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Honor those that lost lives over the years.

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posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:00 PM
I mean this as a post to
"Honor" those that have lost there lives over the years
over the UFO/Alien cover up.

Please include in your post -

Their Name and a short description of the individual as a person.
List what they did to deserve your respect.
Please include a link to any material that you know of supporting your post.

I realize that you may have people that are not in the spotlight.
I mean to honor them also.

I have lost 3 friends over the subject.

I will post the first in my next reply..........

1 101010

Respectfully --- Watcher

[edit on 10/4/2009 by n120by60w]

[edit on 10/4/2009 by n120by60w]

[edit on 10/4/2009 by n120by60w]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by n120by60w

I have lost 3 friends over the subject.

Figuratively, or they actually are no longer with us..?

Please include in your post -

Their Name and a short description of the individual as a person.
List what they did to deserve your respect.
Please include a link to any material that you know of supporting your post.

Still waiting for you to lead the way...

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:52 PM
My humble Hero's

This might be the only chance to Honor a dear friend that committed suicide.
She was named Betty L.

She & her husband provided my family & I support.
They comforted me.
They took time & money to feed me & my daughters.

All at a time in which my life & well being was being threatened
I had sold all that we could & was driving over a hundred miles every day to keep my kids in school until the end of the year after relocating.

Betty & Keith were there for me durring the most herendious abduction series that our family was to endure in the early 1990's.

We were all devout Christians & the UFO abduction's that had haunted me over the years became a reality for Betty and Keith also.

I have came to grips with the UFO situation by accepting the premus.

"God can make the world any way he see's fit."
"That he can deligate tasks to actual beings."
"We my not have knowledge of these beings."
"We many not understand there purpose."
"Who am I too question God's creation?"
For right now we can not see the whole picture.
But I understand God Can.

Back to Betty.

I talked to her & Keith about what was going on.
They were close enough to me to understand that I was not Lie'ing.
My wife had spoke to them also.
My family was falling apart over the pressure.

Well Betty & Keith
invited us into their home to eat dinner over period of a few months.
This gift allowed my daughters to finish school.
I thank her & Keith for it.

My family & I are now back on our feet.
But in our absence.
Betty fell apart.

I know it maybe unrelated but I blame myself for being weak.
I don't think that she had the what for all to keep it together with this tear able truth.

I owe my family.
All my possessions.
My life to you...

With all my heart.
Thank you....

Keith is left alone.
Please pray for him......

With all my love....

[edit on 10/4/2009 by n120by60w]

[edit on 10/4/2009 by n120by60w]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by happygolucky

Still waiting for you to lead the way...

Sorry for being unclear.
I still consider myself a newbe at this site.

So all of you that have knowledge of past or present people
that have lost their lives over this topic.
Please feel free to post.

There are a lot of us
that are not up too speed on the past or current goings on.
This might provide a place for us to attain prospective.

There are people that have paid the price with their health & lives over this subject.

There are people at this site that
know much, much more than my puny contribution.

There are great hero's that deserve our voice added to theirs.

Some contributed directly
Some contributed indirectly as in Betty's example.

Could someone chronical Phil Schneider's loss?
Someone that has good knolege of his work & of his loss.
To me.
He seems to me that he would be a very good example.


[edit on 10/4/2009 by n120by60w]

[edit on 10/4/2009 by n120by60w]

[edit on 10/4/2009 by n120by60w]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:02 PM


posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Could someone chronical Phil Schneider's loss?
Someone that has good knowlege of his work & of his loss.

Some that could take the time to post good qulity Links & photos

I understand that his wife has made public her view that his death was not sucuide.

I will post in the next few days if no one picks up the ball here.
I don't feel that I am the right person to document Phil's story & loss.
I would be hunting & pecking.
He deserves a better tribute.

1 101010


posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:24 PM
When people go public about the cover-up, they seem to suddenly commit suicide a little later in the most unusual ways. Phil Schneider is not the only one at all.

Of course Phil Schneider was proved to be a hoax, because he never earned the degrees he said he did, and never worked for the government.'

These people could be committing suicide because they're lives have been reduced to lying to earn a living.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by Zsaqulz78th

Bill Steel
Stan Meyer
George Bean
George Coin
& I believe Phil Schneider.

They all had a small piece of the truth.

They all paid the price for their part.
I hope they get satisfaction when the maker sorts out all this hooie..

What has been debunked on Phil's metals?

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