posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 01:33 AM
Describing color would be a challenge:
I would attempt to do this by explaining what color is. ie. starting from the beginning I would tell them that for a person who has sight to see there
must be light reflecting off of the surface of the object one is looking at. Then I would telling them that our Sun that provides the natural light
for our world appears to be a warm light that when viewed through a piece of glass we call a prisim the light is split off into to many light
frequencies, some of the the frequencies have different frequencies that we can see called colors. Some of the light cannot be seen by the human eye
but we know it is there because we have instruments that measure it. The visible frequencies of light are called red, blue, green with other colors in
between like orange, purple,brown.
On a scale that started low and went high, the red would be near the bottom with other colors of red we cannot see such as Infrared being below the
red color. Climbing to the top of the chart you have Infrared, red, orange,yellow,green,blue,purple. We use Red to indicate when something is hot to
the touch, we use blue to indicate when something is cold or cool. Now at one end of our chart let's say the red end, there are frequencies below red
that are Radio waves for transmitting sound and music to people all over the world. You cannot see radio waves so to the human eye they do not have
color. At the other end of the frequency above the purple are frequencies in the X-Ray and Gamma ray categories
they do not have a visible color visible to the human eye.Some people refer to these color frequencies as spectrum's. Modern day science is more
likely to call the visible light, the red through purple a spectrum instead of frequencies. The frequencies are used for the non-visible light waves
like x-ray and radio waves. When all of the red through purple light spectrum's are combine together, we call this white light. During day light
hours when the sun is shinning we say the sky is blue in color . It is blue because we see more blue light than any other color. This is because when
the light travelling from the sun to the earth hits the surface of our outter atmosphere, the blue light has the most trouble penetrating the
atmosphere and is therefore somewhat left behind so to speak, making it visible to the human eye..SO to sum this up, Red is hot-Orange is warm,yellow
is a mellow or serine feeling,Green is the grass and color of the trees, blue is cool or cold with purple being very cold or super frozen. KMG
[edit on 1-10-2009 by kissmygrits]