posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 10:14 AM
The best advice I can offer you is to start a diary of your "talents." Be faithful and record everything - do it electronically so you can easily
cross-reference things...and write in a manner that is consistent, so cross-referenceing is easy (i.e. keep the terminology the same so when you
execute a "find" command, you can find what you're looking for).
Later, as you compile enough material, start putting it into categories (e.g. visions of the past, inspirations, etc.).
And I do have to agree with others who have said to concentrate on your current mental/physical health first and foremost. Your diary will allow you
to focus after you're doing better.
And for those of you don't believe - well, I wouldn't believe either...but I've seen too many things not to at this point.
Best of luck to you!