posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:35 AM
As I mentioned before, I just wonder what would happen if the powers that be were to be given a demonstration of a small cross section of armed,
informed, organized, peaceful citizens that are there to make a statement and to watch each other’s backs. Would the security forces be so quick to
use sound weapons, tear gas and other methods for “control”? What if the militia forces where banging on drums kind of like the way the security
forces shown in the recent videos are banging their batons on their shields? What if the militia were to face off toe to toe eye to eye with the
security forces? Who would back down? Would “they” dare draw first blood against the people?
Well, the people can continue to submit, and little by little the crowds will be silenced, gassed, tazered, arrested, listed as terrorists and
dispersed. The people will learn to follow orders and shut up. The people will learn to obey the forces of security regardless of uniform color or
origin. The people will learn to respect the authorities or suffer the consequences as announced by the forces operating the L-RAD acoustical weapons.
Just like a dog beaten into submission trained to cower at the slightest raise of the hand. So too will you be. Or… will you stand together proud
as Americans?
I call to attention the militias of the States, and I implore you all to think real hard about the future, and when and where the stand will be made.
When is it that enough is enough? Maybe it is time to network with each other, militia to militia. Whose nation is it anyway? Is it the people’s
nation or the banker’s and elites? They are treading heavy on us, and it’s time to shake the rattle loudly. So NEXT time, when they start to
build up the police and guard and security forces to keep you all in line, maybe a slightly different response should be presented. Maybe someone
should create an inter-militia website where representatives from the various states can communicate and organize quickly if needed. An announcement
could be made as a call to arms and a civilian security force can be mustered and rallied when it is necessary to counter the call to oppression. If
people do not start to stand up now they will just continue to be whittled down until there is no one left and freedom is a thing of the past. Do not
let this be the example the children of the USA remember when they are old and grey. I would think most free thinking Americans would rather die free
than live as a slave. I would think, I could be wrong I suppose… Thanks for reading my rant. Regards, RDDS