posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 04:36 PM
As defined by Terrence McKenna, novelty is 'newness'. Things that are new. When discussing the Timewave Zero theory, keep in mind that it was
developed by a man who had a psychedelic drug-induced experience that led him to study the I-Ching where he received information which allowed him to
mathematically formulate a universal algorithm which produced the Timewave.
Let's break that down, shall we?
1. McKenna was a proponent of a topic which is now taboo on the ATS forums, so we'll stay out of that one.
2. During an 'experience', he was told by either an extraterrestrial or a God, depending on the source, that the answers to his questions could be
found and was given a general place to start looking.
3. He found the I-Ching. This is usually a form of goemancy. Throwing the bones, so to speak. Trying to explain the I-Ching would take quite a lot
of time, so we'll just say that he studied the I-Ching proper... usually referred to as the Oracle. Somehow, through this he was given information
that led him to formulate the first basis of the Timewave. Specific detail on the algorithm is harder to find than I was expecting.
There are two possibilities that are readily apparent when discussing 2012 as related to the Timewave. The first is that the world does not end. If
it did, then 2012 would spike off the charts, because, let's face it... the end of the world is a new thing, indeed.
The dips of the timewave graph do not correspond to low-points in human history, contrary to what people would like you to beleive. They DO
correspond, and this can be backed up, to our technological advancement. In theory, the Timewave measures the universe's natural production and
conservation of new things. There's only so much the Universe can do. That's where we come in. Timewave won't show our technological
advancement. It isn't natural, though it is the natural result of our evolution.
So, the first conclusion of Timewave is that when it reaches it's zero-point, everything will be new in a way that we can't understand given the
current rules that the Timewave is based on. Let's put that another way. The universe can create nothing new, so, on December 12, 2012, it flips
the last genetic switch in Mankind and we all become capable of telekinesis and telepathy. Then, magnets, steel, cardboard, styrofoam, computers,
silicon, fuel, cars, they will all be new concepts again because the RULES changed. Couldn't happen, you say? We've been studying the abberrations
of humanity for many decades, some concerning some pretty interesting abilities. So, to sum up this one, the current rules of logic that apply to the
Timewave will no longer apply.
Second, if you believe in the Timewave theory, you have to also believe in McKenna's OTHER theories associated with the timewave. Roughly three
decades after Zero Point, there will be a technological upheaval. This has it's OWN timewave based on different logic. There is a third timewave
theory that is an extrapolation of the first two, never endorsed by McKenna himself, though, logically, the theory is sound given the first two are.
That is the Community theory, roughly six decades after Timewave Zero, where the human community will undergo a dramatic change which will bond us
like we've never been before. How often do these theories come up?
As a side note, the only thing that can't happen at point Zero is that the world ends. The whole idea of novelty is that we'll reach a point on the
Timewave where novelty is infinite. McKenna described this as a 'Singularity of Novelty', that 'cannot be defined.' If the world blew up, that
could be defined pretty easily. At point Zero, IF this is correct, we won't be able to comprehend what comes next.
I know this novel-length post (that was a punny, right?) may have confused some of you. Fear not. Begin where I did. Search out Terrence McKenna,
the creator of the original Timewave. Your research will branch you out into all different manner of Geomancy, the effect of hallucenogens, the study
of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Arabic divination, travels in the Amazon, and... I loved this ... CONFUCIUS! When you start out on your search for
answers there is no telling what you're going to roll across. This is probably the most fun I've had researching anything since I found out what a
consipiracy was!