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New Feathered Dinosaur Discovered

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posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 11:52 PM

New Feathered Dinosaur Discovered

The fossil of a "bizarre" feathered dinosaur from the era before birds evolved has been discovered in China.

Epidexipteryx was very bird-like, with four long ribbon-like tail feathers - probably used in display.

The discovery highlights the diversity of species present in the Middle to Late Jurassic, just before birds arose.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 26-9-2009 by silo13]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 11:52 PM

The dino-fuzz decorates the creature’s head and neck. About two dozen of the shafted feathers adorn each forelimb, and a similar number embellish each lower leg and foot, the researchers report. Unlike most feathered dinosaurs described previously, which have the longest forelimb feathers near the tip of the limb,
Anchiornis’ longest forelimb feathers are on the wrist, Xu said. Feathers on the legs and feet appear to have overlapped each other, creating aerodynamic surfaces that would have, in essence, given Anchiornis a wing on each of its four limbs.


What a beautiful animal!
Ok, so I know it's only an artists rendition, but still, it's an incredible beautiful animal!

What a find!
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 11:53 PM

The discovery adds yet more complexity to the early history of the era when small meat-eating bipedal dinosaurs evolved into birds.

Many feathered dinosaurs have been unearthed at the now famous fossil site in Liaoning Province in China. These include the squirrel-sized creature called Microraptor, which is thought to be a key discovery in the story of how dinosaurs led to birds. Microraptor used the long feathers on all four of its limbs to glide or parachute from tree to tree, scientists believe.

It had a fluffy, down-like covering and sprouted two pairs of enormously long, ribbon-like shafted tail feathers. These were almost certainly used for display - making it the oldest known species to possess these.



"Firstly, whereas other feathered dinosaurs date from after the appearance of the first known bird, this fossil appears to be much closer in age, so it opens a new window on the evolutionary events at the critical transition from dinosaurs to birds.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by silo13]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 12:27 AM
S+F Nicefind, very interesting. Find something new every week it seems.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 12:32 AM
I don't find the animal aesthetically beautiful, however from a scientific point of view this IS a beautiful find.

I am sure more feathered dinosaurs will be found in the following years, adding more evidence to the piles of evidence of evolution theory.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:09 AM
I wouldn't go calling this thing any big deal as I give it a 99% chance it is also a fraud. China is notorious for fossil fraud but this find comes out of the very worst place to accept any "new Find" for bird fossils.

It is something this science is so inept or unethical it has become a multi million dollar industry and throughout its checkerd past, evolutionist's are notorious for lying and committing fraud to substantiate the "fact" of evolution. They never seem to take back what they taught in the schools and we got kids talking smack thinking the are real smart about this stuff and what they never realize is, when it comes to evolution, NOTHING you learn in school is correct anymore and the most pathetic place on earth to say you aquired some new fangled dino bird fossil is none other than,

Liaoning Province in China.

This one is claimed to be a sensational dinosaur with feathers on its hind legs, thus four ‘wings’.1 This was named Microraptor gui—the name is derived from words meaning ‘little plunderer of Gu’ after the paleontologist Gu Zhiwei. Like so many of the alleged feathered dinosaurs, it comes from Liaoning province of northeastern China.

Like every so called missing link so celebrated by the Darwin cult fans that exist on this site, NONE turned out to be what they first thought was the nail in the coffin for creationists.

Well, as usual, we never heard about the many retractions the NAS and evolutionist's invariably make on the back pages of the many publications and kids School text books are still using ernst haekels fraudulent embryo images. Like those frauds before it and the thousands that have been caught in the past, they rarely ever correct this stuff and people actually end up believing these people.

Scientists piece together the 'dino-bird' fossil fraud

By Steve Connor Science Editor

An extinct species of fish-eating bird has been identified by palaeontologists as the other half of a fraudulent fossil that was once hailed as the "missing link" between dinosaurs and birds.

An extinct species of fish-eating bird has been identified by palaeontologists as the other half of a fraudulent fossil that was once hailed as the "missing link" between dinosaurs and birds.

Scientists have proved conclusively that the fossil known as Archaeoraptor, which has the tail of a dinosaur and the feathered wings of a bird, was in fact two or more fossils stuck together with strong glue.

The fossil came to prominence in 1999 when the magazine National Geographic published an account of its discovery and how it had been scientifically validated as a fossil that many palaeontologists would die for

Has this happened a lot?

Let me put it this way, First Darwin stole most of his theory from a creationist, FACT. Second he wasn't the Beagles Naturalist he paid to go on his trip to the galapogos, and he wasn't a scientist.

The only degree he had was in theology of all things. Every time this theory was about to get axed, it was saved by a HUGE act of fraud, until they had finally insulated it, making it next to impossible to challenge the theory with out having it damn near ruin your carreer and many were and still are being "listed" as wrong for evolution.

Today, they speak of it as if their is no question evolution "Happened" but not even Dawkins can explain it without completely contradicting himself.

Another famous Dino to Bird later it was the evolutionists that ended up having to ingest a lot of another bird for not listening to the science and listened to their faith in evolution instead.

They ate crow.

In the mid 1800s, when Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution, one species of animal remained a mystery; where did birds fit on his evolutionary tree? Several years later his friend and colleague, Thomas Henry Huxley, came up with an answer. Huxley had recently examined a new fossil from southern Germany called Archaeopteryx which was causing considerable excitement in palaeontological circles. There were clear signs of feathers and it was obvious this was the earliest fossil evidence of a bird ever found. Huxley noticed something else as well. To him it looked as though the skeleton bore a striking similarity to that of a family of meat eating dinosaurs known as therapods.

This was one of the many acts of fraud PROVEN to keep Darwins theory alive. Another time they were going to dump that silly theory, his buddy earnst haekel created fraudulent embryo images that are still used today inspite of the, not being anywhere near accurate.

John Scopes Trial, evidence used to prove evoluton true was Piltdown man. In Dover VS Kitzmiller PBS reports them discussing the tiktalaak fossil. Again not much of a discovery because they have been found alive and well,, look exactly the same as they did many millions of years ago.

As a matter of fact, if you took all the most famous trophy discoveries evolutionists have celebrated as so called transitional fossils, many still used in posts all through this website where topics apply, have either been diminished in status as nothing but a dead lemur or nothing but a dead monkey, while many, too many in fact, and ALL the dino to bird examples, have been frauds.

One would think such a theory alleged to be a "fact" wouldn't have to resort to such drastic measures where if the money wasn't an object, landmark trials could be over turned using fraudulent evidence. This is the single most problematic issue with Darwins theory, is the unusually high number of frauds and crooks that are in it. Some having 30 years of work and fossil discoveries ALL found to be frauds while the evoltionary tree those fossils were used in, are still being taught. Ill bet you, this bird find turns out to be a fake. Count on it.

They say creationists would bring science back to the stone age?

As IF!

[edit on 26-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by newworld
I don't find the animal aesthetically beautiful, however from a scientific point of view this IS a beautiful find.

I am sure more feathered dinosaurs will be found in the following years, adding more evidence to the piles of evidence of evolution theory.

Piles? what? piles, mountains, tons what ever the adjective evolutionists for some reason always feel compelled to mention, one to embellish it as "the most tested" the most evidence" "Why it's a FACT!" and all this "stuff" they say, when you REALLY bucke in to check, it doesn't have an iota of evidence. NONE. What feathered dino to birds can you name off the cuff ? Ill bet they are from china also because it is the fossil fraud capital of the world.

Anyone responding to that post, equivocating adpatation as proof of long term transpeciation. I won't even bother to respond. Either uses the evidence that substantiates Darwinian macro evolution not. I don't respond to Christian bashing because most of them have it wrong also and will most likely argue with them too.

YOU show me your best of the pile and Ill bet i can destroy it as nothing more then scientific speculation. I think I have seen em all and seen every argument. One was real clever here three days ago, someone brought up a "new bacteria" that eats nylon!" Just about every websites i googled I saw that used in some analogy to disparage creationist genesis saying, "so where was this bacteria before huh huh?? where huh ? Their was no NYLON in the garden of eden!

I was like? So what? If you are a creationist, Ill bet you their was no popcorn there either but ya know Ill bet ya if we had popcorn there back then, Adam and Eve would have liked it buttered as much as that bacteria would have liked that nylon with a hint of dumpster trimmings.

I mean some of the logic they claim to have, sure doesn't add up to proving a damn thing.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by Stylez

This thread is about a feathered dinosaur. There are plenty of threads that are actually about the evolution debate. Since you have nothing to add about the actual subject of the thread, I suggest you go find one of them and become educated in science.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by Lillydale
reply to post by Stylez

This thread is about a feathered dinosaur. There are plenty of threads that are actually about the evolution debate. Since you have nothing to add about the actual subject of the thread, I suggest you go find one of them and become educated in science.

I happen to think my post is about 85% dino to bird data and why throwing caution to the wind is presumptuous. If you think my post is off topic, then why do you follow it with another off topic post? Whats good for me is good for you pal so alert a MOD if you have a problem with my dissagreement so typical of supporters of this theory they just want to hear YES YES YES wonderful wonderful

Their is a better than average chance that find is a fake and I would escrow a C-note on a bet that is what it turns out to be. Now if you want to talk as if this is a fact, fine, you will be as wrong as all those others from 2005 up in this website where the all talked real tough like you and they never went back to even mention they got fooled again.

I am starting to see why it is so easy to deceive the beleivers of this science. They just don't want to hear anyone challenge any of it including areas of it NOTORIOUSLY known to be fraud.

If I were about to spread a lot of bunkem about a fake fossil, I would sure want someone to tell me of that chinese provinces reputation for it. Ill bet you didn't know the have a factory there that does nothing but make fake fossils. Sure it's illegal , un-ethical, but ironically, scientists are their biggest customers. Biology Scientists.

Imagine that.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:40 PM
Stylez, read this website and then make an informed decision before you claim ignorantly that evolution is a farce:

whether you like it or not the theory of evolution is the basic unifying theory of biology, medicine, anthropology, paleontology, and several other sciences that deal with the biological world and history.

Claiming that evolution is false only shows your lack of knowledge in this subject and your lack of scientific knowledge.

Anyway, this topic is about a recent scientific finding of an ancestor of the birds, so go take your creationism BS somewhere else.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by newworld

Stylez, read this website and then make an informed decision before you claim ignorantly that evolution is a farce:

I went the site and that site is NOT current moreover their is nothing there that, again, is anything more than logical fallacy NOTHING not one shred of proof that can't be honestl;y answered NO it isn't a fact it is the guesses of indoctrinated concensus science using bias confirmation galore.

Evolutionists would LIKE to be the unifying be all end all science it dreams of safe and sound in its own delusional opinion it is anything more than a hypothesis. You want current? Here read it and weap,

Not even their top 16 scientists can agree on what the hell evolution is anymore. Mutations? Nope, that stuff is pre DNA, we know now their is no way Mutations could have driven evolution. Natural Selection? what about it? Many scientists today question its role in evolution especially long term evolution where it doesn't seem to be able to accomplish what they thought it could do.

I think their is probably a better than average chance you haven't any clue at all about this science. The first mistake you made was automatically thinking if someone doesn't agree with evolution, they don't understand it.

NO ONE understands it my friend.


Anyway, this topic is about a recent scientific finding of an ancestor of the birds, so go take your creationism BS somewhere else.

I know what it is about and I haven't offered any "Creationist" BS.

have I? Nope,.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 11:41 PM
New fossil, not a new idea. Scientists have theorized for quite a while that many dinosaurs were in fact feathered. Makes good sense too... I don't know about you but I see a lot more similarities between bird skeletons and dinosaur fossils than reptiles.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Stylez

Evolutionists would LIKE to be the unifying be all end all science it dreams of safe and sound in its own delusional opinion it is anything more than a hypothesis.

There are no evolutionists. There are only scientists... and people who payed attention in Biology class.



Not only are your posts entirely off-topic, but completely uninformed. Do creationists just go around looking for new scientific discoveries so they can throw their hat in the ring and somehow try to claim it as a hoax/disprove it/deny evolution?

Anyway, as to the subject of our little friend Epidexipteryx, the dinosaurs to birds theory has long been held among paleontologists, however it has only recently become well established among the public. Most people still think of velociraptors as they appear in Jurassic Park, not like the little feathered turkey-things they really were. As more finds like this one begin to surface, I think we will learn a great deal about the origins of the wildlife we see today in the world around us.

Of course, there will always be people who believe these fossils were planted by Satan 5000 years ago in order to fool the non-believers. These types are hopeless, and frankly, beyond help. I wouldn't even bother with them.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by SkepticPerhaps
New fossil, not a new idea. Scientists have theorized for quite a while that many dinosaurs were in fact feathered. Makes good sense too... I don't know about you but I see a lot more similarities between bird skeletons and dinosaur fossils than reptiles.

Every so called dino to bird fossil, every single one has either been a hoax or later diminished as nothing more than a dead bird.

Do you ever see a bird urinate? No I don't suppose you'd know about some of the marvels of morphology this dino to bird wouold have to undertake that wouldf surely kill it. You ever see a bird breating heavy? No You never have because their respiratory system works like a bellows and is desingned to work at high speeds and altitudes. what would a dino use to breath in the meantime ?

The whole idea has pretty much been given up on since we know evolution can't prove this ever happened and saying the skeletons look similar LOL yeah THAT's SCIENTIFIC!

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by Stylez

So if your not a creationist and you don't believe in evolution. Then may I ask what do you believe?

You ever see a bird breating heavy? No You never have because their respiratory system works like a bellows and is desingned to work at high speeds and altitudes. what would a dino use to breath in the meantime ?

I'm no dino expert, but didn't some fly?Link
Not 100% dino, but has to count for something.

[edit on 9/27/2009 by TheAntiHero420]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by Stylez

Originally posted by SkepticPerhaps
New fossil, not a new idea. Scientists have theorized for quite a while that many dinosaurs were in fact feathered. Makes good sense too... I don't know about you but I see a lot more similarities between bird skeletons and dinosaur fossils than reptiles.

You ever see a bird breating heavy? No You never have because their respiratory system works like a bellows and is desingned to work at high speeds and altitudes. what would a dino use to breath in the meantime ?

What altitude does a Penguin, Kiwi or Ostrich fly at?

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by Stylez

Originally posted by SkepticPerhaps
New fossil, not a new idea. Scientists have theorized for quite a while that many dinosaurs were in fact feathered. Makes good sense too... I don't know about you but I see a lot more similarities between bird skeletons and dinosaur fossils than reptiles.

Every so called dino to bird fossil, every single one has either been a hoax or later diminished as nothing more than a dead bird.

Do you ever see a bird urinate? No I don't suppose you'd know about some of the marvels of morphology this dino to bird wouold have to undertake that wouldf surely kill it. You ever see a bird breating heavy? No You never have because their respiratory system works like a bellows and is desingned to work at high speeds and altitudes. what would a dino use to breath in the meantime ?

The whole idea has pretty much been given up on since we know evolution can't prove this ever happened and saying the skeletons look similar LOL yeah THAT's SCIENTIFIC!

Are you out of your mind?

I grew up on a farm.

At one point we raised 4,000 chickens. They do in fact breathe heavy if they are unhealthy or overexerted for whatever reason. They also urinate.

I've had a few drinks so I apologize if I'm being played for a fool here.

We also raised geese, guinea hens, and ducks. In fact when I was in fifth grade I won a grand prize at the county fair for an absolutely fantastic Rouen duck that I hatched from a nest of eggs.

I'm not trying to brag, but the moral of the story is that I know for a fact CHICKENS GO PEE!

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by milesp

but the moral of the story is that I know for a fact CHICKENS GO PEE!

Chickens pass their urine along with feces in the form of urea.

The white part of the feces is the *urine*.

They do not have the capability to pass urine as a mammal does.

Sorry guy, but facts are facts.

What this has to do with the *feathered* fossil, I've no idea, so, let's take this discussion to U2U or to another thread topic instead of going on about it here.


posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by drwizardphd

There are no evolutionists. There are only scientists... and people who payed attention in Biology class.

You ? a Scientist? care to show me a something that can prove the dino to bird canard? Please do, by all means give me your best "evidence" and will test it and see if you are speculating or explaining another just so story in "evolutionsists" desperate need to explain birds evolving.

Not only are your posts entirely off-topic, but completely uninformed. Do creationists just go around looking for new scientific discoveries so they can throw their hat in the ring and somehow try to claim it as a hoax/disprove it/deny evolution?

You think this is the one? This time it's the REAL THING! AH HA HA HA How much you wanna bet? As many frauds as evolutionists are guilty of since chuckie first stole the theory, it has relied on frauds just to keep it from being discarded.

Anyway, as to the subject of our little friend Epidexipteryx, the dinosaurs to birds theory has long been held among paleontologists,
however it has only recently become well established among the public.

paleontologists? Tell me what kind of experiments were done to show this to be a reptile bird? DNA? Any proof of the scales to folicles? How did the dragon fly evolve its sophisticated flight system? Was it a reptile too? What do you suppose the selection pressures were while the mutation of winglet nubbins began to manifest all the other blind aimless coordinating system changes,. flight requires but more than that is what kept them alive and with that many micro changes, where are the other transitional fossils their should be lots of quasi gecko birds having under developed mutant respiratory and at what point was it no longer able to mate with what it used to be.

Did it have any training how to fly once it had wings or did it use aimless blind dumb luck of natural selection again and happen to have a part of its brain mutate and lucky for this gecko bird the mutation just happens to be an instinctual set of commands and sophisticated navigation system for flight.

As more finds like this one begin to surface, I think we will learn a great deal about the origins of the wildlife we see today in the world around us.

As more "finds" like that are manufactured you mean. In your own words genius, can you explain how they know this is a dino on its way to becoming a bird? or was it just a flightless bird. Small as it was, the re-engineering of this creatures biology is no small task requiring many simultaneous system changes that would invariably bring its demise

Of course, there will always be people who believe these fossils were planted by Satan 5000 years ago in order to fool the non-believers. These types are hopeless, and frankly, beyond help. I wouldn't even bother with them.

Ya know what,I don't know what the hell that has to do with anything unless you're just being typically presumptuous but frankly the satan idea is more plausible then the one you're suggesting.


posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 02:51 PM

Wired Science News for Your Neurons Four-Winged Fossil Bridges Bird-Dinosaur Gap

# September 25, 2009 | # 3:10 pm

BRISTOL, England — A newly described, profusely feathered dinosaur may give lift to scientists’ understanding of bird and flight evolution, researchers report. The lithe creature, which stood about 28 centimeters tall at the hip, is the oldest known to have sported feathers and is estimated to be between 1 million and 11 million years older than Archaeopteryx, the first known bird.


OH! I'm sorry this was moved, but, my own fault.

I meant to lead with this story, and stick the other story in supporting threads and I got them mixed up!

Boo on me!

Great find anyway (them not me)!

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