posted on May, 16 2004 @ 08:19 AM
Not sure if this has been talked about or not, but here it goes.....
We have heard that they were hunting for OBL and thought they knew his where abouts... ok, this is nothing new... but then Pakistan got big on
military maneuvers and the US military is helping in the region. Well, scandals have started happening and suddenly he was not there and have heard
nothing more..... I am wondering if anyone thinks that they actually know where he is, but due to catching OBL will not do a whole lot right now with
all the bad scandals going on at least in terms of Poll Points right now they will not pursue him. I am wondering if they are waiting for these to
quiet down a bit, then just a month or so before the election, they will catch him and poof, there is a push for the president. I hope it would not
be true, but the thought occured to me and thought I would get other opinions on it as well.