Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
URL of the test:
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These tests are utterly useless, you can't explain or get detailed information about a person based on stupid/silly questions,
examples:Have you ever been in jail or done something that you could be put in jail for?
1. No, i haven't been in jail, yes I've done something that could put me in jail, the questions on 100% of the tests i've taken are based on
worldly views of the past society and are not up to date with the current social norms/standards, _^ above question is totally irrelevant in today's
society as most people have and will do something that breaks the law which can and will land them in jail...
2.Are you quiet in social situations, often out of fear of saying something stupid?
yes, I'm quiet in social situations, but not out of the fear of saying something stupid, yet again another question which forces you to answer on one
point of view. I'm mainly quiet because i like to be quiet so i can think, in social situations i don't mind chatting to people, but sometimes i
don't like chatting because the people I'm chatting to are either people I wouldn't normally socialise with or they aren't up to my standard of
socialising, today's world is moving faster then ever, today you might have one way of socialising, tomorrows you can have a totally different way of
3.Have others accused you of being arrogant?
Sort of a touchy subject here, because everyone is arrogant at times, no matter who they are... as for me, I'm only arrogant towards those who are
ignorant of the given matters, same sort of balancing that needs to happen these days, I may be talking to someone who is much older then me, an they
decide to pull the "you're to young to understand", I'm sorry that is irrelevant in today's age as we have the technology at our fingertips to
give us the information(hive mind, or the internet) what ever..., you may have tried this with your parents when you didn't have the internet or when
the internet didn't exist in the family homes till early 90's, but in today's world that saying is no longer acceptable.
4.Do you often feel like people are saying negative things about you behind your back?
People always say negative things behind your back, no matter who the people are, if you think they are saying negative things behind your back you
must have done something for your brain to pick up on that, or maybe someone has nudged you in some sort of way for you to think that, somtimes in
schizophrenia people can think that others are saying negative things behind your back, but more often then not a person actually is saying negative
things about you without actually implying it directly.
5.When you are talking to someone, do they sometimes have difficulty following your train of thought?
Often times when somone that is depressed or more of a critical thinker(like us here at ATS)have a more clear view which can seem distorted to your
average joe or doctor since they're not experiencing that train of thought of the world today which can lead to those who are more to the normal or
what they would call more socially normal in today's society thinking that your view of life seems vitriolic and disgusting which leads to them
thinking you have problems, also they don't understand you when you try to explain something because the "psycho factor" in there brain gets
triggered and it out-weighs anything you're saying.
that's just something I have written up, tell me what you think ;>
[edit on 29-9-2009 by allsop]