Hahaha. Too funny. I thought it was a little ironic that I hear on the radio that they caught 3 different people in about 3 days who all were
'planning to bomb' somewhere.
One of them even said a Muslim was planning to bomb NYC on 9/11. Right..
They must be panicking because they have been trying to scare monger so badly its not even funny. I have been surrounded by a lot of people who have
been shutting off the news. The jig is up.
I have faith that most people can clearly see what is up. Its too transparent now for mind games like this.
I don't watch much tv, but I believe Your correct with Your assertion. The Neo SS Titanic is going at "full speed ahead", and the captain knows
the iceberg is ahead.
I guess in the analogy the ship is the current NWO machine loaded with everyone wanting to ride on it, and the iceberg is the rest of us.
They are playing chicken, and are convinced they cannot loose.