posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Apperently Chistianity has it's origins in Judaism.
Jewish believe of evil is the result of forsaking God.
And your going to love this !
While some forms of Judaism, do not personify evil these instead consider the human heart to be inherently bent toward deceit, although human beings
are responsible for their choices, whereas in Judaism, there is no prejudice in one's becoming good or evil at time of birth. In Judaism, Satan is
viewed as one who tests us for God rather than one who works against God, and evil, as in the Christian denominations above, is a matter of choice.
The prophet Isaiah implied that God is ultimately responsible for everything including evil
The One forming light and creating darkness,
Causing well-being and creating calamity;
I am the LORD who does all these. Isaiah 45 – 7
This is from Wikipedia. I confirmed it with the bible and a enceclopedia.
This must mean Christianity is above all else false about this part.
Was it disturbing because children are taught that God=good and Satan=bad, and it showed Satan creating life and flowers and fruits?
Not at all a weird idea.he is the princeof the Earth isn't he.
He offers Jesus to stay by offing him his lands.