posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:21 PM
I caught this on google while searching for E&E equipment and signed up and decided to put some thoughts in here, maybe even get some help.
I took a class called Urban Escape & Evasion with it was a great class took it in April really changed the way I live actually
Anyway I was taught to have and prepare a set of 9 gear bags.
My Tier 1 Gear is the equipment I carry on me personally at all times:
1) Multi tool
2) Mini lockpicks (the tiny ones you can clip inside your pants or key chain)
3) Lighter
4) My personal cell phone (duh)
5) Bobby pins, paper clips, or hair clips - The purpose for this is according to the class Im already kidnapped and put in a trunk so these are used
for picking out of cuffs
6) Wallet with ID
7) Shoes with shoe laces, my shoe laces have been replaced by 550 parachord which is used to get out of zip cuffs, rope, and duct tape.
My Tier 2 Gear right now has a ton of stuff but like they told me in class once I start to make the pack I will be able to dwindle it down but right
now its:
1) Tier 1 backup gear
2) Small trauma kit
3) Small hand gun
4) Small monocular
5) Night vision device - It was on our list but the instructors pretty much said in Urban escape & evasion its pointless to have and will fail on
6) Full size lockpicks - which consists of 8 normal sized lock picks
7) Jigglers - If Im escaping my pursuers what better way than to break into a car and take off
8) OC Foggers - They showed us Fox gas grenades 4oz's these are used to obviously stop pursuers in the chase. I live in the USA in CT and its legal
to purchase these.
9) More lighters
10) Compass!! Sadly Ive no idea how to really utilize this thing yet haha
11) Coded Annotated map - These are the maps of the place your traveling to or where you live on them you should have important notes on them, where
you hide your urban caches, choke points, pay phones, accesible water, etc
12) Knife
13) GPS - I dont plan on getting one of these Im fine with a map
14) Flashlight
15) Spare batteries (AA's AAA's)
16) Phone & chargers - Obviously this would be the pay as you go gas station phone
17) Bionic Ear - There small and useful you never know
18) Notepad & pen
19) Critical numbers, cordinates, and addresses to safe houses
20) For me sadly Diabetic supplies as Iam a Type 1 Diabetic
21) Spark plug ceramics - they break glass really easily
22) Center punch - Breaks glass very easily and quietly
23) Square shaped flat head screwdriver
24) Wrench 23 & 24 go together and I dont feel comfortable discussing what they are used for Im sure most of you can take a good guess.
Now I have the Tier 3 Gear which is usually a big duffle bag kept in the car, work, and home.
1) Backup Tier 1 Gear
2) Back up Tier 2 gear
3) Radio's
4) Pick gun
5) Smoke & Tear gas grenades (Which can be bought and owned where I live at least)
6) A knife - I assume its repeated on here as being a more serious knife
7) Maps - again with the same info above
8) STOMP Bag - I have no idea what this is I wasnt paying attention when the instructors told us so if ANYONE knows please tell me haha
9) Bolt cutters
10) ID Kit
11) Disguise kit
12) Counter pursuit kit
And thats it for my 3 main packs Tier 1 stays on me Tier 2 is hidden in different locations that I visit so obviously it needs to be worked on to make
smaller and finally the Tier 3 which is again home, work, trunk.
My other bags some optional some not include:
Large Trauma kit Im not listing all the stuff on there all you need is stuff to keep you alive and your partner alive enough to get to medical
assistance in case seriously injured.
Communication kit that stays at your house comes with Ham radio, clicker, HF Radio that stuff.
Then theres the Urban Caches that you plant in spots in places you visit often and the routes you always take. Backup ID's for you and your vehicle,
weapon caches which consists of Blunt, Strangulation, Slicing and Stabbing instruments, MFW Caches - Money food water t2/1 kits