tend to want to take a yard, especially in politics and religions.

I have seen some horror stories about some countries who really bent backward to accommodate and now they truly regret their decisions. It is all about living and learning and not to be afraid of offending, yes, offending!

It is not because one just immigrated or was born in a certain religion that this individual or group are entitled to special compensations or being given a very different set of laws that circumvent the laws that those country already have in place.

Islam can spread for all I care and as long as I am not imposed anything on the behalf of Islam ie prayers blaring on speakerphones 5 times a day and the likes, freedom of religions should prevail, just not on the account nor to the detriment of others who believes differently.

And for those who keep saying... see if you can build a church in a Muslim country... Just know that you are better off knowing that you do have a choice and because you do have a choice does not mean that others should not be extended the same courtesy or privileges. Just as long as it complies with your country original laws, then it is just a matter of live and let live. Freedom of choice and freedom of religions are allowed in several countries around the world. Being a woman, there are several Muslim countries that I will never go visit because it would offend them that I do not wear the hidjab or the full burka but in all fairness, it is their values and most of all, it is their countries and they live there. Either I comply or I do not go.

This is what I am referring to, Muslims want to immigrate to countries where their religion is in minority, the host country have to learn to curb anything that has to do with a religion wanting to impose their religious rights which has nothing to do with civil rights... unfortunately, this is where the line tend to thin and blur in between the two.

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