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Gun Confiscation - What would you do?

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posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

Well, I can understand your reasoning. I have a question though.

Right now US citizens are allowed to own guns, they always have been. Some gun owners use their fire arms for protection, while others use it to feed their families (this is no joke, I am one of these people). Ok, lets say they take our guns. What would be the motive behind removing 200 years of precedent?

What happens if we give up all our guns and right then we are in a state of martial law? Would there be anything to stop them from enslaving us? Would we loose our ability to fight back?

Sure I understand you think the government won't go to those measures but I'll ask you this anyway. Historically has a government ever enslaved its people? Historically has a government ever attempted to disarm the masses to put into play something sinister? Historically was any government without corruption?

Does history repeat itself?

Aren't "what ifs" important too? Is it wrong to be prepared for a worst case scenario?

All it would take is one power hungry politician to get into power. There have been thousands in the history of this little blue ball.

[edit on 12-10-2009 by DaMod]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 09:41 PM
Things can change. that being said though...

I dont believe any of our LEO's will be kicking in any doors. Do I believe that "others" could. Maybe. it will take a LOT of them and they would have to hit MANY homes at once.

One of the posters previously (correctly i believe) stated that as soon as one or two persons homes were hit (people that are for all purposes legit) others would "take positions".

I've war gamed this in my head several times.

I know several LEO's. NOT ONE is for disarmament. Period.
Whom ever it is (if they try) WILL NOT be least not a loyalist of any kind.

December Rain, friend you are either adled or just completely foolish.
If neither of these, just obstinate and looking for an argument. Sorry, not here. I defend your right to be an ass in either case.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:39 PM
You could do like Sarah Conner and have a hidden buried bunker with a weapons cache.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 10:10 AM
I did not read all of the posts but there are nearly all states have something on the books now that is supposed to prevent the so called benevelent government from taking weapons as was done in Katrina...

but i have a worthless old gun that is just for that and all others are packaged up and stored away where the moronic black shirts will not get them to easy....

I would advise all people to actually consider stashing what they have in waterproof containers or what have you and stay alert... because i believe it is coming and going to hit hard.... and when it does....

a lot of the government people are going to get hurt...because people are fed up and not going to put up with the annointed one and his thugs to much longer...

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 06:26 PM
the day the citezens give up the right to own guns and turn them over to the governement, is the same day they give over all their other rights under the constitution. The 2nd amendment is the amendment that protects all others. Once it falls, so will all the others.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 10:29 PM
I'd turn in my bullets first. Then, I'd begin turning in my rifles starting with the buttstocks. Then I'd see if they'd be interested in having a few of my knives. In the end, the grabbers would probably end up returning a few bullets and then going back to their daily lives.

Oh well.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:25 PM
I am serious, because I believe in my government. If I have no reason to keep weapon I won't. If I feel my life is at risk or my family, I'll ask for police protection (main reason most gunowners keep weapon).

If there is a law I will follow it, that's how a country runs by not breaking the law but upholding it.

are you serious your going to die so fast without weapon during the revolution, the police what police oh you mean miltary police thats funny u walk up to them they'll probaly beat you or kill you. becuase you were told to stay in your house.

You keep believing in our goverment while bend you and ****ing you, you enjoy that but for me my are stashed in a safe place I can get them when I need them.

You need to go read our constition we don't have to give our weapons up and will I won;t rour just dumb if you do.

[edit on 16-10-2009 by slipknotrules2009]

[edit on 16-10-2009 by slipknotrules2009]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by December_Rain
reply to post by newworld

I disagree with everything except that tthe government is not always truthfull. Yes they are not, no government is but that does not give us reason to break the law. Many other countries like Switzerland, England. Greece, Finland, India etc their citizens also don't keep weapons like American citizens in hoardes but it does not mean their government is killling them.

The overhype most of the people creatiing is probably because they are not much educated and still cling to 1600-1800's beleif's forgetting this is 2009 and probably don't grasp how the real world works.

If weapons were all necessary then there was no need for law enformcement agencies in a country. If people could solve their own problems with the guns they would'nt have ever dialed 911.

Anarchy is and never was good for any country and what you are suggesting is anarchy.

Let's see how to approach this...

To start off, you have to be one of the most deluded and seriously ignorant persons that I have ever seen type on the internet. Yet, you are a perfect example of the avg. american that has probably never stepped outside of their home town and spouts all these cosmopolitan phrases without ever going anywhere and reading despite access to the internet.

Break the law? Do you know what the law is? Did it ever occur to you that the point of this thread was that the POLICE are BREAKING the law when they confiscate your gun?

Switzerland...has to be one of the most gun proliferated countries in the world. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE in switzerland owns a gun. Every swiss citizen is issued a fully auto rifle and a pistol and they are sent to boot camp after that. After they spend X amount of time in the military and are discharged their rifle has the auto feature removed and they get to keep BOTH the rifle and pistol in their home for defense specifically in the event of invasion. Switzerland has one of the least violent crime rates for a nation on the planet, as in top 5 least...

England is a police state, as a result of having virtually no armed citizens their crime is through the roof. Last time I went to london they removed all the public trashcans cause the IRA "allegedly" threw a bomb in a trashcan and blew a bunch of people away.

India, another country that has a high percentage of guns. The only difference, it's not talked about...why? cause everyone in this country that owns a gun has money and if you have money you don't get bothered by anyone. The punjabi and other northern regions are virtually spammed with guns, you can't go 10 feet without tripping over an AK-47 or a sword..yes a sword, I've seen them carry both...

1600-1900's? Are you seriously this ignorant...Let me tell you about weapons control...look up the DARK AGES, no one had any weapons and when the local lord wanted to bang your wife, he just came in and took her. This shouldn't bother you too much because he took her virginity on your wedding night anyways. When the local priest wanted to hang your son by his entrails in the middle of the village he did so. Why? Cause you couldnt do anything about it. You know who made all that possible for the average person during those era's...PEOPLE LIKE YOU

Anarchy is not having guns, ask the aussie's how their gun bans are holding up...i'm sure sydney is the safest place in the world now...

Oh yah..911, i'm sure that cop will arrive just in time to throw you and your family in body bags. Don't worry he will document your death very well.

It works out though cause while he's putting pieces of you and your kids skull into a bag, he'll also be able to nominate you for the 2010 Darwin awards for actually buying the load of tripe that you have spammed on these forums.

eh, why do i even care...

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 12:47 PM
the best is you actually believe that police will show up in the event of something of this

I hate to break it to you as this has happened many times in the past, but most cops will be at home protecting their families instead of answering your 911 call like good fathers(and mothers).

The remaining force will be stretched pretty thin so don't expect them to get there too soon....

wait wait, im in not caring mode

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by injunfeller
England is a police state, as a result of having virtually no armed citizens their crime is through the roof. Last time I went to london they removed all the public trashcans cause the IRA "allegedly" threw a bomb in a trashcan and blew a bunch of people away.

I'd say you are very confused. Are you sure it was England you visited?

These days stations use clear plastic bags for bins to prevent bombs being placed in them - but I dont recall an actual attack being carried out by this means.

Police state? Crime through the roof?? Not here. And we're not being over-run by Muslims...nor do we drink warm beer or go around saying "jolly good show."

Beware of simplistic overgeneralisations. Crime patterns are very different in different countries for a complex set of reasons, many of them cultural.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 02:12 PM
I think we should all step back and remember that December_Rain is under no obligation to keep his weapons. If he wants to turn them in at the request of law enforcement, he has every right to do so. Just as we have the right to sell our guns or give them to our friends.

The Second Amendment gives us the "Right to Bear Arms," but it doesn't make it mandatory.

Of course, I'm with the crowd that won't give in so easily. I wonder if December_Rain would have the same respect for my decision as I have for his?

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 02:16 PM
I think there should be a thread entitled

"Gun Confiscation - 50th anniversary"

if there was ever a wedge...

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by Wembley
I'd say you are very confused. Are you sure it was England you visited?

These days stations use clear plastic bags for bins to prevent bombs being placed in them - but I dont recall an actual attack being carried out by this means.

Police state? Crime through the roof?? Not here. And we're not being over-run by Muslims...nor do we drink warm beer or go around saying "jolly good show."

Beware of simplistic overgeneralisations. Crime patterns are very different in different countries for a complex set of reasons, many of them cultural.

Are you sure that you've been to England? Beware of simple minded conclusions cause you are blind to reality. Are you aware that crime patterns are very similar in different countries for a simple set of reasons, we are all men, well some of us, and we like to eat, like nice things, and need a place to sleep.

I give you permission to continue on though in your blind reality...jolly good show

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 04:10 AM
here is the answer, "you have to kill the people who are confiscating the guns"that means shoot them with your gun. those guys in new orleans confiscating guns could have been taken out quite easily.This is noty treason, taking away constitutional even god givebn rights tio have protection is treason, thats where it stops or what good are the damn things, also have to take into account you may die and quite possibly will either then or soon after so say your prayers and do your duty.and stick together in your areas , that will give them second thoughts and alkso military if used on amelikan citizens is treason and they know it, our military if they go against the peope it will be a blood bath for all.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by December_Rain
The germans had legitamant and real reasons for their handling of the jews,(holocaust is a lie, except the one done to the german people in ww2) the israeli goverbnment has none on the palestinians.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 05:24 PM
I would gladly turn over all my guns provided they gave me the exact money i paid for them. And with that money i would go buy new guns. The unregistered types.
And if they try to force them from me they just get my throw aways.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:23 PM
I wonder why anyone would post on a website what they would do with their firearms should a confiscation take place. I'm not accusing you of mining data OP, but this website is frequented by authorities and they are certainly reading this thread.

Just food for thought.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by projectvxn]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:45 PM
I can't speak for anyone else, but I've probably been on "the list" for awhile. No sense trying to hide it now. I admit to no crimes. I merely admit to declaring that I will not easily be made a victim of them.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by December_Rain

Are you serious? Have we not all agreed by now that most politicians are corrupt and really dont care about you or your family? How would you rationalize the gov making house calls to relieve you of your hard earned weapons? I'm sorry but why should tax $ go towards disarming the populace? I'm sure we can agree that our founding fathers were rather intelligent fellows, I implore you to explain why they made it their second most important order of business to ensure that we would never be stripped of our ability to defend ourselves from a potentially corrupt and tyranical gov.
I am currently in the process of building a hidden storage space in my house where I plan to put a fireproof safe to store my unregistered pieces

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

Good point, thats why I only access this site from our network server at work. And by the way... I was joking about having unregistered stuff. I actually dont own any firearms. I'm a lover not a fighter. GO DEMOCRATS!

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