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False Flag Operator, Become Sheep-Dipped Or Wolf-Dipped, and Become A Puppet Dictator?

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posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:32 PM
For anyone who knows anything about Government, Law Enforcement, or the Alphabet Intelligence Agencies like I do, this will be an easy one, but for those who are at a loss to knowing what the terms “sheep-dipped”, “wolf-dipped”, or “puppet dictator” are, this may in fact become a very informational thread and at the very least some humor and or alternate way of thinking may happen for you, and for any of those, I am glad.

How To Overthrow Your Own Government, Legally and Without Violence, In Order To Survive

YouTube : Being John Malkovich

The reason for this thread is quite obvious or if it is not so far it should be to you, it is about becoming a “puppet dictator” because it is the fair belief by many within the conspiracy theory genre that people like Hugo Chavez, Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, and a host of other “evil dictators” were or are in fact “puppets” set up into power by the United States Government, or the Russian Government, depending on which version you happen to believe in, and or which theory you ascribe to, or whether you are in fact a sheeple bleating in the middle declaring the fallacy of this to begin with, this thread will be for you.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Sheep Dip

The term is used colloquially in business to refer to the process of training all employees in an organization in a general subject of wide applicability.

The term is also used in information security.

It refers to a computer that is isolated from a business core network used to screen incoming digital devices.

They will often contain multiple malware scanners and egress packet detection.

As it is used in the documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy, the term also refers to the intentional broadcast of misleading details about oneself for the purposes of generating a cover prior to engaging in covert information gathering.

The name is also used to refer to some brands of originally-bootleg whisky, the best-known of which is probably Original Oldbury.

When confronted by authorities, it was called "sheep dip" by sellers to escape liquor taxes (see moonshine).

There is no definition, yet, in Wikipedia, for “puppet dictator” so I will use the definition to Straw Man as the closest to it for an allegory of sorts towards explaining this as well as boogeyman for the closest approximation to fill in the gaps.

The following is the definition of a straw man, also this fits the terms and condition of sock puppet of ATS :

Quote from : Wikipedia : Straw Man

A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.

To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting a superficially similar proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.

The following is the definition of the boogeyman or bogeyman :

Quote from : Wikipedia : Bogeyman

The bogeyman (also spelled boogyman, bogyman, boogieman, boogey monster, or boogeyman) is a legendary ghost-like monster.

The bogeyman has no specific appearance, and conceptions of the monster can vary drastically even from household to household within the same community; in many cases he simply has no set appearance in the mind of a child, but is just an amorphous embodiment of terror

This all as well fits into the definition of a False Flag Operation.

The following is the definition of false flag operation :

Quote from : Wikipedia : False Flag

False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities.

The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own.

False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension.

YouTube : Team America : Kim Jong Il : Inevitable

Are You "Right-Wing Fringe", or "Left-Wing Fringe" and How Will They Push You

In order to see the potential for this you need to be prepared to release your current identity, and either be "sheep-dipped", given real fake identification papers, meaning that you are given a fake identity through the insertion of your paperwork with false identity into the system of whichever, most likely all, legal systems.

Or, you can go another route, being "wolf-dipped", and go into jail, setting up a false record of incarceration by committing a crime knowing Law Enforcement will get you out through a cut-out situation, and begin a paper trail of "illegal activities" in order to become the perfect "criminal" in order to get tagged as a prospect for some under-world crime boss to recruit you.

Of course, all sorts of information has to be set up and in place ahead of time for either of these to happen, and depending on who is pulling the strings, or in this case, your strings, the outcome can either be smooth sailing, or you could just end becoming another crime statistic of a violent death used as an example by the crime lords.

Most people associate Fidel Castro as a puppet dictator of the Central Intelligence Agency, Osama bin Laden, Kim Jong Il, could potentially be connected to this agency, or another, or could be front men for the Russian's, but the process is the same, no matter which Government entity or country is pulling the strings, the end result is the same, a puppet dictator.

Why The Hell Would I Want To Become P.O.T.U.S., Really People?

All three of the threads I have inserted of mine from various grounds of ATS are in some way linked to this thread, in that they show either a way that someone could be provoked, someone being set up as a "puppet dictator", or the potential for all of the above, and I am using them here only as an example of the metaphors herein outlined.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:55 PM
Great thread once again SKL

So Hugo Chavez, being placed there by the US Government, if he is a puppet why does he go through all the trouble of trying to help others? Didn't he call Bush the 'devil' at the UN? I don't think he's an enemy but I do believe he wouldn't be where he is at without help.

If he was placed there, why do you think he's started to undermine policies? Change of Heart maybe?

I'm not well read on Hugo Chavez, I was just asking a general question I suppose.


posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

You and I must dream about the same stuff

I read this first thing this morning...

Since taking office, Barack Obama has surrendered much of America’s national security in the form of weak foreign policies and radical appeasement. Recent headlines have even shown us that Afghanistan is on the verge of total collapse. This week was no different. The U.N. Security Council passed a resolution professing the end of a world with nuclear weapons. Yea, right.

Obama and the “do-gooders” honestly feel the world will sit idly by and hope that Iran’s despot Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will comfortably abide by any resolutions or sanctions from Western leaders. Do Obama and the rest of the naïve world believe that tough words work against psychopath’s intent on destroying entire countries? The majority of Americans who still remember 9-11 don’t. Again, the purpose of Obama’s presidency is not to change how the world looks at America, but how Americans look at America. He needs a badly divided nation.

So yes, S&F&Dugg,

It is not hard to see the truth...if one will just open thier eyes!

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Gala-Kemen
Great thread once again SKL

So Hugo Chavez, being placed there by the US Government, if he is a puppet why does he go through all the trouble of trying to help others? Didn't he call Bush the 'devil' at the UN? I don't think he's an enemy but I do believe he wouldn't be where he is at without help.

If he was placed there, why do you think he's started to undermine policies? Change of Heart maybe?

I'm not well read on Hugo Chavez, I was just asking a general question I suppose.


Gala-Kemen, the often quoted, better the Devil we know than the Devil we don't know comes to mind with your questions, as these Government entities are sometimes wanting to "place" someone they can guarantee that will scream, rant, rave, and beyond all, demonize America to their people, in order to give them a false reason to later go after this individual and take them out.

I have heard many versions as well from many sources, several different ways, from the C.I.A. placing Chavez, to the Russian's placing him, and it comes to mind that evil people will do evil things, just to keep their budget flowing.

So, in other words, it is all a sham, just to keep their jobs, extortion through a guise of fallacy.

If the people of the United States, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom, all members of the United Nations Security Council, were to know that they did not have bad guys big enough to go after, like Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or whomever you want to add to that list, the people paying the taxes, would cease and desist to do so, because they would see no reason for the need of those agencies anymore, and literally the budgets of the entire Government, Intelligence Agencies, Military Industrial Complex, and whichever other entities you want to throw in for good measure would collapse overnight.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Well, while I am not sure you and I dream the same thing, unless you were dreaming of seeing me set up as Castro, I can assure you that more people are seeing behind the curtain now than have ever done so in the entire history of the United States and the world.

YouTube : Wizard of Oz : Man Behind the Curtain

I cannot speak of the certainty of knowing Obama is a puppet, but for all intents and purposes, I see him as one.

Obamaland : Cotton Candy, Gumdrops, and Rainbow Dreams, This is the Land of Collusion

As well I see the U.N.S.C. as a "puppet regime" in place for the whims of the power elite.

U.N.S.C. and 2012 : Political Ideologies, Nations United, and Views on Terrorism : Conflict Earth

I also see the War on Terror as nothing but a surrogate war, with the military trying to take out the entire population of people who disagree with Government, just because they do not like the fact that people have Constitutional Rights.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I think he is has strings attached, I can safely say that.

All presidents do...but not all to the same degree.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I think he is has strings attached, I can safely say that.

All presidents do...but not all to the same degree.

Any man who has ambitions for that kind of office has to have strings.

I have trouble trusting people in normal circumstances, so trusting someone in those unusual circumstances would be an impossibility to me, because threatening me will only get my ire up and as well will push me into survival mode.

YouTube : Jeff Dunham and Achmed the Dead Terrorist

[edit on 26-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:39 PM
Either Obama and the Democrats forming Congress are puppets or they are very stupid. Given the number of thousand page bills that came sailing through Congress as soon as their collective behinds touch down the first of the year. I vote their are puppets.

We have an economy doing a death spiral, no industry and the idiots in DC are passing laws and regs designed to strangle us as fast as they can. The idiots have to know they are about to get their butts kicked out of office as soon as possible. This frightens me the most because Congress is no longer even giving lip service to being representative.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
Either Obama and the Democrats forming Congress are puppets or they are very stupid. Given the number of thousand page bills that came sailing through Congress as soon as their collective behinds touch down the first of the year. I vote their are puppets.

We have an economy doing a death spiral, no industry and the idiots in DC are passing laws and regs designed to strangle us as fast as they can. The idiots have to know they are about to get their butts kicked out of office as soon as possible. This frightens me the most because Congress is no longer even giving lip service to being representative.

In a small way if you want to think of it that way, Congress, or at least those who this applies to, would be set up as puppet dictators, seeing as how a lot of them receive funding from lobbying groups, legally accepting what constitutes bribery, through a legal means, and therefore bypassing the constituency of each and every man or woman who holds an office.

Yes, they are no longer giving lip service, but it is probably because their lips are busy being planted elsewhere on who knows who's fuzzy bottom to keep their funding going to retain that office they so badly want to hold.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Yes, they are no longer giving lip service, but it is probably because their lips are busy being planted elsewhere on who knows who's fuzzy bottom to keep their funding going to retain that office they so badly want to hold.

I agree all it takes is who ever has the most money to win or at least they seem to think so. I am hoping this next election the voters will be awake enough to vote them out and vote in third party. The guy with the least amount of campaign funds is probably the best candidate! You sure can't pick them by the campaign promises unless the promise was to fully support the bankers and corporate cartels.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Yes, they are no longer giving lip service, but it is probably because their lips are busy being planted elsewhere on who knows who's fuzzy bottom to keep their funding going to retain that office they so badly want to hold.

I agree all it takes is who ever has the most money to win or at least they seem to think so. I am hoping this next election the voters will be awake enough to vote them out and vote in third party. The guy with the least amount of campaign funds is probably the best candidate! You sure can't pick them by the campaign promises unless the promise was to fully support the bankers and corporate cartels.

Yes, that is true, but unfortunately, due to the fact that we as a society and a nation as a whole are shell-shocked from the continual lying, cheating, and backstabbing the politician's seem to favor, I do not see how we could actually trust them when they told the truth.

How do you trust a liar who is so good at lying, that the politician believes his own lies?

You cannot.

The first time a friend told me I would make a damn good Cop, I was pissed, the first time the same woman told me I would make a damn good politician, I was mad as Hell, the first time the same woman told me I should run to be President of the United States of America, I wanted to punch her lights out.

As much as I can see those as compliments, in some way, I see I would have absolutely no backup in wading my way through the crap, lies, and backstabbing.

While I can survive it, it is something I am loathe to do, because I know someone would try to kill me, and I would have to retaliate in like kind.

This is the same woman who said I would make a good puppet dictator, which is what influenced me making this thread, and I refuse to mention what it made me want to do to her.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

The following is an assignment I did for school and one of the many reasons my friend suggested I would make a good puppet dictator.

International Business Assignment : Business Administration/Criminal Justice Administration

A detective agency is a business that has to travel to do business. If you are tracking a person down, you must know boundaries and what you can do within them.

Having a Southern Common Market, with MERCOSUR can affect this type of business in several ways. As a detective agency, I will have to consider many things, but we must consider the following for the country of Venezuela first.

While Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay have already been a part of MERCOSUR, Venezuela is relatively new to it and it is the stepping stone of the South American political system to open a similar trade bloc like the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA with our own South American Free Trade Agreement, or SAFTA, which may potentially link up with NAFTA at a later date.

For the country of Venezuela, this can have many positive and negative repercussions on our economy. If the Venezuelan people let MERCOSUR open the doors to foreign trade, foreign business, and foreign politics, they risk the negative impact of losing individuality even more as a nation, the use of Spanish as the main language as English speaking people may become more dominant, as they have already had the influx of the Italian, Portuguese, Arab, German, African languages that were absorbed into their culture of the wonderful country of Venezuela.

President Hugo Chavez is already a very powerful man, but do they also give him more power through this transaction? Corruption is a distinct possibility with this man, who thinks the American government, through funding and conspiracy of the Central Intelligence Agency are conspiring against him through the use of the video game Mercenaries 2. Is this man a threat to the national stability of Venezuela’s economy? Is he el loco in the head and would this trade bloc help the Venezuelan people out to be rid of him, or would it give him more power to hold office indefinitely? Or what about the War On Drugs where Chavez who regularly accuses the U.S. government of plotting against him, said "the DEA isn't absolutely necessary for the fight against drug trafficking."

Does MERCOSUR help against this man, or does it make this paranoid man even more powerful? These are things I see as potential problems when MERCOSUR opens up Venezuela. I do not see Hugo Chavez letting Venezuela open its arms wide open, unless he controls all the marbles. Well, it seems Hugo Chavez may be a few marbles shy of a full bag, or is he? Is the United States government plotting to make an already paranoid man more paranoid? That is a distinct possibility, since the United States government used similar tactics against Cuba’s Fidel Castro. Hugo Chavez has sworn to send troops into Cuba to help Fidel Castro if the United States interferes with his hold on power. So, we see a dictator in Fidel Castro, and a shaky political leader in Hugo Chavez who see’s his political ally right on the door step of America.

Those are some pretty negative reasons that I see for MERCOSUR in the country of Venezuela, but those same things can be seen as positives in other ways. Since the country already has a very diverse culture and language spread, opening the door through a trade bloc may not be as negative an impact as I first thought. If the surrounding countries are not openly hostile with Venezuela, it may be a political coup in and of itself. You can not have a multi-culturally diverse country without finding ways of getting around the different cultures differences, or even looking to their similarities to secure business for the country. Also, would opening the doors of the country help to further stabilize the economy? This is something to consider, since something like this usually creates more jobs for people from different regions, and lessens jobs for the communities that were already existent. The people who possibly would be put out of work would need jobs supplied to them.

As far as detective agency goes, this can help and hurt the business. To have a detective agency in the first place, being fluent in many different languages would be a prerequisite, not just a something to consider. The first major negative for Spartan Detective Agency I would see, is that being an American in a foreign country would not be accepted immediately. The hiring of local people who are trustworthy, reliable, dedicated, and knowledgeable in the searching for people, tracking packages, surveillance, and patrolling techniques. This would help to increase the reputability of an “American gringo” in this foreign land.

The negatives of MERCOSUR itself for an American would be relocating to a place in Venezuela that has a reputable power supply company. Since Hugo Chavez has been attempting to build a nuclear energy plan, this may not be a consideration for long. Would Hugo Chavez be a fair man with the nuclear energy plan, or would he be another maniacal dictator like Fidel Castro? This is especially a touchy subject, since Hugo Chavez is trying to get help with his nuclear energy plan from Iran, the country the United States of America is attempting to keep from getting nuclear power. The United States of America has accused Iran of disguising its nuclear energy plan for future possible “terrorist actions” in the form of nuclear bombs.

I see this as a literal and metaphorical “time bomb” in Venezuela’s future as a nation and from the implementation of MERCOSUR itself. If the country has opened its borders to outside influence, what is to keep a foreign power like Iran from shipping in nuclear energy supplies while America’s attention is diverted elsewhere? What is to stop Cuba through Fidel Castro shipping weapons of mass destruction to Hugo Chavez?

If these countries are allying themselves together, is it wise to even consider investing in a detective agency in Venezuela in the first place? That’s another negative to consider for MERCOSUR and SAFTA in the country of Venezuela. Is this a literal, figurative, or chronological time bomb waiting to happen?

For positives for the detective agency, I see a few good things. Opening the doors of Venezuela to other countries surrounding it would be a positive, in that the currency of information may be allowed to flow more freely. You can not have a detective agency without information, its most fluid of currencies. Setting up alternate locations in other countries would be an additional benefit, not just in the information sense, but if someone is being followed for surveillance and they happen to cross a border, the rabbit can be passed onto another person on the other side of the border without border or territorial disputes that cause normal law enforcement organizations so many problems.

Using the example of America and the United Kingdom, Venezuela can also establish the same sharing of information about its citizens. The American Intelligence community is not allowed to spy on its own people, therefore it out sources this to the United Kingdom, and the United States does the same for the United Kingdom. This has already been established in the South American country of Argentina, one of Venezuela’s close neighbors.

I see this as a way of skirting civil liberties in American society, but I am not sure about the South American continent. I’m sure the detective agency could use similar techniques to gather intelligence data for its many cases of tracking down lost people, tracking cheating spouses, and any other cases that may present themselves. This would of course have to be set up independent from the national government, but would not be too difficult for the agencies to provide to each other. This would also be an opportunity to create more jobs for the jobless through a communication network of people sharing data for compensation through paychecks, possible insurance benefits, and retirement programs.

Training for these individuals would need to be done by locals, so as to give more people jobs locally and for the local dialects of language, specific regional differences of culture, and whatever other possibilities would present themselves. This would be in consideration of MERCOSUR opening the political, financial, and physical boundaries of the nation of Venezuela to outside nations in South America, and the rest of the world.

Of course the fact that the economy is lower than that of America would also be a consideration in the implementation of the detective agency. If people are used to being paid less, offering them better pay would be an incentive for them to stay at the job, and create their own sense of job loyalty, job security, and doing whatever it took to get the job done. If someone gets better pay, they will work harder to keep that pay. The rules of economics are universal, as are the rules of employment, and the rules of business. The almighty dollar or bolivares in this case rules.

Teaching the employees surveillance and counter-surveillance techniques would be important, as we not only want the employees to know how to track a person, but we also want them to not be spotted by the person they are tracking. The possibility of hiring ex-military or ex-intelligence agency specialists would need to be considered to pass on their training to our employees. Getting the employees up to speed, and then for them to be able to not only implement their training, but to then turn around and use their training to train other individuals through training sessions and active live demonstrations in the field would be of the utmost necessity.

Being sure of who was hired, through thorough background checks would be of the immediate and utmost importance also, as we would not want current Central Intelligence Agency agents working through this company and using it as a shell company to hide their assassins, spies, or intelligence gathering and intelligence sifting agents. This can be rather difficult as the Central Intelligence Agency is able to hire people of local origin, or hire American foreign nationals from the United States to infiltrate any and all organization it sees fits to get their job done.

I do not have a problem with the Central Intelligence Agency, but I know I would not want their business to ruin my business. If people start mysteriously dieing of poison, gunshot wounds to the heads of major political players like Fidel Castro, or Hugo Chavez can not only ruin that persons day, but it can run the business of a detective agency into the ground as well. No one wants to be known as the cover for a CIA assassin squad, or the shell organization that hides the finances of the CIA in a foreign country.

This does little for the credibility of a company, and makes people not want to talk to you, or come to you for assistance in finding out whatever they want to find out through a detective agency.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

The following is an assignment I did for school and one of the many reasons my friend suggested I would make a good puppet dictator.

Puppet Dictator??? She did not know you very well. Some how I think you are too intelligent and strong willed for that role. I think that may have been the mistake they made with JFK, he would not stay a puppet.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

The following is an assignment I did for school and one of the many reasons my friend suggested I would make a good puppet dictator.

Puppet Dictator??? She did not know you very well. Some how I think you are too intelligent and strong willed for that role. I think that may have been the mistake they made with JFK, he would not stay a puppet.

I thank you for your compliment.

Well, I never said my friend was the brightest crayon in the box, now did I?

I am strong willed and will not be a "puppet" to anyone, not a Government agency, not any of the Law Enforcement agencies, not even to the President of the United States of America.

I just know far too many things and they would never have any luck controlling or containing me.

I am a man who knows how to lead, but does not want to, not because of a lack of knowledge, but because I know just how damn hard it is to lead, and I have no desire for a phallic or testicular measuring contest with the underlings.

I already know I have a bigger set of cojones and I am biggest dick around.

To me being relegated to being a puppet is tantamount to being seen as inferior.

This thread comes after many others of its type and fashion because of what I know of about deniability, which is where the role of a puppet dictator comes into play, it means someone wants to put on a sham for an audience, and they want someone to play the part of the bad guy, and while I could very easily do so, without a second thought or hesitation, I know for a fact that eventually the "puppet" has to be silenced.

They thought Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, or any of those puppets were bad, because they could not be controlled, they have seen nothing, yet.

I want to do what is right for the people, not for some idiots in Washington, because I do not care to propagate their continual corruption, I do not care to keep their budgets flowing when they are not necessary.

Yes, J.F.K. was murdered, not by Lee Harvey Oswald, he was but a patsy, but Jack was murdered in cold-blood by the people who control the Federal Reserve through cut-outs, with deniability, through the Mafia, the Russian's, and the Cuban's.

He did not want to heel to their commands, he did not want to sit, stay, or beg.

Know the irony of someone trying to compete with my being ballsy, or having a bigger phallic member?

They just never seem to measure up to me.

[edit on 27-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:04 PM
Great thread SKL!

Tis an interesting set up they have going - join the club see Rome

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by mental modulator
Great thread SKL!

Tis an interesting set up they have going - join the club see Rome

Thank you.

I thought it might make an interesting topic since I have rarely seen people outline it.

I did as well limit what I put out there because I would not want someone copying it.

I need to have a legal disclaimer on on all my threads like those stunt shows.

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