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where did it all start

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posted on May, 16 2004 @ 04:58 PM
What I would like to know is where it all started?

Who drew the first blood?

Why is it still with us now?

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 05:03 PM
Uhhh...the Klingons drew the first blood...and we are still at war with them cuz we dont like there hairy faces??


posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by dreamlandmafia
Uhhh...the Klingons drew the first blood...and we are still at war with them cuz we dont like their hairy faces??


Funny, but wrong.

The cops from Rambo drew First Blood. Come on now, everyone should know that.

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:08 PM
It started when they pulled the plug on Ninja Turtles.


posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:12 PM
KAHHHNNN! *shakes fist*

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:16 PM
Hands up all those who have NO clue whats going on with this post:

*sheepishly puts hand up*

Ummm...can you expand a lil bit about just what it is you wish to discuss here?? Can I buy a vowel perhaps?? Charades? Smoke signals? Carrier Pigeon?

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:20 PM
It contiues to this day because of idiots like you!

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:27 PM
You are all wrong! It started with disco! They killed the hippy movement!! Those bastards!!
by the time Jerry Springer came to the scene it was to late

but all can be traced back to

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:30 PM
So, it started with Monty Python, "
oh wonderful

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:42 PM
It all started "In The Begining."

First the Earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came, but they got fat and died and turned to oil. Then the Arabs came...

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:48 PM

It all started "In The Begining."

First the Earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came, but they got fat and died and turned to oil. Then the Arabs came...

That sounds a bit racist.........


posted on May, 16 2004 @ 09:18 PM
Hey, I was just recalling a funny history of the world as depicted in the ABSOLUTELY CLASSIC movie; Airplane!

Chill out on the PC overreaction

[Edited on 16-5-2004 by scottsquared]

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 09:43 PM
So some clarification is needed is it?

Where did the Terrorists come from?
what got them going to destroy the West?

When did it become America against Muslim?

How does The Muslim religion support terrorism?

How far back does it go?

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by whyus?
So some clarification is needed is it?

Where did the Terrorists come from?
what got them going to destroy the West?

When did it become America against Muslim?

How does The Muslim religion support terrorism?

How far back does it go?

Which terrorists? 9/11? They were mostly Saudis.
Western presence in the "Holy Land," and western cultural influence in the area are what has attracted the particular ire of Islamic extremism.
I don't think it ever was "America against Muslim." Islamic Fundamentalists are uniformly "against" any culture not conforming to thier ideals.
"The Muslim religion" does not support terrorism! First, there is no 1 Muslim religion just as there is no 1 Christian religion.
How far back? Since the time of Mohamed; all the religions in the area have consistantly tried to suplant every other belief system, it is imperative to the survival of the dogma to do so. It is precisely this ridged following of any belief system and hence, disaproval of any other, that creates hatred between people of differing races, religions, nationalities, etc.

It is all good and well to have an "Idea," but a "Belief" is a whole other animal; A rabid beast that should be euthanized.

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by scottsquared
Hey, I was just recalling a funny history of the world as depicted in the ABSOLUTELY CLASSIC movie; Airplane!

Chill out on the PC overreaction

[Edited on 16-5-2004 by scottsquared]

If you haven't seen Airplane, demand it. It is the funniest movie EVER made. It makes fun of everything. Here's an equation for you, more laughs = less intollerance. See All in the Family. What we all need is more .

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by scottsquared
Hey, I was just recalling a funny history of the world as depicted in the ABSOLUTELY CLASSIC movie; Airplane!

Chill out on the PC overreaction

Agreed, try and keep things in context, not everything is said to a reaction from somebody.....and don't call me shirley.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:10 AM
Hey listen to billy J, "We didn't start the fire"

Red China
South Pacific
Bay of Pigs invasion
North Korea South Korea
Berlin Wall
Communist Russia
Nuclear Era/ Cold War
Panama Invasion
The Alamo
Desert Storm
Iraq's invasion of Saudi Arabia
Terror on the Airlines can be traced back to 80's if not earlier

Vietnam (remember 2 libbies kept it going and the GOP leader put a stop to it)...

Tienaman Square

We didn't start the fire.
Though we didn't light it but we tried to fight it.
It will still burn on and on and on.

-------------- Billy J

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 02:25 PM

How does The Muslim religion support terrorism?
Islamic Fundamentalists are uniformly "against" any culture not conforming to thier ideals.

Since the time of Mohamed; all the religions in the area have consistantly tried to suplant every other belief system, it is imperative to the survival of the dogma to do so. It is precisely this ridged following of any belief system and hence, disaproval of any other, that creates hatred between people of differing races, religions, nationalities, etc.

Since the Fundamentalists get their leadership from the teachings of their religion and it is the different religions in the area that are at the source -trying to supplant each other, is the true source of the current problem the original teachings from the religions that originated in the area?

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by whyus?

How does The Muslim religion support terrorism?

Since the Fundamentalists get their leadership from the teachings of their religion and it is the different religions in the area that are at the source -trying to supplant each other, is the true source of the current problem the original teachings from the religions that originated in the area?
I believe that the one underlying fundamental that causes the greatest friction is that of: "this is the one True God, all others are false Gods!"
It is this intolerance of any other religion, in effect saying that: "My religion is correct and your's is a pack of lies." How can this be anything but devisive?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 08:24 PM
"My religion is correct and your's is a pack of lies." How can this be anything but devisive?

Is there a similar belief in Christianity? Is it only these regional religions that have this intolerance built into them?

Is it fair to say that if a people's existance is dependant on not allowing others to exist; they should not be allowed to exist??

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