reply to post by freeradical
I'd be happy to FreeRadical.
There is actually quite alot of information about Jinn in the islamic faith, both in the Koran and in many accompanying works. I'll go through the
story of the Jinn as told to me by an islamic exorcist whom i've met. This guy is pretty interesting too but that's an aside.
I'll make it clear i am not personally an adherent of the islamic faith and if i get anything wrong don't be offended anyone out there it was a
while ago i had this conversation, please help me to expand my own knowledge instead thanks!
Basically of all his creations god decided first he would make angels, and we already know about them so i wont go too far into the topic. God made
angels out of light as the stories say.
Next he made the Jinn, he made them from smokeless fire, and in many respects they were as we were now, with kings and queens, rich and poor, and were
allowed to freely choose religions for themselves. The jinn also had the power of free thought. Imagine them if you will to be almost exactly like us
but made from another 'material', existing on another plane of existence.
After the Jinn had been created god decided to make people, he didn't make them out of light, and they didnt come from the smokeless fire, but god
said, these are the pinnacle of my creation bow before them!
Now the Jinn were a little confused as to what the hell was going on, they were made of smokeless fire, they were surely greater than this dirt! One
of the great kings of the jinn, Iblis (also know as shaitan/satan), said that he would NEVER prostrate himself before them. Because of this Iblis was
cast from gods graces, and swore to forever lead men astray so they would never enter heaven. Obviously a large number of Jinn supported him in this
way and followed him.
Because of this you could imagine that some jinn are good and some bad, some follow the path to enter heaven and some wish to lead you away. They can
be jewish, islamic, christian, zoroastrian or any other wonderful thing. They've also been known to speak different languages and even have different
Some people who are into that thing might call them, spirits, spiritual teachers, ascended masters or even, when confronting a nastier one a demon
WARNING pure conjecture approaching - - Possibly the reason they're so close to us as opposed to say angels is the fact they were made
relatively close to humans in the timeline of being created or even the materials used?
Most people would know of a jinn as a demon, as an enlightened one would not bother a human as this is a grave sin to them, whereas the followers of
Iblis will have a go at whispering, possession etc.
Hope that was vaguely helpful!?