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Swine flu vaccine now available in Australia - NOT MANDATORY !!

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posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 08:18 PM
Just letting you all know that the swine flu vaccine will be available here in Australia from tomorrow (30 Sept, 2009).

And most importantly ... IT IS NOT MANDATORY ... you want it, you get it ... you don't want it, you don't get it.

I'm just a little pee'd off with all the threads and posts over the last few months virtually screaming in our faces how this is going to be the death knell of civilization with humanity forced to participate in the vaccination program.

Let me go out on a limb here and just say that if Australia is providing VOLUNTARY vaccination, ALL the developed nations will do likewise.

Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon, who toured CSL's laboratories on Thursday, urged Australians to contact their GPs from September 30 to access the vaccine.

"We are urging all Australians particularly who are aged 10 and over to consider being vaccinated," she told reporters.


In my book, the words "urged" and "to consider" DO NOT equate to "forced" !

But for those of you who disagree with me, then by all means clearly show/demonstrate ONE instance of FORCED civilian vaccination ... anyone able to provide such confirmation ? I tend to think it's a safe bet such confirmation will NOT be forthcoming !

[edit on 28/9/09 by tauristercus]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 08:28 PM
i dunno, i hope you right, but lets wait till the media hype says the SHTF to see what is or isn't mandatory.

there already making it mandatory for health care workers in new york and school students in new jersey, so its a little earlier to say how this is gonna pan out

Mandatory Immunizations For 500,000 In New York

New Jersey - Flu Shot IS Mandatory, no shot no school

[edit on 9/28/2009 by Alaskan Man]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 08:59 PM
In Los Angeles there's no vaccine and it is not mandatory

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:07 PM
O my gosh!!!! Please think for a minute!!!...OF COURSE AT THE BEGINNING IT WILL BE VOLUNTARY!!!! THEY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH VACCINE TO MAKE IT MANDITORY RIGHT OFF THE BAT!!! They will get the millions of 'volunteers' first...THEN they will go after the die hards....that's when it will be mandatory....Think people THINK!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:10 PM
OP is correct I have not heard of a forced vaccine yet. I'm not very skeptical about getting it at all. It hasn't spread too much where I live. I can understand the health care industry seeing as they are on the front lines. To me the vaccine is pointless at this point. The virus mutates every month and vaccinations are useless.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by smilinggrandma
O my gosh!!!! Please think for a minute!!!...OF COURSE AT THE BEGINNING IT WILL BE VOLUNTARY!!!! THEY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH VACCINE TO MAKE IT MANDITORY RIGHT OFF THE BAT!!! They will get the millions of 'volunteers' first...THEN they will go after the die hards....that's when it will be mandatory....Think people THINK!!!!!!!


posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:17 PM
OP, it isn't mandatory yet, but that doesn't mean it won't be later. I hope you are right, and it won't become mandatory, but it would be foolish to assume just because it isn't yet mandatory, that it won't ever be.

I am curious as to why you are ticked off at people who are concerned.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by smilinggrandma
O my gosh!!!! Please think for a minute!!!...OF COURSE AT THE BEGINNING IT WILL BE VOLUNTARY!!!! THEY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH VACCINE TO MAKE IT MANDITORY RIGHT OFF THE BAT!!! They will get the millions of 'volunteers' first...THEN they will go after the die hards....that's when it will be mandatory....Think people THINK!!!!!!!

Sorry, not so here in Australia, we definitely will have ENOUGH doses to cover the entire population within the next 3 months.
But large quantites are NOW available and yet it's STILL VOLUNTARY !

No ones knocking on my door, pointing a gun in my face and frog marching me to the nearest vaccination center ... just NOT going to happen here in Oz.
So if it's voluntary here, why should it be any different in any other country ?

The vaccination/global depopulation/whatever theory is taking a massive beating here in Oz !

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:21 PM
You guys should either go to Africa or Los Angeles since there's no sign of mandatiry vaccinations

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:22 PM
Australia is not exactly looked upon by other nations as a leader to be followed....just because they do something means absolutely zero in terms of what other nations will do.

We are already seeing what i like to call "soft mandatory vaccinations"(you dont HAVE to take them, you just lose privelages if you dont, such as your job) in areas around the U.S.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

But in Los Angeles no one cared since there since there is no vaccinations

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
reply to post by captaintyinknots

But in Los Angeles no one cared since there since there is no vaccinations

I keep seeing you say this in response to everyone, but I have no idea what you are talking about.

Please, ellaborate.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by AmethystSD
OP, it isn't mandatory yet, but that doesn't mean it won't be later. I hope you are right, and it won't become mandatory, but it would be foolish to assume just because it isn't yet mandatory, that it won't ever be.

If there WAS some kind of global conspiracy to use swine flu as a pretext to mass vaccinate the citizens of each country for whatever nefarious reason, and there are no shortages of such "reasons" here on ATS, alone ... then I fail to see the logic of allowing "voluntary" vaccinations to take place, only to adopt a "forced" vaccination policy later on.
Obviously, many people will decide NOT to voluntarily vaccinate, which could be a sizeable percentage of the population ... so imagine the social and political ramifications of an attempt to "forcibly" vaccinate these "unvaccinated" people a few months later.
Surely, if there WAS some underhanded plot involved, it would be preferable (if only from a logistical point of view), to withhold vaccinations until the government is ready, then and only then instigate forced vaccinations on the populace. Get it over and done with in one fell swoop ... not piss around with partial or voluntary vaccinations on only a percentage of the population.

I am curious as to why you are ticked off at people who are concerned.

I suppose I came off sounding a little harsh, didn't I ? Didn't really mean to convey that strong an impression

It's just that having spent time on ATS and literally been inundated with threads by doom merchants, prophesiers of cataclysm, global collapse, etc, etc and NOT ONE of these predictions have panned out and become reality.

And swine flu threads have been one of the most notorious of the lot ... so many theories, so many "knowledgeable" predictions with many of them revolving around forced vaccinations the moment a suitable vaccine has been developed in bulk quantities.
FEMA camps ... body bags ... deliberate global depopulation ... and the list goes on and on ... and most of these predicated on the ENTIRE citizenry being forcibly vaccinated.

And yet, here we are in Oz, potentially THE FIRST developed country to have access to mass vaccinations for swine flu and with the "potential" for doing it forcibly ... and what happens instead ?


[edit on 28/9/09 by tauristercus]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Australia is not exactly looked upon by other nations as a leader to be followed....just because they do something means absolutely zero in terms of what other nations will do.

Sure, I tend to agree with you that Oz is not one of the main super powers, but still interesting to consider that Australia was one of the 1st countries to support in an ongoing role, America's war on terrorism and that lately, we seem to be in the process of developing a more visible "presence" on the world stage, especially here in the Asia-Pacific region.

But for the global "forced" vaccination to be effective and staged, it would require some kind of high level collusion between the major governments of the world ... and that would automatically involve the Australian government. So if being the 1st country to offer swine flu vaccinations on a voluntary basis, this would indicate that if there IS such a global plan in effect, that voluntary vaccination must be a major component of such a plan.
But as I mentioned in a previous post, offering a voluntary vaccination only to later enforce a forced vaccination program is logically inefficient and ludicrous.

If it's voluntary to start of with, most likely it will remain voluntary.
And if it's voluntary ... therefore, NO CONSPIRACY.

[edit on 28/9/09 by tauristercus]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by tauristercus
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Australia is not exactly looked upon by other nations as a leader to be followed....just because they do something means absolutely zero in terms of what other nations will do.

Sure, I tend to agree with you that Oz is not one of the main super powers, but still interesting to consider that Australia was one of the 1st countries to support in an ongoing role, America's war on terrorism and that lately, we seem to be in the process of developing a more visible "presence" on the world stage, especially here in the Asia-Pacific region.

But for the global "forced" vaccination to be effective and staged, it would require some kind of high level collusion between the major governments of the world ... and that would automatically involve the Australian government. So if being the 1st country to offer swine flu vaccinations on a voluntary basis, this would indicate that if there IS such a global plan in effect, that voluntary vaccination must be a major component of such a plan.
But as I mentioned in a previous post, offering a voluntary vaccination only to later enforce a forced vaccination program is logically inefficient and ludicrous.

If it's voluntary to start of with, most likely it will remain voluntary.
And if it's voluntary ... therefore, NO CONSPIRACY.

[edit on 28/9/09 by tauristercus]

I was not trying to put Australia down-in fact, I love the place. But as they go does not mean the rest the world will follow.

Bringing up Australia's backing of the war on terror does not make australia look good....

And, while you all are building a place on the grand stage, you are nowhere near being an influential player....

However, did you consider that perhaps Australia is the testing ground to see whether or not people will WANT the vaccine? Small enough population to be able to make available enough vaccine for everyone, but big and diverse enough to give you a microcosm of what the people of a place such as, I dont know, AMERICA might react?

I'll bet a buffalo nickel that if the numbers of people willingly taking the vaccine in Australia are low, other countries WILL make it mandatory.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Originally posted by tauristercus
reply to post by captaintyinknots


I was not trying to put Australia down-in fact, I love the place. But as they go does not mean the rest the world will follow.

Yeah, the place does tend to grow on you ... lots worse places to live

Bringing up Australia's backing of the war on terror does not make australia look good....

Completely agree with you on that point ... but the reason I mentioned it was to show that Oz isn't a country that's tucked away in the middle of nowhere but DOES take an active role in world events and politics.

And, while you all are building a place on the grand stage, you are nowhere near being an influential player....

But working our way gradually to becoming one

However, did you consider that perhaps Australia is the testing ground to see whether or not people will WANT the vaccine? Small enough population to be able to make available enough vaccine for everyone, but big and diverse enough to give you a microcosm of what the people of a place such as, I dont know, AMERICA might react?

I still fail to follow the logic of that assumption.
If what you say is correct and a substantial proportion of our citizenry elect NOT to vaccinate, this will therefore be a strong indicator of public "acceptance or non-acceptance" to the rest of the world and similar results will most likely be repeated globally.
If this becomes the case, then any attempt by ANY government to force vaccinations on an unwilling populace will be nothing short of draconian and have severe repercussions on the stability of that society and directly on the government wielding such measures.

I'll bet a buffalo nickel that if the numbers of people willingly taking the vaccine in Australia are low, other countries WILL make it mandatory.

Not sure what a "buffalo nickel" is but tend to suspect it's your version of our "cow pattie" ... certainly NOT something you want to step in !!

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 02:42 AM
If there is indeed a conspiracy to use swine flu as a pretext to mass vaccinate and thus de-populate the planet i doubt they would make it mandatory world wide.

The PTB might just want to de-populate the countries who are most likely to resist their NWO, america being one because of the amount of guns and people who possess them, australian gun laws prevent the majority from owning them with the exception of rural australians.

Besides, as long as theres a game of footy on friday night and the beer flows freely, most aussies will be happy with whatever the government does, and that could be why mandatory vaccinations will not occur in australia.

Maybe we will be the worker ants when the NWO is established.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 02:51 AM
Just thought i'd add a bit of information, useless as it may seem...

In the town i live in (in South Australia), there are two medical centres. One of them is completely booked out for the entire month of October and most of November due to people getting their Swine Flu shots.
Which, i must say, seems rather odd to me, seeing as usually the Doctor would send the patient somewhere else to get things like bloodtests and vaccinations.

People here don't really seem too worried about getting the shot. Whatever they hear on the news about it being dangerous seems to go in one ear and out the other. In my opinion, anyway.

[edit on 2-10-2009 by kmclhb]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by kmclhb
In the town i live in (in South Australia), there are two medical centres. One of them is completely booked out for the entire month of October and most of November due to people getting their Swine Flu shots.
[edit on 2-10-2009 by kmclhb]

I'm also in South Australia (Adelaide) and the tv media advertising notifying us that swine flu vaccine is now available has been extremely minimal ... definitely NOT "in your face". So can't understand why there's such a stampede to your 2 medical centres resulting in them being completely booked so far ahead.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 03:42 AM
We're now into day 2 of swine flu vaccine availability here in Oz ... and so far, no sign whatsoever of stormtroopers coming to breakdown my front door and frog marching me off at gunpoint to the nearest vaccination centre to be "forcibly" vaccinated.

And NO sign either of military takeover or activity on the streets ... NO martial law imposed ... NO suspension of civil liberties ... NO mass roundups ...

Perhaps it'll all start to happen tomorrow

[edit on 2/10/09 by tauristercus]

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