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Children Indoctrinated into Worshipping the President of the United States

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posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 06:37 PM
I saw this a while back and thought it was crazy but nothing to get too excited about. Thanks to Rush Limbaugh, I now see just how awful this is and necessary to spread the word before this is done to all children everywhere.Children worshipping prez

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Dear God! I want to vomit after seeing this...
That should be illegal, those people deserve to go to jail!!
Is this what America turned into?

They are doing this to KIDS!! Ya´hear! KIDS! Cowards! They are doing on eof the worst things man can do, taking advantage of people who can´t defend themselves!

[edit on 25-9-2009 by Bildeberg]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

Welcome to the USSA.

Hope and chains are on their way.

The people that take liberties with children, based on their own political/moral/religious beliefs are no better than paedophiles.

Just my humble, itty-bitty opinion.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

Yes it's creepy but your missing the points.

a) It's already being discussed as part of the video of Obama praise

b) It's a private group, not the public schools like we keep seeing the Obama videos come out of.

c) The parents sent the kids to this camp and while I disagree with what is being taught and would never send mine to this camp I do think it is between the parents and the camp. While the Obama videos are of kids in PUBLIC SCHOOLS where the parents have no say in what sort of weird worship the kids are indoctrinated into.

d) Most importantly if you watch the non -extract version (which was edited to be creapier) the kids are praying for not too Bush. I prayed for Bush several times during his presidency (Dear lord please don't let him make us look bad on his trip to england).

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 07:27 PM
Any person of reasonable intelligence can see they are praying for the guy, not worshipping him. The keyword here is reasonable.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by exile1981
reply to post by Lillydale

Yes it's creepy but your missing the points.

a) It's already being discussed as part of the video of Obama praise

b) It's a private group, not the public schools like we keep seeing the Obama videos come out of.

c) The parents sent the kids to this camp and while I disagree with what is being taught and would never send mine to this camp I do think it is between the parents and the camp. While the Obama videos are of kids in PUBLIC SCHOOLS where the parents have no say in what sort of weird worship the kids are indoctrinated into.

d) Most importantly if you watch the non -extract version (which was edited to be creapier) the kids are praying for not too Bush. I prayed for Bush several times during his presidency (Dear lord please don't let him make us look bad on his trip to england).

No, you are missing the point. This thread is not about Obama. I never mentioned that incident. You cannot compare the two as if I presented some counter argument. I simply started this thread to show the sick things people are willing to do to children.

Since you brought it up though-

Good. I am glad it is being discussed in two places. When someone cries it is off topic there, it will still be here.

How many schools are you seeing this video coming from? So far there is only one. One school, one camp.

Of course there is a difference but when my class sang songs about Ronald Reagan and my mother sang to JFK and we both went to public schools, I guess my point is - why is this one singular incident the end of the world for all the racist little righties out there?

If you watch the whole movie, not just one segment - you will see they are being taught to pray to Bush as a conduit to God because Bush himself claimed to hear from God directly two distinct times. I do not care whos kids and how private it is, that is sick.

I would not really want my kids learning a song like that in public school either. I did not start a thread about that though did I?

As long as you want to compare the two, get your facts straight - 1 school.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE
Any person of reasonable intelligence can see they are praying for the guy, not worshipping him. The keyword here is reasonable.

That would be the keyword now wouldn't it? Go watch the movie. See it in its full context. Since you bring it up though...why should a religious camp be telling children which political figures deserve prayers?

Anyway, the point is, kids will be taught to say things adults want them to say. Kids could care less what any of it really means. Do you think I grew up worshiping Reagan because I had to sing a song about him in my class? Those kids, these kids are just tools of adults with political and ideological issues that they should all be keeping to themselves.

As far as it being a private camp, they received subsidies from the faith based initiatives branch of Bush's government. That means I paid just as much for this class to sing about Obama as I did to get these kids to be taught that George Bush actually speaks to and hears from God.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

I agree that partisan politics has no place in schools, and in this case especially considering that the parents didnt know, but this rarely the first and was an isolated case 7 months ago by an individual who chose to carry out that action her/himself. The argument that this case is "proof of Obama worship" is baseless. Every public figure will have some voters who will inevitably have non-objective loyalty. The children of jesus camp did the same when one of the camp leaders brought out a paper cutout of president Bush, and while this was a private camp where parents chose to send their kids it was the same scenario. You yourself proved an example of these kinds of individuals by "praising Rush limbaugh" in your OP despite the fact that Limbaugh is an entertainer, a "shock" host merely trying to appeal to his viewers, not necessarily the facts.

So you are incorrect to generalize. Partisanship and blind loyalty can not be properly addressed and dealt with by opposing partisanship and blind loyalty, something the individuals involved in this phony outrage campaign are doing.


posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

You know, back in the day, kids worshiped the President and the flag, and it was symbolic of patriot love and it was a good thing.

Of course, that's what we saw on US tv...while we were singing God Save the Queen.

You know, love of country is not dependent on who occupies the chair.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Lillydale

That would be the keyword now wouldn't it? Go watch the movie. See it in its full context.

I have watched the entire movie. The movie is like two or three years old. Again, they aren’t worshipping the man, they are praying for him. Moreover, if you had watched the entire documentary you’d see they are praying for him, not worshipping him.

Since you bring it up though...why should a religious camp be telling children which political figures deserve prayers?

I didn’t bring it up. Someone else actually mentioned it. Moreover, they say it in the clip. Did you watch the clip? Did you not hear the lady say to pray for Bush?Concerning your question, I can’t tell you why a “religious camp” would do such a thing. However, I can tell you why a bible based camp would do such a thing—it’s in the bible. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 to be exact.

Anyway, the point is, kids will be taught to say things adults want them to say. Kids could care less what any of it really means. Do you think I grew up worshiping Reagan because I had to sing a song about him in my class?

Yes, what you say about kids is true to some extent. From their perspective they are “training up a child in the way they should go”, and that camps “way” is a very conservative one. However, I don’t know you from a can of paint and have no knowledge of your worship of Reagan and what you were told to sing.

Those kids, these kids are just tools of adults with political and ideological issues that they should all be keeping to themselves.

I agree, to some extent. However, I see no problem if they were saying to pray for all the leaders. The facts, however, is they were very conservative in their teachings and beliefs and only wanted to expand those beliefs.

As far as it being a private camp, they received subsidies from the faith based initiatives branch of Bush's government.

I have no idea if they had 501.c3 status or received anything related to faith based initiatives.

That means I paid just as much for this class to sing about Obama as I did to get these kids to be taught that George Bush actually speaks to and hears from God.

If what you said is true, it is money down the drain.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Lillydale

No, you are missing the point. This thread is not about Obama. I never mentioned that incident. You cannot compare the two as if I presented some counter argument. I simply started this thread to show the sick things people are willing to do to children.

Since you brought it up though-

Good. I am glad it is being discussed in two places. When someone cries it is off topic there, it will still be here.

How many schools are you seeing this video coming from? So far there is only one. One school, one camp.

Of course there is a difference but when my class sang songs about Ronald Reagan and my mother sang to JFK and we both went to public schools, I guess my point is - why is this one singular incident the end of the world for all the racist little righties out there?

If you watch the whole movie, not just one segment - you will see they are being taught to pray to Bush as a conduit to God because Bush himself claimed to hear from God directly two distinct times. I do not care whos kids and how private it is, that is sick.

I would not really want my kids learning a song like that in public school either. I did not start a thread about that though did I?

As long as you want to compare the two, get your facts straight - 1 school.

I never sang songs in school that were politically motivated other than the pledge of allegiance. Of course that isn't done anymore in my daughters school too many complaints.

Actually this is the second school doing this for Obama or you can watch the fallout here

The original video is here is case you need to watch it

or how about the teacher who humiliates students who don't want to "pull" for Obama

Plus there is the group that did it with this group of kids (not in a school)

So by my numbers I see 3 teachers indoctrinating for Obama, 1 group indoctrinating kids in a private group for Obama and 1 religious group praying for then president Bush. Tell me how that is the same. Yes the praying for Bush is a form of indoctrination but the militant group in cammos or the little kids are way worse.

I love how you try and accuse me of being a racist for saying there is a difference between public and private financing of these sorts of things. I don't agree with a religious group teaching kids that way but it is a private group. There choice, not mine not yours. On the other hand I have a say in how public tax money is spent. Teach them math and skills needed to succeed in the world... of course maybe praising our president is going to be a career soon.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 11:57 PM
When I was growing up we were taught to respect and admire the president of the United States, no matter what party he belonged to. We were taught to "duck and cover" in preparation for a nuclear attack as President Eisenhower advocated, and we enthusiastically embraced President Kennedy's physical fitness mandate.

My religion also taught that we should pray for the President and the leaders of our country, all of them, whether we (or more accurately our parents) agreed with them or not. If we didn't like them, all the better reason to pray for divine guidance.

I think some people feel that even listening to President Obama is indoctrination, as witness the parents who kept their children out of school when he made a speech. It certainly wouldn't have been considered as such in my day (have we gone backwards since then?). Some object to any positive language at all about the president from teachers or administrators. I think some parents hate Obama and try to teach disrespect for him at home and then try to get the schools to cooperate. I personally see no harm in teaching respect for our president. Even George Bush. And I haven't seen anything more than that in our public schools--for any president.

IMO telling children to pray to or for a "graven image" (in opposition to the second commandment)--which I would think a cut-out model is--is crossing the line a little. I know many parents and teachers are enthusiastic about Obama but I have seen nothing that parallels this. If they asked the children in my family to pray for Obama in that way I'd be horrified too, even though I like him.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Perfect except in English.

Otherwise, it would be "Heil Obama."

Reminds me of something . . .

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 12:21 AM
What a sickening display. If it weren't for the children involved it'd be laughable.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by dooper
Perfect except in English.

Otherwise, it would be "Heil Obama."

Reminds me of something . . .

Huh? Prayers to G.W. translate into "Heil Obama?"

[edit on 26-9-2009 by Lillydale]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by exile1981
So by my numbers I see 3 teachers indoctrinating for Obama, 1 group indoctrinating kids in a private group for Obama and 1 religious group praying for then president Bush. Tell me how that is the same. Yes the praying for Bush is a form of indoctrination but the militant group in cammos or the little kids are way worse.

Ummm... so now you are just tossing in anything that has teacher and Obama in the search terms? Really? I can still "outlist" you with crazy things people had kids doing for past presidents all but Bill Clinton. You give 3 different examples and then tell me they are 3 examples of how the same thing is happening against my one example?

I love how you try and accuse me of being a racist for saying there is a difference between public and private financing of these sorts of things.

How much do you love it? Do you love it so much that you had to just make it up?

If you are going to lie, try not to do it on the same page that someone can scroll up to see that you are just making things up.

I see you have trouble with obvious statements so the "lie" I am referring to is you claiming I called you racist. I never said any such thing, I never hinted at it and I never suggested it either.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by Lillydale]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
reply to post by Lillydale

You know, back in the day, kids worshiped the President and the flag, and it was symbolic of patriot love and it was a good thing.

Of course, that's what we saw on US tv...while we were singing God Save the Queen.

You know, love of country is not dependent on who occupies the chair.

That is what I used to think but apparently now it is evil so all past examples are by definition evil. In fact, it is so bad to even try defending kids singing to Obama that I get accused of calling people racist when I am pretty sure I never mentioned race in any fashion.

Like I have said, When I was a kid, we sang songs in praise of Reagan and he did more damage to capitalism and the middle class than any president in my lifetime. Bush Sr. took over and he was made fun of by people calling him wimpy and even that was looked at as disrespectful in polite circles. My how things have changed.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by EMPIRE
Yes, what you say about kids is true to some extent. From their perspective they are “training up a child in the way they should go”, and that camps “way” is a very conservative one. However, I don’t know you from a can of paint and have no knowledge of your worship of Reagan and what you were told to sing.

Those kids, these kids are just tools of adults with political and ideological issues that they should all be keeping to themselves.

I agree, to some extent. However, I see no problem if they were saying to pray for all the leaders. The facts, however, is they were very conservative in their teachings and beliefs and only wanted to expand those beliefs.

Wow, what is your definition of conservative and what do you need to do to consider praying to someone instead of for someone? They are sitting there praying to a cardboard cutout. They are not praying for the cutout. Read your bible again, there is a rule about that in there somewhere.

You would have no problem if it was for all leaders but since it is not, you will defend it anyway? Watch the movie again. Kids speaking in tounges and praying to a cardboard cutout of the president. I think your understanding of religion is off if you think this is either conservative, not praying to a picture of a man, and just dandy!

No, you do not know what I was made to sing to or about or for Reagan, does it matter the content? I was a kid and was taught to respect, revere, look up to, and wish god's blessing upon the president no matter what party, race, or religion they were.

Reagan, Bush, and Bush all spoke to school kids and that was ok. Obama wants to and entire counties lose their minds with fear of what the president will teach their children. Many of those people are the same type that would send their kids to this camp. Obviously they believe that just hearing the president can warp a child's mind for life so what do you think getting them to pray to cardboard cutouts will do?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Lillydale
Ummm... so now you are just tossing in anything that has teacher and Obama in the search terms? Really? I can still "outlist" you with crazy things people had kids doing for past presidents all but Bill Clinton. You give 3 different examples and then tell me they are 3 examples of how the same thing is happening against my one example?

Actually I went on youtube and looked up the four that I had seen on the news, vs. the one Bush issue I had seen. I have know idea if there are more for either side, just saying those are the ones I knew about off the top of my head. Again they were praying for Bush, if they want to pray for Obama that's not my bussiness. It's only my bussiness when my tax dollars pay for it.

How much do you love it? Do you love it so much that you had to just make it up?

If you are going to lie, try not to do it on the same page that someone can scroll up to see that you are just making things up.

I see you have trouble with obvious statements so the "lie" I am referring to is you claiming I called you racist. I never said any such thing, I never hinted at it and I never suggested it either.

If you were not implying that I was a racist than what was the following comment in your previous reply to me all about?

why is this one singular incident the end of the world for all the racist little righties out there?

Like you said someone can scroll up and see this in your previous response to me. If you did not intend it directly at me then that is a different story, but since it was in a response to me I took it as an attack. I took your comment as that be offended by the Obama videos = racist and right wing.

Just for the record when I said how much I loved you calling me that I was being tongue in cheek about it.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Lillydale
[Reagan, Bush, and Bush all spoke to school kids and that was ok. Obama wants to and entire counties lose their minds with fear of what the president will teach their children. Many of those people are the same type that would send their kids to this camp. Obviously they believe that just hearing the president can warp a child's mind for life so what do you think getting them to pray to cardboard cutouts will do?

Actually I was concerned when the email to the schools said about all the things they were supposed to do as follow up to his speach. I had no problem with the speech the way it was delivered, but the draft version as spelled out by the Whitehouse was a little heavy handed for my taste.

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