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generic framework for mass vaccination in england

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posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 06:25 AM
hello..just stumbled across this pdf:

which is a framework for mass vaccinations with included letter thats to be sent to all households:

''Example Invitation Letter
Pandemic flu vaccine – your appointment
Dear Householder or named individual,
If you have difficulty reading this letter please telephone _______. If English is not your first
language please read the translations on the back of this page.
Pandemic flu vaccine is now being offered to everyone in the UK. Bolton Primary Care Trust
has set up vaccination sessions for all residents at venues across the Borough over the next
two weeks.
Please attend the following session:
Venue Date Time
Bolton arena 24th January 2007 10.00 – 11.00
It is important that you attend this session. If you are unable to attend, you will need to go to
one of the later sessions listed overleaf.''

i find it incredibly suspicious that these test runs were done just 2 years ago

[edit on 29-9-2009 by alienesque]

[edit on 29-9-2009 by alienesque]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 07:59 AM
Can't get the link to work mate.
Interesting language they used:

"It is important that you attend this session. If you are unable to attend, you will NEED to go to
one of the later sessions listed overleaf."

This type of language is typical of the Government.Its not against the law to opt out of being vaccinated,but the phrase they use makes it appear to be compulsory to be vaccinated.

Not long before letters similar to that one will be sent to us all in the UK I guess.
I wonder how many people will decide to avoid the can be sure that even if 90% refuse it,our pathetic BBC and Sky news will report that everyone is lining up like a good guinea pig to be medicated.

I will not be one of them.

[edit on 29/9/2009 by Silcone Synapse]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Can't get the link to work mate.
Interesting language they used:

[edit on 29/9/2009 by Silcone Synapse]

sorry...try again

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:07 AM
Here's the working link:

Generic Framework for Mass Vaccination

It's from 2006, but an intriguing read nonetheless. It's about 38 pages of info.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 02:31 PM
about 4 days ago my girlfriend got a letter asking her to attend a swine flu jab program that was to be open for 2 days. It is basically a letter just like the one above . I can see it all coming but few do. obv she wont be going.

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