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Create A Thread, A Post, Or Partake In Blogs, and Face Lawsuits,& Felonies

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posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:42 AM

We've just seen the recent G20 events, and that seems to have awoken many to the real "State of The Nation". More People now more than ever are realizing that the cheerleeding, and grand standing by the politicians is just that. They cram how free We are down everyone's throats; while at the same time usurping Rights, and freedoms..........Do as I say, not as I do.....aka Fascism.

The last frontier of unabated Freedom of Speech is the Internet. I do believe the blogosphere has been one of the main stumbling blocks to the progression of totalitarian control. You can see from this thread: that the US Govt. is gearing towards bailing out the MSM. The thread has a graph that shows the demise of the MSM, and it correlates to the Internet, and BLOG age. People over time have learned real news is coming in very clear, and concise manner from the blogosphere. Sure, We all have to weed through the crud to find the better stories, but when does this not occur in the MSM?

So the Elite have a real problem with the Internet, and blogosphere. What to do? Well in the last two months they've made great strides at ridding themselves of the evil blogs, and the People that comment there.

Texas police take on blog commenters
Make no mistake about the quotes of the police. The implications of what they said, when fully thought through are extremely dangerous, and close to a finality of the Freedom of Speech. Texas now makes blogging, posting, commenting, etc. punishable as a Felony. I wonder what other States have these laws, or are close to having them?

Judge: 'Skanks in NYC' blogger may be unmasked
Here You can see that a now courts are ruling for disclosure of identities of bloggers.

Outed 'Skanks in NYC' blogger to sue Google
The blogger that was 'outed' is suing, but I personally think against the 'machine' it will go nowhere without massive support from the very community causing the stir........the blogger community; which includes us.

All in all it is clear the voice of the People has been strong via the Internet. It is clear this last bastion is under some serious attack.



[edit on 28-9-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 08:20 AM
Anyone who fraudulently represents his/herself to be someone they are not, should be called on it. Just because its done on-line or in a blog does not change the fact that it is wrong.

We should fight to the end to maintain the right to express our opinions freely online; however, the people who abuse that right to conduct fraud or slander only hurt the cause.

They will end up being the rationale for the passing of laws that potentially end up restricting everyone.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 08:26 AM
I have created threads on this site revealing my absolute belief that a newspaper company's actions, in London, led to a vast amount of knife crime and homicide and violence, around the UK, and around the world. I do not belief that a company can remain in business that has caused murder, possibly deliberately. I will defend my beliefs, and am pleased to publish my story on the internet about this £1+ billion company.

If there are realities of shocking scandals that are being suppressed, people have got to hear about them.

The thread I created is about the fact that you cannot incite violence, as the effect of what you print, you cannot either do this is any media form whatsoever, it is illegal and immoral to do so. But to express views, discuss information etc. - we all have the right to do this.

[edit on 28-9-2009 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 08:27 AM
This may come as a surprise to some of you but I'm not actually a white wave. Am I fraudulently misrepresenting myself?

It was only a matter of time before the voices of opposition were silenced.

Any site that I've ever been on already polices itself and has clearly defined rules of what is and is not acceptable behavior. There are "alert" buttons and everything for the anonymous tattletales. Do we really need big brother to monitor every aspect of our lives?

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by whitewave

This may come as a surprise to some of you but I'm not actually a white wave. Am I fraudulently misrepresenting myself?


I guess it would only be a problem tho if there were actually someone out there whose name was "whitewave" and you knew it, and you intentionally said things here to cause her harm.

Otherwise, none of us is doing anything wrong by the sole act of assuming secret identities.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

I made a thread about this very topic, last year.

Philosophical Discussion : What If Next Time You Clicked "Post New Topic" Made You A Terrorist?

That is suppression of our Freedom of Speech, plain and simple.

I also made this other thread along similar grounds.

Philsophical Discussion : Freedom of Speech vs Treasonous Actions On ATS...

No matter what their bogus reasoning, it is an attempt, a feeble one I might point out, in taking away our First Amendment Rights, with Freedom of Speech.

If someone has misrepresented something said, and they can prove it, then sue them.

Otherwise, they are feebly attempting to shut down one of the biggest and most strongly guarded Amendments there are in the Constitution, Freedom of Speech.

First Amendment of the Constitution

Quote from : Wikipedia : First Amendment

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights.

The amendment prohibits the Congress from making laws "respecting an establishment of religion", prohibiting the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech and infringing on the freedom of the press.

In the 20th century the Supreme Court held that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applies the First Amendment to each state, including any local government.

First Amendment Center

That is awful funny, I just happened to be talking about how the illegal Project Megiddo and the M.I.A.C. Report were almost identical, on this thread below. (page four)

The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

Originally posted by tripletau
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

What I find odd is that the M.I.A.C. Report has literally 2/3's of what Griffin speak about in it, as key indicators that people are nuts, or affiliated with a militia.

I provided a link there for anyone who wants to read the M.I.A.C. Report.

After having read it thoroughly, the M.I.A.C. Report seems to be a re-packaged version of Project Megiddo, the Federal Bureau of Investigation's try to take out any and all militia groups for Y2K.

What is not outlined in this specific quote, but provided within the links there, is that everything outlined in Project Megiddo and the M.I.A.C. report covers our lawfully protected Second Amendment of the Constitution.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

Both Project Megiddo and the M.I.A.C. report, the latter being a re-written version of the first, are going heavily after both the First and Second Amendment, for no other reason than to make sure that American's cannot speak out about the abuses of our Government, and as well cannot defend ourselves from the Government when they try to do the unthinkable.

I have addressed some of that on this thread below :

Major General Smedley Darlington Butler: ATS Idol

What this nonsense constitutes is that the Government does not want people speaking through an efficient means, unravelling their illegals secrets, illegal actions, and actually figuring out what they are up to through a means they released to us the citizens through the ARPANET, which later became the Internet.

sanchoearlyjones, keep up the good work, you are a rising star on ATS.

[edit on 28-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by wayno
reply to post by whitewave

This may come as a surprise to some of you but I'm not actually a white wave. Am I fraudulently misrepresenting myself?


I guess it would only be a problem tho if there were actually someone out there whose name was "whitewave" and you knew it, and you intentionally said things here to cause her harm.

Otherwise, none of us is doing anything wrong by the sole act of assuming secret identities.

Well my ability to fight crime with my super powers would be greatly hampered if my ultra secret, mild mannered alter ego were exposed.

Advance apologies to any white waves out there who may be offended by my postings.
*Disclaimer* No whitewaves were harmed in the making of this post. (as far as you know. mwhahahaha)

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by wayno

I can almost agree with You, but whose not to say People share commonality in names? Do the goons in government own an absolute copyright to their names?

Also, think about the numbers of complaints this will silence. I grew up in Austin, and the po-lice were known to trade serious traffic violations for sex. It was widely reported on Austin public access tv, and has made the rounds of blogs there.

I know exotic dancers who had been propositioned by the po-lice there for the same things.

Now the current laws being in acted would begin to censor the ability for People to speak out in a free, and open society.

reply to post by TheDailyPlanet

Should You come back, I would like to see a link to Your thread; I'll go to Your profile in a bit to look. Any ways, what You wrote is correct. The mainstream big business media is no more than a psychological warfare tool of The Elite, and big brother.

People should be screaming as loud as possible to get their voice heard now, but seem to just be sitting by as usual. Donno

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by wayno

Well, it brings to mind how People are copyrighting words, and phrases that are commonly used. The Govt. is only starting to move in the direction of permanent suppression of Freedom of Speech...

I guess there are Free Speech Zones for actual People; I could only imagine what Orwellian hell they've got planned for the net? Maybe software that scans what Your writing as You write, and then doesn't allow the characters to show up on screen, or goes behind erasing as You type

reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Donno about star, but maybe soon to be higher priority target
You know I had a blog that I ran for a couple years, and I had to abandon it due to actual threats. It still ranks 1st on the Google search engine; like first out of 2 million hits. Any ways, it made me really start questioning my sanity due to the "oddities" that started occurring.

Those threads You wrote are incredible. I went, and read them. It shows me a few things, but one in particular. The ability of the blogosphere to anticipate the future via piecing together the building blocks, or foundation of the future events, is extremely accurate towards what will become reality.

You did it. Your threads are a prime example. People may have laughed, or said,"yeah right", but now the laws, and precedents are becoming a reality for persecution for using the 1st Amendment.

reply to post by whitewave

Exactly, There was a guy in Phoenix who had a website that was exposing corruption in the po-lice department there. I am not sure where it is at now, but the po-lice executed NO KNOCK warrants on the guys home, and a bunch of other stuff. All because they knew absolutely where to go, and who to hit.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:38 PM
So is this the way the government is going to try and SCARE us!

That we will face felonies, lawsuits, or maybe even jail time, here

we are expressing a constitutional Right! The Freedom of Speech,

Freedom of Thought!.....I for one am not scard, it just makes me



posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:40 PM
You may want to check out my old THREAD- Hundreds who posted views on sex assault trial targeted in Tarrant suit, not because I made it, but because it has some important information.

[edit on September 28th 2009 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:46 PM
You know I don't care what the government does to me if I continue to exercise my right to speak freely on any subject. They can throw in me jail any number of times will that shut me up, no.

I'll keep flapping my gum until the government decides to dispose of me or better yet fight back in some considerable fashion.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:26 PM
For awhile the internet was just a fun novelty. People did and said all kinds of things and it wasn't taken seriously but I think you have to agree its no longer that way.

The internet has become a major source of influence all across the globe; if not the major source. Even so-called (and real I guess) terrorists use it to get their message across. Presidential candidates use it to get elected.

What gets said on-line today is serious business. Is it any wonder that "important" people take it seriously when their reputation is put at stake thru someone's comments on a blog or discussion group?

We are not just "talking amongst friends" here, we are announcing our opinions to the world. What we say has to have some merit, or be backed up by facts.

Hiding behind a made up name/persona is only going to get you so far. When someone's livelihood is at stake you can bet they are going to fight back -- in any way they can.

We should all know by now that those with money have the means -- lawyers -- to get the last word. The age of innocence is over. All of us will have to be careful from now on what we say.

I am not sure that is wrong. Having said that, fighting the urge by the PTB to unreasonably restrict free and fair speech will become a serious battle, I am sure.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by truth/seeker

There You go! You've got! It's not just going to be the Govt. We are seeing the tie that binds come into play; We are seeing the emergence of JFK's secret societies.

It's not just the police, but stars now are stirring up crap, and I don't think it is by coincidence. Just like every action perpetrated at enslaving the People through out history; the sheeeet magically comes from all sides.

reply to post by greeneyedleo

I'll definitely be checking that out. Something that You kinda brought up here, or made me think about is the amount of Govt. subversion that is released via the Internet. Purpose of which is nothing short of diabolical.

reply to post by Big Oil

Big Oil, Should the World be filled with People of Your attitude it would be a much different place, and much better

reply to post by wayno

I agree without right slander, and lies should be refrained from, but as the old nursery rime goes,"sticks, and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me".

I think that phrase is absolutely necessary at the moment. The MSM uses slander on a daily basis, and is allowed impunity; as they are an intrinsic part of the machine. The baby steps that are being taken currently are leading towards the silencing of all speaking out about any Worldly atrocity.

The starlets crying fowl are to me nothing more than govt./Elite shills. It should be "chin up" at least right now; as Our very Right of Speech is being encroached upon.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
They cram how free We are down everyone's throats; while at the same time usurping Rights, and freedoms..........Do as I say, not as I do.....aka Fascism.

Not really, it is more like a Socialist Dictatorship. Even the DHS report by Janet Napolitano states that anyone who fears COMMUNISM is a "possible terrorist." Alongside the claim that anyone who fears a one World government, or is against any policy of Obama, or wants to defend the Constitution and demand the government to do so, not to mention returning veterans among other things are "possible terrorists" to the SOCIALIST dictatorship that is taking place.

Why did the Obama administration/government specified anyone who fears COMMUNISM, alongside a one World Government, is a "possible terrorist"?

Every move being done, and the grab of power by the administration is all part of the SOCIALIST agenda.

There is no denying that.

The more people deny that "true" Socialism always turns a country into a dictatorship, the more the same mistake will be repeated.

History is repeating itself. This has happened many times in the past, but most Americans have never seen the true horrors of true Socialism/Communism, and they believe the fairy tales which are being used to brainwash them into accepting true Socialism as an utopia, when it is only an utopia for the elite, meanwhile most regular people suffer and are oppressed.

[edit on 28-9-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:31 PM
We all know they would shut down the internet if they could. TPTB sure ain't happy about all of us peons becoming knowledgeable to their nefarious plans. Just the amount of info on ATS alone SHOULD scare them as we know can see the crap they pull in near real time(G20, anyone?).

Just more laws to try and keep us down. We really need a revolution as this country is going swiftly down the crapper. This is just another instance of them being scared and trying to enact laws we don't need nor want. If the cops are so scared of people dissing them then maybe they should, oh, say, read the constitution and learn what they are really there to do. They believe they are above the law and they aren't. They should not be allowed to pull the stunts they do but we have let things get to this point by our compliance with these ridiculous laws. Somehow, it needs to stop and the only way I see that is full fledged revolution, which will be bloody and full of death. I don't want to see that but I fear it's the only way.

Just a little something here, from a source you all probably know:

There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.

We must be silent no more. We must be obedient no more. We must consent no more. It is the only way to freedom, which, by letting laws like this become reality, we have lost. If not, then Orwell was completely right when he wrote 1984:

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this, Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face ... for ever.

I've been using that quote a lot recently. Maybe I'll just stick that in my siggy.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by wayno

Anyone who fraudulently represents his/herself to be someone they are not, should be called on it. Just because its done on-line or in a blog does not change the fact that it is wrong.

So you are saying using a made up name [and address] on the net to protect yourself from loony tunes is fraud???

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Hi I have read a lot of Your stuff, and even been the target
Your thinking in the left right paradigm provided by the very Elite.

My paradigm is entirely for the People, and Liberty. Freedom at all costs, and Yes I believe take all that You can from the totalitarian govt. in place now.

It is not socialism, but fascism that is the problem. An excellent example of how it isn't socialism, but fascism is of Che Guevara. He was a socialist, but his vision of that state of govt. was of a govt. controlled through an ********armed populace******* He thought that the People will only be able to control whatever form of govt. chosen by means of force by the People, and of the People..................'They/CIA' killed his ideological butt.

I don't play the left, right paradigms
Only peace, Liberty, and the People


Loony, and crimvelvet; I'll be writing in response to ya'll in a bit; not ignoring You, but multitasking

[edit on 28-9-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Donno about star, but maybe soon to be higher priority target
You know I had a blog that I ran for a couple years, and I had to abandon it due to actual threats. It still ranks 1st on the Google search engine; like first out of 2 million hits. Any ways, it made me really start questioning my sanity due to the "oddities" that started occurring.

Those threads You wrote are incredible. I went, and read them. It shows me a few things, but one in particular. The ability of the blogosphere to anticipate the future via piecing together the building blocks, or foundation of the future events, is extremely accurate towards what will become reality.

You did it. Your threads are a prime example. People may have laughed, or said,"yeah right", but now the laws, and precedents are becoming a reality for persecution for using the 1st Amendment.

I would not think so much my threads were predicative of the events unfolding, as much as my keeping up with everything politically, and sharing my opinions of where I see our nation heading, so in essence they were an unheeded warning.

Yes, I realize I am splitting hairs, but when unheeded warnings become reality, to me, no one was listening back then to my predictions, it's not like they will bother now, so I share those views with people who will listen and unfortunately ATS is turning out to be where it is happening less and less, because no one here wants to hear it, nor do they know what to do, without violence or legally.

How To Overthrow Your Own Government, Legally and Without Violence, In Order To Survive

I have followed everything going on in Washington D.C. and the world since I was a boy of six years old because my stepfather was a Marine during Vietnam.

I think this is only an excuse for them to tighten the reigns of control over society as a whole.

More and more, the Government tries to restrain the American citizens, illegally.

You need to read the book below, while it was written before Obama came to office, he is doing almost everything the author outlines in taking way more power than he has a right to.

The Cult of the Presidency, Updated: America's Dangerous Devotion to Executive Power

Come post your thoughts and opinions over on those threads as well as any you want to.

That book above is written by the Gene Healey of the Cato Institute.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Cato Institute

The Cato Institute is a pro-free market, libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C.

The Institute's stated mission is "to broaden the parameters of public policy debate to allow consideration of the traditional American principles of limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and peace" by striving "to achieve greater involvement of the intelligent, lay public in questions of (public) policy and the proper role of government."

Cato scholars conduct policy research on a broad range of public policy issues, and produce books, studies, op-eds, and blog posts.

They are also frequent guests in the media.

[edit on 28-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by TheLoony

Er, I wrote a really long response, and was gone.
Okay, I agree a 1000% that People need to stand up, speak out, and not take anymore crap off of the Elitist Govt. There is no end to their carnage, or desires.

Quite simply People will be hurt financially, or possibly even physically for standing up, but what is the alternative??? The Elitist Govt. is not going to just hurt People, they are planning a World around an Orwellian Hell they call paradise. Extended life technologies for them, and for us a finite Eugenics program.

Yes, it is time for People to decide how sweet life is, or is Freedom more important? Give me liberty

reply to post by crimvelvet

Good point regarding the reasons People do use "aka's" on the net. Not I though, I am Sancho

The deeper aspect of this encroachment is the seemingly copyright nature of words, phrases, or names. My gawd, by the time the Feds, and Elite get done with this World You'll need to get permission to open Your mouth at all; due to the copyrighted language.

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