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Timewave Zero and October 26, 2009

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posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:07 PM
A very interesting thread OP.

What you seem to be saying is that we are looking at a novelty "echo" of 1943.

World war II was without a doubt a huge event on this planet. Great forces crashed together and set in motion the events that would see us to where we are today.

And where are we today?

We are a planet in peril. Our unchecked industrialized progress is making the planet unliveable. War rages against the planet and each other. Humans are an "extinction event" in progress. However we are also killing ourselves off in the process. So ask yourself who are the echoes of the Allies and Axis? who is the "sleeping giant" that was stirred to life? who is the force the Axis feared would join the fray?

Remember also we lost a President during the war.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:07 PM
What does the lowest dip in 1945 resemble, the one that 2012 will mimic?
i do not know my history, but if your theory holds true something great happened in 1945?

im probably gonna look like an asshole its like the end of the war or sometinhg

ok nevermind. ww11 ended

[edit on 28-9-2009 by sgrrsh26]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:11 PM
the only thing i can find of any signifigance with that date is the Birth of Javier Solana... Bilderburger, Club of Rome, the guy is an NWO elitist... maybe he has something to do with it.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:15 PM
I'm finding I'm a skeptic of this for two reasons:

The graph is, far as I can tell, EXACTLY the same, meaning the number of variables used to figure this whole thing out is pretty small. I wonder how many other times this exact pattern has happened, and what they are using to generate the graph (besides what's described on the link, which doesn't help).

Also, If the graph can be created with such precision then 18:00 on the July 11, 1942 date should have some major, and demonstrable, meaning.

On a side note I've done quite extensive research into Astrological predictions and this type of graph really reminds me of the graphs one can get doing that.

[edit on 28-9-2009 by notreallyalive]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Tamale_214

I agree with this post very much, but not so with the "we can choose what to manifest".

Because first we must understand that good and bad are not real frequencies but human interpretation. How many times have you been through something you felt was not so nice, and in the end learned something very important from it? Was that situation good or bad? Or was it neither?

Going on your thought, if this dip is a window of novelty that is a canvas to paint our collective desires in, you can be rest assured that the outcome will be something very different than what you hope for.

Our unconscious is vast, I don't need to explain that here, but the information is processes, holds, and ponders dwarfs our conscious mind and therefore it is much better to sit back and enjoy the ride than try willing something that we aren't ready for.

But thank you for the intriguing idea that the novelty is just a placeholder for manifestation, that makes much more sense to me than what i was thinking before.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by notreallyalive

The repetition is found in the idea that time is fractal and it is an ever tightening spiral constantly repeating itself. The graph repeats it self many times over, only stretched out against shorter and longer periods of time.

The graph itself is based on the Chinese system of divination; the I-Ching. It is basically a system of 5012 or so (some multiple of 64) universal archetypes that all things follow.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:21 PM
I find it odd that the graph for the 2 time periods shown (1941 and 2009) are almost exactly the same for that reason I have to throw out the whole notion that something big will happen in Oct this year. The same exact dips and peaks at exactly the same time looks fishy to me.

To be blunt, it looks like an error on the graph makers part.

[edit on 28-9-2009 by venividivici]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:22 PM
I'm just jumping straight to reply so don't shout at me if this has already been mentioned, but i think this could be the start of world war 3

the economy will take another blow and tensions will carry on to rise between Iran and the west, Iran will strike first.

from October onwards, the whole world will be an all out skirmish.

my opinion, that's what i believe the 2012 things all will all come down to Iran.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Tamale_214

1. I am deeply concerned with the tendency to look back in history to find resonant events when examining the current and future timewave. While I recognize that the resonances are striking in many instances, I think that there are a number of things one keep in mind.

From my perspective:
-dips in the wave correspond to periods of novelty and ought not to be confused with a re-occurrence of a specific event or type of event. Thus, although the Oct 26th novelty dip does seem to resonate well with 1942, this does not mean that the same types of events will happen, merely that the potential exists for any number of things to happen.

assuming that novelty periods in the TWZ really are just that, then unprecedented novelty dips such as the one we are currently in ought to represent unprecedented potentiality. If we filter our potential future through the lens of our actualized past, we risk repeating that past in a new form.

I couldn't agree more, Tamale. When faced with my own ignorance, and the knowledge that I am as blind as a rock, I can only throw stones at the dragons to try and make a difference. Make any sense?

I have no other tool than history to refer to when trying to find what constitutes such a spike in novelty.

I make no claims that similar events WILL happen, what I try to emphasize is that IF in fact time is cyclical and we are set to experience a period of novelty that is identical in scope, or 'size' to a previous resonance, then I have nothing but previous historical events to judge, or interpret what would 'qualify' as the large, unknown novelty.

Given the average, I suppose everyone in the world could see a new Simpson's cartoon and that would be a hugely novel time.

I admit wholeheartedly that I grasp at answers and look at this through a very skewed perception, my problem is that I just lack the understanding to do it any other way.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by sgrrsh26
What does the lowest dip in 1945 resemble, the one that 2012 will mimic?
i do not know my history, but if your theory holds true something great happened in 1945?

im probably gonna look like an asshole its like the end of the war or sometinhg

ok nevermind. ww11 ended

[edit on 28-9-2009 by sgrrsh26]

That was the destruction of Hiroshima, my friend, by a nuclear bomb. The very event that was used as a starting point for the entire Timewave Zero program.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:25 PM
Well, let's see, the crash of the dollar, the increase in SDR's by the IMF, Ron Paul pushing for the Audit of the FED. If the dollar is declared worthless, what strife will hit society the world over?

Priory of Zion, anyone read it? Albert Pikes plans for the three world wars, anyone read that? Israel against the Muslim world, both wipe each other out?

Link here;

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." - Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. (see former Royal Canadian Navy Intelligence Officer, William Guy Carr's books "Satan, Prince of this World" and "Pawns in the Game", p. xv-xvi, which includes extracts of Pike's letter

See, the elite aren't getting what they want so easily, so chaos must be brought about world wide, they too are watching this timeline and are using it to the greatest advantage, wouldn't you if you were in their position?

I am sure they have used it for centuries. And as for time not being relevant or whatever the individual stated, in jesuit years we are in the year 5755 or something like that, in other ancient calenders we are way off as well. The current calender was figured to coincide with the pulses of the actual timeline of energy waves. Our solar system is gradually approaching the edge of the Milkyway, our Galaxy we are in. As we approach the edge of it, more energy will be put upon us by photons, light particles, traveling so fast they are assumed to exist in more than one plain or dimension. This will cause many things we could never imagine. I can not imagine but have heard are pretty weird indeed.

I am not sure if that is why the HAARP is so world wide, maybe they, the Elite, are trying to keep the planet from being bombarded by these photons, which could give the individual a heightened sense of being? Thus exposing more of what they have done criminally and covertly to all humanity. Guessing here. We all pretty much know most of what they have been behind anyway or what they have done.

But I think the main thing is Israel will definitely attack Iran with the backing of the U.S. (not you and me), but our government physcopathic megalomaniacs. The dollar will cease to exist, poverty and civil unrest and the mass termination of those who resist. The flu thing was just a test to see how pissed we would get at mandatory vaccination. How much fight do we have? That sort of thing. When you step back and observe, you can, more or less, see the big picture.

And when you have studied the Illuminati and the Masonic commmunity at large, you can see all the signs and symbols being used to relay messages from the Elite leaders to one another. Pretty obvious, but I won't go into it as too many will try and debunk and I am sooooooo tired of that crap. Get over it. Secret Societies do absolutely NO GOOD for mankind, never have, never will. Nuf said, ramble on................

Edit..and I actually think what is going to happen afterward will be the opposite of what happened in the past, minus the destruction with the nuke. I think the nuclear part of it will reverse the events in the timeline? Weird thought but possible.?

[edit on 28-9-2009 by daddio]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by notreallyalive

I'm finding I'm a skeptic of this for two reasons:

The graph is, far as I can tell, EXACTLY the same, meaning the number of variables used to figure this whole thing out is pretty small. I wonder how many other times this exact pattern has happened, and what they are using to generate the graph (besides what's described on the link, which doesn't help).

Also, If the graph can be created with such precision then 18:00 on the July 11, 1942 date should have some major, and demonstrable, meaning.

On a side note I've done quite extensive research into Astrological predictions and this type of graph really reminds me of the graphs one can get doing that.

Not only is your skepticism appreciated, I think it is entirely necessary for us to get where we need to go.

The wave DOES repeat. That is really the cornerstone of the entire theory, that a set wave repeats throughout the history, but resonates at increased frequency as time progresses, until we get to the end of the wave where the entire wave is resonated in an instant.

I scoured everything I could get my hands on to find the significance of 18:00 as I think it is a big deal that the wave repeats itself in such a way. The only thing that came close to that sort of narrow identification was a roundup of Jews that started 'that night' but with no specific time mentioned.

I really DO appreciate your input and your willingness to express your skepticism.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by riddle6
reply to post by mrpotatohead

To me, Iran/Israel seems to be too obvious. Everything makes sense (as to why there would be a conflict between the two), but I don't know. I guess I'm having a hard time seeing what the elite would gain from destroying Iran (other than Oil).

I just had a *click* moment something about this question of what the elites would gain from "destroying" Iran in this thread about novelty . . .

What if the notion behind an Israel/Iran conflict is not the destruction of Iran but vice versa? What if TPTB have grown tired of the power supposedly wielded by a relatively tiny country? Or better yet have grown tired of the instability caused by its continued existence in the region?

How would THAT be for novelty?

After all, TPTB have historically been interested in Israel (specifically Jerusalem) as a jumping off point for a religion-based apocalypse scenario. What if there is a secular (or at least more esoterically inclined) power shift going on behind the curtain? What of the possibility of increased or more open ET presence on the scene?

This is just a half formed thought at the moment, but it struck me as something that needed to be put out there.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by JonoTheShepard
I'm just jumping straight to reply so don't shout at me if this has already been mentioned, but i think this could be the start of world war 3

the economy will take another blow and tensions will carry on to rise between Iran and the west, Iran will strike first.

from October onwards, the whole world will be an all out skirmish.

my opinion, that's what i believe the 2012 things all will all come down to Iran.

I'm not 'feeling' that one, Jano. My feelings are based on my own bias, but if we look at the resonance that I would compare this to, in 1942, the big war had already been going on. Our war has been going for quite some time now war is not 'novel' for us right now...a BIG one might be enough to account for such a spike, but how much bigger would it have to be? There are some definite large battles that occur around that time in 1942...the Battle for Stalingrad is a pretty big one...

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Reddupo
reply to post by Tamale_214

"it is much better to sit back and enjoy the ride than try willing something that we aren't ready for"

But thank you for the intriguing idea that the novelty is just a placeholder for manifestation, that makes much more sense to me than what i was thinking before.

Wise words sir, and thank you.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:04 PM
Wow, more mathematical bull-ony, can you use this insightful technology to figure out what state I'm going to be in on Saturday Morning?

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

I just wanted to do some research on this Javier Solana guy as I had never heard of him before, and something very interesting I found on wikipedia (not the best source i know but usually provides good vitals.) It says he will be leaving his post in October. Maybe this is the correlation?

This is my first post on ATS...I have been following here for about a month or two, but this little bit of info finally got me to sign up.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen


of course we are all just throwing stones at dragons in this study...and in this life. Until we find something bigger to throw at them, all we can hope for is that we are tossing them in the right direction--I think that that is what we are all doing here.

I'll quote my own idea (eloquently re-stated by Reddupo) "that the novelty is just a placeholder for manifestation".

the current novelty peak, as pointed out to me by Evasius in his primary thread is the most novel period in human history thus far, truly dwarfing anything that came before it. I have a difficult time getting my head around what might constitute the "most novel period in human history", especially in consideration of all that has happened in the past 100 years alone.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:22 PM
To be honet, anything could happen on any date... the whole Timewave Zero thing and Oct. 26, 2009 could be correct about something big happening, but it could be something that isn't shared with the public and is withheld from us all until it is shown to the world... It literally could be anything, so it's hard to go do some research on the date and find a specific event that is going to correlate with something happening in the future.

But good thread nonetheless, S&F.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by spitefulgod
Wow, more mathematical bull-ony, can you use this insightful technology to figure out what state I'm going to be in on Saturday Morning?

no...not really, but from the looks of the chart it's not going to be very exciting. :p Nah, just kidding. You know it's not supposed to work that way.

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