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H1N1 Picks Up Steam One Week Before Vaccine Becomes Available

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posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:27 PM

H1N1 Picks Up Steam One Week Before Vaccine Becomes Available

Twenty-one thousand college students are sick, public schools across Texas and Oklahoma are closing, and more than half the 50 states are reporting widespread flu activity.

Just one week before the first batch of vaccine becomes available, the H1N1 flu is barreling across the country like a runaway freight train.

According to the most recent information available from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is from last week, 26 states have reported widespread influenza activity, 11 states have reported regional influenza activity, and 12 states, the District of Columbia,
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
Swine Flu news and updates thread
Canadian Study says Those Vaccinated with Seasonal Vaccine - More Likely to Get H1N1
First Shipment of H1N1 Vaccine - Its starting, what will you do??

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:27 PM
Sorry if this has already been posted. I couldn't find it if it has.

I'm very skeptical of the actual danger with the swine flu but one thing on the way to work this morning my local radio station here in Texas said that Newton schools will be closed til Thursday due to 25% being absent yesterday(being Monday Sept. 28) due to the flu. (note they just said the flu) Then i found this article and what stood out to me was where the doctor states that 99% of what is going around now is H1N1.

For the most part I think this is to urge more people into getting the swine flu vaccine ASAP. I on the other hand am very wary of taking a vaccine that hasn't been tested properly.

I've also been reading so much about how the symptoms are rather mild compared to what some of us know the flu can be like. I'm not sure if its H1N1 or not as it seems like the typical cold but about a week ago I had a bad sore throat, and later got severe headaches, with minor body aches and tiredness. My whole family got it and a good bit of people at work have it. It seemed to last a week even I feel much better now I got this dry hard to get up congestion still.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 9/29/2009 by Smurfwicked]

[edit on 9/29/2009 by Smurfwicked]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Smurfwicked

It is complete fear mongering. Don't worry, don't even sweat it even if you have the flu. just don't eat fast food French fries, and take some Vitamin D3 1000x supplements.

[edit on 29-9-2009 by gandhi]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:48 PM
Isn't H1N1 supposed to be killing people left and right?

So, if 99% of whats going around is swine, and the vaccine isn't out yet, and people aren't dying, I wonder whose fault it will be when all of a sudden people do start dying after the vaccine...

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by xEphon
Isn't H1N1 supposed to be killing people left and right?

So, if 99% of whats going around is swine, and the vaccine isn't out yet, and people aren't dying, I wonder whose fault it will be when all of a sudden people do start dying after the vaccine...

People are dying. Here is a list of obits of H1N1 victims
It make you see it in a much different light when you can see some of the faces of those that died.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by LAUTERMILCH

Originally posted by xEphon
Isn't H1N1 supposed to be killing people left and right?

So, if 99% of whats going around is swine, and the vaccine isn't out yet, and people aren't dying, I wonder whose fault it will be when all of a sudden people do start dying after the vaccine...

People are dying. Here is a list of obits of H1N1 victims
It make you see it in a much different light when you can see some of the faces of those that died.

Obviously, people will die from swine flu just like the normal flu.
What I said was "Isn't H1N1 supposed to be killing people left and right" according to the hype its receiving.

Seasonal flu has a fatality rate just under .1%. You would think the swine flu had a 50% fatality rate by this vaccination nonsense that is going around.

But in actuality

"Our best estimate right now is that the fatality [rate] is likely a little bit higher than seasonal influenza, but not necessarily substantially higher,"

We're talking .4% as opposed to .1%

Thanks for the link but I'd rather not see the names of people who died - stating the facts about the swine flu doesn't make their deaths any less tragic.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:23 PM
The flu has had maybe 10 days Two weeks to begin to spread, mutation within the human population and death wont see an upswing for some time maybe Oct late Nov, Dec

it's potentially very dangerous, it's not a joke...

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
The flu has had maybe 10 days Two weeks to begin to spread, mutation within the human population and death wont see an upswing for some time maybe Oct late Nov, Dec

it's potentially very dangerous, it's not a joke...

One large outbreak that did not get any real media coverage was a few weeks ago at a PAX convention. 3 days of 65-75K people in a convention center. No one died but a lot got infected.

Here is the main thread on the PAX forum -

It makes some interesting reading. You see one or two thinking they are infected and then a large number of people post they did get infected and what it was like.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Anyone getting the H1N1 vaccine is foolish. They are going to make it mandatory for the military. They will all get it. Can you imagine what would happen if they all died suddenly after the vaccine. Oops... no more national defense, and a much smaller population. They are trying to force the New York State medical employees to take the shot. They are refusing and in the streets protesting. Hmm... they don't want it, even though they'll give it to you...?

Something is not right... with this picture.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:48 PM
Oh... and one more thing. Don't trust the news media. There is no pandemic and no massive outbreak in the US. It's all fiction. Anyone know somebody who has it..? Me neither.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove
Oh... and one more thing. Don't trust the news media. There is no pandemic and no massive outbreak in the US. It's all fiction. Anyone know somebody who has it..? Me neither.

Just wait a little longer such as another two months. I predict that by Thanksgiving weekend most in NYC will be wearing masks and taking extra precautions.

Anyone sneezing or coughing without covering their mouth will get screamed at as well or worse. It's going to be extra tense on the subways systems of the major cities in the north.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by LAUTERMILCH

As people take the shot, the vaccine, they will start to get sick and die. This will cause massive panic. The vaccine will then be mandatory for all. A lot of people will die by the time spring arrives. The sad part is, they will cover up the holocaust they executed in the name of population reduction.

Yes, this is going to be a horror show as people believe there is a pandemic, yet little do they know that you can't get it unless you get infected with the vaccine.

They spray it in your nose as well. That's how all the others in Mexico were given it and some here. This... is the ultimate conspiracy of all time. The ultimate crime against humanity.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by LAUTERMILCH

It's not a very long list. Don't 1000's die of the regular flu each year in the US?

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

Or, it could be a psy-op, to build and create the infrastructure, including that contained within the human psychological realm of aquiescence and resigned acceptence, in preparation for the REAL thing during which half the people are wiped out, while jack booted thugs and paramilitary operatives patrol the streets in dark uniforms and masks, with all manner of crowd control weaponry in tow.

Crisis => Reaction => Response = Desired outcome.

Perhspas the most frightening thing of ALL in the midst of this and other events, including the 9/11 event as a false flag catastrophic terrorist operation, is in the confirmation and validation of the fear mongering prognostications, of the likes of Alex Jones.

When everything HE talks about and highlights comes true, then you know we are all in some very deep shiit, either that, or he's their own crazy controlled oppposition and mouthpiece, who coincidentally, has no problem renting a room in the hotel where the Bilderburg's are to be holding their secret meeting the next day, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (when the MSM press had no idea where they were), and can even arrange for someone to pull the fire alarm, emptying out the hotel, while he's cloistered in his room and "hunkered down" in the dark talking on the phone being interviewed, during the scheduled airing of "Coast to Coast" with George Noory..! Now THAT's power!

[edit on 29-9-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Fromabove
It's an interesting thought. Do they want to kill those who willingly take the 'vaccine', those who are the servile serfs, rather than the stronger 'I am not a slave, I am not ignorant' crowd who are in the minority, thus killing off the majority of the unawakened or uncaring population, leaving those stronger individuals, the (ideal?) survivors of the Georgia Guidestones?

On the other hand, Not receiving the vaccine puts you at risk for being identified as an dangerous free thinker, warranting your permanent (?) residency at an open air prison camp or city, where you will be controlled to prevent your rebellion.

-It might not be a stretch to think that possibly these held in these camps will be herded into the underground bunkers (I'm just throwing that out here for bites?) so when the SHTF hits, these worthy free thinkers are the ones to inherit the earth, but I doubt it. Saving the ones who are mad at you? Hmmm oh well, weirder stuff happens.-

I'm sure 'they' have a few more cards in play, perhaps they will release an more virulent strain, perhaps either one designed to strike those vaccinated, or those who have not been vaccinated.

They've made enough preparations to ensure that if ever their plans don't follow through, they will go in their bunkers, warm up the nukes, and it will be curtains for most.

That's their final card. I don't believe they will go quietly into the night, their assets seized, their fall from graces witnessed or performed by the common folk who are slowly waking up, eroding the pillars of strength of the Illuminati, or similar shadow group until it crumbles to the ground with a crash.

For the second time, third time, Tenth time, who knows how many times in human history has a malevolent, powerful group risen and fallen, only to be resurrected like some sort of weird demon that comes up from nowhere to feed on humanity's spirit before going back into its pit.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 11:08 PM
The county I live in has just closed all the schools because a few students are ill. What we are told is it's just the "regular" flu, and it's not the "swine" flu. Scuse me but the flu doesn't hit here until about late January or early February. People have been rushing to get the flu shot since last month, August. Late October, or early November is the norm. That protects you from the outbreak in early next year, when it usualy occurs. I'm not saying folks shouldn't be taking the usual yearly flu shots, but they don't give those shots at this time of year. If you get it now, then you wll need to take another shot later on.

As someone who took a flu shot last year and ended up being ill for months, this year I am not taking any shots. My grandkids, who live with me, have been sick off and on since early August, when school started. I've done pretty good, considering. The school has been closed for the rest of the week. The kids are well. I am well. It's a great vacation for us al! Let's go camping and fishing!!! lol.

Whatever, since my kidney transplant in 1996, I am an at risk person. And I was always sick. But, last year I stopped taking all meds for the transplant and I feel strong and healthy. If I die, then I will die feeling good. lol.

As for the kids, well, we will go outside into the sun tomorrow and harvest the black beans and the pumpkins. We'll chase the frogs around our pond, feed the fish, play carefully with the snapping turtles, fry some late banana peppers and chicken and enjoy our time together.

What the hell? Since school is closed, we will go look at some paintings at galleries in Lexington, KY,

Meanwhile, life goes on. To my dear daughter who feels like crap, lay on the couch and get better. Meanwhile, me and your kids are going to enjoy what is here for us.

As for me, Papaw keeps going until the day he stops. And the kids will go on further afterwards.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by gandhi
reply to post by Smurfwicked

It is complete fear mongering. Don't worry, don't even sweat it even if you have the flu. just don't eat fast food French fries, and take some Vitamin D3 1000x supplements.

[edit on 29-9-2009 by gandhi]

Completely agree.

Just a personal update: I attend an urban university with total student population of 25,000+ and to date, there has not been a single announcement of a swine flu case. Additionally, the city itself is 300,000+ (not counting the metro/suburbs) and at last report there were 69 cases (back in March!) and nothing since...

Things that make you go hmmmmmm!

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by kyred

You cannot die. You're all that's left of what's good in America, and the world.

God Bless You! (and I didn't mean that as in response to a sneeze!)

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 11:30 PM
I've been sick with, what I thought, was a really bad cold. I was finally able to get in to see my doctor today and guess what? I was diagnosed w/ H1N1! That's right, I'm an official card-carrying member of the flu elite

The part I found amusing, is that she said not to worry about it, that she has been dealing with patients left and right that are confirmed for having H1N1. 5 days of Tamiflu, and all better. We shall see...

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 05:20 AM
I could be wrong but this is my understanding of the situation. If you seek medical care for flu like symptoms a simple blood test at the hospital lab will can confirm you have the flu in about 4 hours. If you test positive for the flu they're automatically assuming its H1N1 because it's became the dominant strain circulating. I highly doubt they're still testing everybody to see if its actually the swine flu strain but just severe cases and those who've died from flu like symptoms.

I'm not worried about this H1N1 flu especially if it's what I've seen others get. I suppose I've caught the flu once every 3 or 4 years and twice in my life it was a severe case of the normal flu that left so sick to not leave the bedside for a week to 10 days. I'm not sure if the bug I see going around is the swine flu but a lot of people feel like crap, have a sore throat with headaches and few days later gets a dry cough that is hard to get rid of.

Also one of the related news articles I posted in the OP is about swine flu parties. Parents allowing their kids to go to sleep overs of other kids who was diagnosed with H1N1. Not sure how common these parties became but I wonder what effects those who had these parties it had on the speed of the outbreak. And not to mention are the parents right in thinking exposing them to this now will help them be immune to viruses of the future.

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