posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 04:13 PM
I’ve come to do a 180 on the Bush & Barak plan (BB plan sounds a lot better then BO plan). Think about it. Remember Sarbanes & Oxley who lost all
that free stock they were given. What if his name had been Uxley? Sure would have described our government.
After WW1 we learned that influenza & pneumonia will spread in the densest populated areas. This will be the inner-cities (the low-income Americans),
the large cities (the crowded in Americans) , the tent cities (the unemployed Americans) and the illegal American communities. Then you have the obese
Americans, the disabled Americans & the auto-immune compromised Americans. After the shot we’ll become auto-immune compromised but that is for
We know that almost half of Americans don’t pay taxes because they are the low-income Americans. The unemployed Americans and the illegal American
communities are now members of that group. The school system (compulsory education & vaccination) will become the breeding ground.
I don’t see a lot of people worried about all the deaths to come. Not many Doctors are predicting dire consequences. No marches, nothing on talk
radio – nothing. I’ll feel bad for the kids & the pregnant mothers.
Well, it is not like the media controls the Media anymore. I think the lies and righteous indignation were a lot better then the pap we get now.
There is a heavy metal cleanser on the market that deals with the blood brain barrier and so will take the heavy metals away from the brain. There are
a couple of good ones to deal with heavy metals in the rest of the body. Diet and exercise for the auto-immune illness and I’m good to go (also good
is sunlight for vitamin D).
That leaves the 2010 elections if there are any.
Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California (some of it may still be around), Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois,
Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, New York, New York, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin are all up for grabs.
The people who are left (less the Christians – Rapture, remember) will have a last chance before the end to make a difference.
Maybe I am just tired.