Originally posted by sylvie
Originally posted by prevenge
but it's deeper than that you see...
with the destruction of Saturn/Satan .. is the destruction of man in his current animalistic form represented by Saturn/Satyrs man-goat ets.. . .
so if Saturn/Satan/Satyr dies... then the bowls of wrath are unleashed.. and "satan" "man's current form" .. the masses of that satyr is
and "Lucifer".. the "new sun/son" is born .. at the same time as many individuals on Earth metamorphosize into the god-man the next level of
man's existence akin to buddha/jesus/krishna's level of experience.
Sounds to me like you've listened too much to Jordan Maxwell. That guy is a paranoid lunatic, I'm tellin' ya. I was actually quite impressed with
him on C2C AM... until I saw a lengthy speech of his on video, titled "Exposing the Illuminati" or some such.
I wasn't even thinking of any of the things he's said before or while writing that post.
English is the official global language. It's what matters
and i'm not going to get into that now.
I'm not bringing Saturn/Satan/Satyr in conjunctive comparison because of the way that the titles
I'm doing so in view of their
root symbolic representation.
Satyr = man with animal features representing man (the intellectual animal)'s current body's animalistic tendencies, lower nature etc..
Satan = the same.. man with horns man with tail man with hooves... animal symbolism signifying this ABOUT us... as a being.. that which we all
are at the root of our existence
while being in these animal bodies....
....being bound to these shackles of separation from god/the all.. blind of the sensory input in order to constantly percieving higher reality... ie:
being bound by self-concern above all in relation to decision making... feeding the ego because there is no persistent actual perception of obvious
real connection, only division as in ..
I have to eat...
I have to get MINE..
I have to satisfy my temporary urges of sex
I have to bolster outward approval in my social scene in order to glean the data from other's response to my seeming success as a person so
I may feel that I'm somehow
wealthy in my place in the social order... above others.. more comfortable.. more secure in creature
all animalisticly based.... hence the symbolic nature of those two characters... satan and satyr... screw the etymology we could run in circles
around those forever .. frankly i'd get bored with that in a flash..
... it's what they represent that matters.
hell a Satyr could be called a
Foofie-Foofer for all I care and I'd still draw the parallel.
Saturn - eats his children... could this process actually cause the planet to consume it's satellites thus pre-empting the chronology of his / it's
own mythos?
k now here's some more fluff for my CRAAAYZAAAY pseudo theeory. described in my first post in this thread...
from -
Saturn, called Kronos by the Greeks, was, at the dawn of the Ages of the Gods, the Protector and Sower of the Seed and his wife, Ops, (called Rhea by
the Greeks) was a Harvest Helper.
saaaaay - that germanic meta-nazis are still in control and about to establish a 4th reich...
imagine the roman/greek pantheon of mythology in combination with gaelic mythos being the base of their agenda..
by this i mean... instead of reading myths in the past tense.. look at time as non-linear.. but
cyclical... ie: as follows...
Saturn, called Kronos by the Greeks, is / will be, at the dawn of the Ages of the Gods, the Protector and Sower of the Seed and his
wife, Ops, (called Rhea by the Greeks) is / will be a Harvest Helper.
now think of this "scythe" as both symbolic of the "swoop" of the approaching rain of fiery brimstone meteorites as the rings impale earth...
and as a metaphor for a time for literally
reaping those that are metamorphosing on earth...
to come and reap them are his counterpart... "Ops" .. the Black Ops.. Operations... ooooooh you're like:
"haaay dat don't work dat's latin
and dat doesn't translate too Engrishhh haaaay..
well it doesnt matter because the name for Ops was placed specifically on those who would be doing the roundup of the evolving humans before the
Following the mythology to PERFORM it.. as it' cyclical.. and the next time a new civilization reaches this point of development... they can use the
same exact template of mythology to go by.. because it was IN FACT actually carried out.. it actually HAPPENED .. because it was followed and
perhaps we would be the people passing these myths down to the next developing race...
the evolving humans move on.. and pass the torch as it were to the next "greece" or the next "egyptians" ad infinitum ...
all in good hubris though... humor me.
as for jordan and what you're saying about praying.... um....
So how has praying to Lucifer made Maxwell's life any better?
I've never heard him pray to anyone
named "Lucifer"... aaaand I honestly think that anyone that actually
"prays" to a 'god' named
Lucifer is idiotic.. as the base of the Gnostic traditions that use the symbolic measure of "light bringer" as a concept pulls
away strongly
from worshiping any specific personified
deity... to remove ourselves from unproven superstition..
and unnecessary negative limiting psychological detriment.... ie: unwarranted self inflicted guilt.. self depreciation because of what an imaginary
dictator diety could/should/would be thinking about our actions..etc..
To steer away from that.. ..But to look more into the deep symbolic artistically,. poetically philosophical aspects of different
characters in mythology.
To look into how actually can we USE those symbolic concepts in a
practical method.. in order to gain liberation on all fronts...
physiologically, mentally, socially, technologically.. emotionally..
in order to improve our ability to
sense more of our reality.. and
learn more about what/who/why we are.. and where we're going... to
re-member... re-unite..
to strive for
Equivalence of Form with an
ideal all encompassing, all pervasive Creative Force... which is in a constant state of
Becoming... never static.
If worshiping the character "Yahweh" or "Jesus" brings you to that high ideal of happiness and corrected vision of harmonious existence with your
fellow man.. then I'm all with you.
But if you worship an invisible unscientifically proven character that makes you neurotic enough to be verbally violent with people, insult and
condemn... then I think you have deep seeded problems. (i'm being general here not talking to you specifically)..
the amusing thing about religious people that condemn pagan/gnostic/mystic esotericism... is that.. we're on completely different pages...
you believe in dieties...
they dont.
...or at least
I don't.... not until I see one with my own eyes... touch it.. see it.. feel it.. communicate with it... and perceive it's
extensively.. over a
lengthy period of time.. in order to omit the possibilities of it being an illusion/facsimile/fabrication...