posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 04:14 AM
It's becoming more and more apparent who the ugly wizard behind the curtain is. The curtains are being pulled down, and the truth is become known.
Corporations pull the strings.
It's all an illusion. Everything around you is not real. It's a test before we become aware of Conscious.
Once we become aware of Conscious, then we are shown the Kingdom "Infinite", and we continue from there.
It has come for people to become aware of Consciousness.
Everything around us is manipulated into our reality. Wars between two or more countries in the world are based on Nothing.
Corporations are betting which side is going to win, and following through with it by making it a reality just like the Rothschild did back with
Napoleon's wars.
Change the peoples' Perceptions, and you got them Hooked.