posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 08:45 PM
Global warming is a fraud. Climate change is very well real. And in no way are humans at all responsible for any of it. The earth goes through its own
climate changes on its own. The greenhouse gases that we as humans have contributed to the atmosphere is so little that it has done nothing.
The most abundant greehouse gas is water vapor. 80% of the greehouse gases are water vapor. Carbon Dioxide only comprises of 5%. and we as humans have
only contributed to a total of 3.225% of all of the carbon. The rest is completely natural and would happen whether or not human were on earth.
Also, The wavelengths of the greenhouse gases that keep heat in are proportioned the same. The only difference is that the majority of carbon dioxide
is also covered up by water vapor. This means that even if all that carbon were not there the water vapor would still have the same effect.
When you look at the temperature of the earth from a million years ago til now is has changed and fluctuated but has always went back to the way it
was and then the opposite. It gets hotter then colder. Thats how the earth works.
In the past hundred years the temperature has fluctuated and we are now at the same temperature as then. and suprisingly, on the downward slope.
Meaning that it is going to get cooler before it gets warmer again.
When you look at the rise and fall of temperature over time and then look at carbon levels in the atmosphere during that same time you will see no
relation. but, when you compare temperature with water vapor levels they are in direct relation. When there is more water vapor in the air the
temperature gets hotter. Carbon does not effect the temperature. Water vapor does.
Today carbon in the atmosphere is way higher than it has ever been. And yet the temperature is less than many other peaks in history. How could this
be possible if carbon levels make temperature fluctuate.
Also, when you look at individual temperatures over the course of time it would seem that the northern hemisphere is warming faster than the southern.
and that the southern is getting cooler. This is impossible if you believe that carbon is the cause. Here is why. Carbon levels are the same in every
part of the stmosphere. No matter what. It is the same at the north and south poles, at the equator, on ground level and ten miles high. It is
constant. But what isnt constant. Water vapor. Is is given off by trees, humans, anything you can think of that is living. and looking at the facts.
suprisingly, the northern hemisphere is growing more trees than before and also the southern hemisphere is losing more.
Just as an example. In the desert where there is no water vapor. Is it very hot because it is close to the equator. But when the sun goes down and the
greenhouse gases should trap the daily heat in. It doesnt. and it gets very cold. why is that. also, in tropical rain forests. much water vapor.
during the day it is hot. because it is on the equator. but at night it remains hot. the greehouse gas there is doing its job and trapping the heat
in. So where carbon levels are the same. temperatures are very different and fluctuate rapidly or not at all. Yet the only difference is water vapor
The facts are true. and you cannot argue with facts. Oppinions just dont add up in comparison. this is pure logic.
I do agree with everyone in the world. We must find a way to be cleaner with less polution. Get away from fossil fuels. But lieing to people and
scaring them telling them that the earth will be destroyed is unnessesary and should be stopped.
Thank you for reading!