posted on May, 19 2004 @ 12:42 PM
Hi lambchops and Welcome to the ATS. You said the saucer was about the size of a dustbin lid. Is that like a garbage can lid? Also it had lights
spinning round inside,,, so I'm assuming this object was rotating is that correct?
I'm not asking these questions in order to dispute your story. Just trying to see if it is comparable to the ones we seen. I explained our huge
U.F.O. encounter in my blog that my daughter and I had. The one that came down out of the bunch was slightly smaller than what you described. It
turned from a brilliant bright white light to a solid metal-like form. In the light form it was silent, however in the metallic form it emitted an
extremely low irritating humming sound. That's what really made us nervous. Did your friends U.F.O. make any sound?
We've had many U.F.O. sightings all shapes and sizes. We do live near Area 51. I have seen the "Men In Black" and they DO exist!!! (as explained
in my blog) but none has visited me on a personal basis. Even though I've made several reports.
Wonders what he meant by contacting the correct authorities? Usually (from what I've heard) they just want you to shut-up or else and was told never
to touch the door-knob!