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What is going on with me

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posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:25 PM
I reply to Alethea I am taking advanced courses. AP and College Dual Enrollment. Problem is any idiot that studies can get into Harvard nowadays. It's about how much crap you can memorize. These "gifted and advanced" kids are a bunch of idiots who just happen to be good in school. They are in NO WAY intellectuals.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by UmbraSumus

Thank you. Very understanding of you.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by dudeitseddy

I really respect that viewpoint. I agree. University is now over rated unfortunetly, but still a necessity.

I would go for MIT lol.


posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:31 PM

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:36 PM

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:45 PM
I bet you are thirsty for knowlege of the real world and not only what is taught through the pages of school books. You are deeply insightful. What may be profound to you, means nothing to those around you, so they laugh and call names. They simply don't get it and that frustrates you. Am I correct? That is how I grew up, realizing that I could only relate to people on a surface level.

I didn't grow up with computers, so it took many years before I could find people that I could completely relate to, that were not sheeple so to speak. Even in the adult world you may find that people like us at ATS that think beyond the box, are few and far between in our social circles where we live.

From all of the open minded people, you will hear that in their younger days they often thought there was something wrong them because they were different. They could not understand why they thought and felt differently than their peers. You will find one day that you will be grateful that you are who you are. Trust me.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by dudeitseddy

Hey, Dude,

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time.

I was like you....completely miserable....tried psychology and psych meds, and nothing worked.

Two things DID work for me, so you can try them, if you want:

Self hypnosis and hypnotherapy

You can buy books and tapes on self hypnosis and self treatment with homeopathy, if you don't have the money to see a hypnotherapist or a homeopath.

A good Homeopathy book for emotional problems that I would recommend is called: Emotional Healing with Homeopathy by Peter Chappell.

Good luck!

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Night Star

Thank you for the encouragement. I often beat myself up wondering if I am the problem. But deep inside I know I am not a problem. Good thing we have the internet. I've made some great friends that keep me going (even before ATS, I made a friend on Deviantart).

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:49 PM
I am glad that you recognize that you are not the problem. That makes me smile.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by onequestion

All good cept for the [snip] part. There is no place here for that kind of thing, and neither is there in this kid's life. I don't have the right to tell him what not to do, but I know that is a path which is destructive to young minds.


[edit on 10/4/2009 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:11 PM
I wouldnt worry too much about trying to please others with information they'd *like* to know, but are too socially ignorant about actually hearing. School for me was a pain, but in the fields of Astrophysics/Geology/Theology I excelled. The reason was the fact I didnt spend all day trying to win girls or become the "big man" in the yard, I got my head down and researched the world around me. Always laughing whenever I came across reasons why everyone else in my school was how they were.

Now im 25 and older I can look back and see the same fools wasting their lives away, always giving their details onto databanks and filling out forms without ever questioning why, anytime they need help they ALWAYS come to me and im ALWAYS showing them the door, quoting that they could have learned 9 years ago but instead chose to ridicule me.

I only help those who truly want to see what the world around them is all about, people who question weather patterns, chemtrails, UFO sightings etc. If I was you i'd fcusing on bettering myself rather than bettering other people, because at the end of the day the ones who truly seek guidance you can spot a mile away.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:13 PM
You have received some good advice. Balance and moderation in all things...very important. Watch out for too much screen time. Get outside and try and have some fun ...there is loads to learn and enjoy. Someday you'll happen on something that clicks for you and your passion. But that will never happen if you do not get up from the desk an out of the room.

Try giving instead of consuming. Giving of yourself freely has all kinds of wonderful consequences.

And above all Take it easy...right...and if you cant take it easy, take it as easy as you can.

Best wishes mate.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by dudeitseddy
I am 16. In high school. I have always for as long as I can remember being extremely sensitive and empathetic. I went through a lot of emotional and behavioral problems as a child. Now I am more "stabilized", however in my mind it is quiet the contrary. I have every material thing someone my age could want... Even a good family and money. For some reason though all my days are these psychological prisons for me. I constantly have problems. I feel like I am going insane everyday. Every solution I look into I fail. Psychologists, psychiatrists, exercise, medication. I never feel fulfilled. And for you Christians.. YES I tried Jesus.. Went to Christian school my early years.. It just made things worse. Now I have a hate for religion. I just feel like theres no solution. I won't try suicide since I feel bad about my parents since they have given so much to me..Even though sometimes thats all I could think about. I am in constant distress. I don't know why I am this way. If it were a psychological cause I think it would have been pinpointed a long time ago. Lately I've been thinking since I got into the whole alternative ATS type of stuff since last year that I might actually have nothing wrong with me and maybe I see more of the wrong things in society. All the war, environmental problems, hatred, consumerism really affects me to a personal level. I get really riled up. I tried to explain that to some people and they just think I'm crazy. Lately I have just tried to do Astral Projection to see if I could meet my "spirit guide" to see if I could get some insight... Hasn't worked. I try meditation. And sometimes I feel things. But I still haven't reached some form of realization. What should I do? Please no rude comments. I'm not doing this to be a whiny teenager. I truly am writing this out despair and desperation... Trust me. A conspiracy forum wouldn't be my first choice for help... But who knows.

I think you need to remember that you are not your thoughts. They are a byproduct called the ego. If you stop worrying about the past, or the future all you have left is the present which is where concentrating on your breath comes in. In the present you are fine, nothing is wrong. You are alive and well. No go from there, it the first step into a new future, a new day, a new life. it can be anything you want it to.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by dudeitseddy

Lately I've been thinking since I got into the whole alternative ATS type of stuff since last year that I might actually have nothing wrong with me and maybe I see more of the wrong things in society. All the war, environmental problems, hatred, consumerism really affects me to a personal level. I get really riled up. I tried to explain that to some people and they just think I'm crazy.

in addition to all the other good advice you might get - I'd like to say something

you're young

it's incredibly condescending - I know it's not what you want to hear, but condescension is not what I intend

you're bright, perceptive - and you're beginning to see the world as it really is - and at the same time beginning to realize you can't affect it the way you would like

you're sensitive - and it hurts

when I tell you you're young - I would like to point out - I was also young - and felt much of what you're feeling now

I still feel it - the only real difference is - I've learned how to pace myself

sort of - I can't pull it off all of the time

it still runs me over - a lot

you are not crazy

you just need to get your sea legs

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:58 PM
you might have a slight superiority complex. throughout your posts I notice that you refer to your classmates as "mindless drones", "stupid", and what not. Maybe it's because you see yourself superior to them that you have a hard time relating to other people. Step back for a moment and think about this, you know you have more knowledge than your classmates, you know you can learn better than them, and that your mind is stronger than theirs. But don't view them as "lower" or "idiots" just because you are more intelligent than them. Try to learn from them. try to relate to them. Try to understand why they believe what they believe.

You need some humility and not view yourself as better than them simply because you have a higher understanding of the world around you or a capability to learn better than them. change your viewpoint. you probably have a best friend waiting within one of those "idiot" classmates waiting for you.

I used to be like you at your age. I stepped back and thought that my view of the world is not the only one, and every person has something important to teach me. Many of my closest friends are not the brightest of the bunch, but they can also teach you a thing or two.

Open yourself to others and understand their point of view. you will be much happier and things around you will change once you do that.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 11:33 PM
Felt the same way, but had guides all throughout my life, the thing is you have to keep an open mind towards them as they'll appear in ways unexpected. Really the mind is key here. Because you create these guides in your own mind and these creations can lead you to understand the self in a much more profound way ultimately allowing you to do as you will. Meditation will help a little, visualization and sleeping will help more. So read up on it, and I'll send you a great pdf file on it that has no new-age or religious jumbo associated with a method of meditation that has helped me more than that chakra stuff. But hey everyone's different in their mentality so maybe it will help you more than it did for me.

The one thing I haven't cured yet my friend is the loneliness. The only way to cure this is deluding yourself by confusing the self.

As long as there is a will to live, you'll grow stronger. And eventually you'll find what you're looking for as I did. You know it as I do, it's always there, driving you madder each day, and it will find you if you let it.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 11:34 PM
link sound so much like me that's its eerie. We are the same age too. I can agree with the majority of what you say except for the suicide portion. I have thought about what it would be like to die though. I'm so interested in everything...I often wish that I could live forever so I can explore the whole universe and learn about other beings, other worlds, everything.

I can agree with you about being able to be top of your class but you get bored and slack off. I'm barely skating by with a B+ in most of my classes for that very reason. I used to be in a T.A.G. class in 4th grade. I wasn't a T.A.G. student, just a filler for the class. Let me be the first to tell you there is nothing Talented and Gifted most of those kids. Most of the kids were just kids of teachers who thought that their kid could do no wrong. Most of them were spoiled beyond belief and very haughty towards anyone they deemed to be less than them. Dumber that a sack of nickels though.

There are some days when I'm on top of the world, impervious to any trouble that may come my way, and days when I'm feeling sad and the void within me rivals that of a black hole. I'm very empathetic and can read people so well that I scare myself sometimes. I'm very cocky at times and I hate that about myself, but whenever I feel that happening I try to correct myself. Things have always come easy to me and I sometimes get a "fathead" and have to check myself before I end up making an *ss of myself.

I went through the equivalent of a mid-life crisis when I was in 5th grade. They were some hard times.

There are a lot of times when I scare myself, times when I think I have gone insane. Mostly when I'm thinking about stuff that others don't; nothing crazy like murdering someone, just offbeat things.

I talk to myself a lot. I consult myself on all matters before I talk to anyone else.

I'm not religious. I exceeded the crazy limit obviously.

Those are just a few things about myself.

My advice would be to just be Eddy, craziness included. You aren't alone by a long shot. From what I can tell nothing is wrong with you, you just don't fit the mold of a typical person. I can't tell you what to do to fulfill yourself, because I still haven't found out how to do that for myself yet, but you can't give up looking.

Since I'm a fan of video games and since we are so similar, I'll infer that you are. You know that feeling of completing the game after all the hours questing, killing monsters, and saving people? Climbing mountings, sailing across oceans, and traversing deserts? Defeating the final boss and saving the Princess? Well that's the kind of feeling I'm hoping to get when I find that thing that will fulfill me...that will make me whole and I'm not willing to give up until I find it. I hope you can do the same, because the hero's journey is never easy and many sacrifices have to be made before the journey is over. But the feeling that you get once you finish that journey can't be bought with all the money in the world.

Ok, I'm rambling now and my thoughts are everywhere but that's how I operate. Feel free to U2U me eddy. I'm interested talking to you.

[edit on 4-10-2009 by serenesupreme]

[edit on 4-10-2009 by serenesupreme]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 11:44 PM
Wow am i gonna have to be the bad guy here? happy to do it...

Your not special. nothing is wrong with you. Your a teenager, you got so many hormones bouncing around you right now that occasionally you just wanna punch somebody other times you wanna lie down and die.

been there. it sucks. but once again your not special. Your not gifted. Your not talented. You call all your classmates stupid and ignorant. Talk to them you will be surprised that they feel the same about everything like you.

i went through this stage just like everyone else. I didn't meditate. I didn't watch my intake. i lived. i went and had fun. i socialized.

Internet friends are not real friends. I am not saying that the posts above me are wrong. If they help you excellent problem solved. But don't forget that there is a world out there. Go kiss a girl and i promise you all your problems will go away.

in a hectic world we live in the simple things bring us the most pleasure. you only get to be 16 once. don't waste it with this meditation bull crap.(my opinion).

Everyone had these feelings at some point or another. Don't block yourself from the world by thinking your different. Embrace everyday and party like crazy.

[edit on 4-10-2009 by Doc Tesla]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Doc Tesla
Wow am i gonna have to be the bad guy here? happy to do it...

Your not special. nothing is wrong with you. Your a teenager, you got so many hormones bouncing around you right now that occasionally you just wanna punch somebody other times you wanna lie down and die.

been there. it sucks. but once again your not special. Your not gifted. Your not talented. You call all your classmates stupid and ignorant. Talk to them you will be surprised that they feel the same about everything like you.

i went through this stage just like everyone else. I didn't meditate. I didn't watch my intake. i lived. i went and had fun. i socialized.

Internet friends are not real friends. I am not saying that the posts above me are wrong. If they help you excellent problem solved. But don't forget that there is a world out there. Go kiss a girl and i promise you all your problems will go away.

in a hectic world we live in the simple things bring us the most pleasure. you only get to be 16 once. don't waste it with this meditation bull crap.(my opinion).

Everyone had these feelings at some point or another. Don't block yourself from the world by thinking your different. Embrace everyday and party like crazy.

[edit on 4-10-2009 by Doc Tesla]

A lot of people seem to take pleasure in being the bad guy these days. Maybe that's the problem?

That said, I agree about not being special. I hate those types of labels. I hate when people refer to others as "asleep", or "sheep" on this site for not believing what they believe and they are "awake" and are aware of all the wrong in the world, but I digress. He may not be special but certainly different. Some people are naturally born questioning the world around them, some people are born predisposed to the arts, some are born with a heightened sense of self and others. Whether or not that makes you special is up for debate, but it certainly makes you different.

Internet friends can be just as good as RL friends in the sense of someone you can talk and relate to. They just lack the physical presence.

I myself have tried astral projection one or two times with no success...I think its because I got bored, hehe. But I gave up. That said, there is nothing wrong with trying to find inner calm in a world in chaos. I have come to find my own kind of spiritual calm, so I haven't tried the whole meditation thing again but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's bull crap.

It is very true that the simplest things give you pleasure. Nice advice

[edit on 5-10-2009 by serenesupreme]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by serenesupreme

yes everyone is unique...just like everyone else.

Threads like this just confuse and infuriate me. the reason i stay away from facebook and myspace is because there are always people there acting out. posting stupid attention seeking pictures, comments and what not.

i would really hate ATS to turn into that because some people wont tell others the truth.

This kid has nothing wrong with him yet the people in the previous post are all acting as though he has a problem that only their advice can solve.

hes a teenager. he will get over it.

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