OK, everyone just
knew I had to weigh in on this....
From the top:
reply to post by akkad
Day 4 of my attempt to give up. I wasn't even thinking about cigarettes.
Then I saw your thread and I felt like caving in and having a smoke.
Oh, a perfect example of the heart of the problem. If this isn't clearly pro-punishment for those who don't want to be like everyone else and
conform to the cookie-cutter image society seems to prefer today, then I don;t know what is.
Don't try to charge me for your lack of willpower. That's just plain wrong.
reply to post by purehughness
Maybe cigarettes are taxed so high because of the huge revenues that tobacco companies rake in..
I dunno why anyone is still concerned about tobacco companies profits. They now receive a tiny fraction of the cost of their product, and they
actually produce something people want to buy. The government gets the lion's share, and produces nothing!
Me, probably won't quit them, I'll just grow my own baccy!! Muhahaha!
Same here, now if I can figure out the right blending.... help on this subject is appreciated!
reply to post by tothetenthpower
You are inhaling poison, and not cheap poison either. It's a luxury tax, and I for one welcome it. If it helps me quit by refusing to pay high
prices, that's even better.
I could agree if we were talking about soda or diapers, but Cigarettes? Come on now, we all know they are horrible for us and we know that we should
all quit.
More lack of willpower. Why in the world would anyone try to quit if they don't want to quit? If you really want to quit, you will quit. There's no
need to punish everyone to make your quitting easier!
reply to post by burdman30ott6
I'm not gonna quote from that post, because I would wind up just reposting the whole thing!
reply to post by tothetenthpower
I can see your point, however, it's a bit much to classify it as a medical need, since so many different alternatives exist to smoking,
including not smoking.
Isn't that like saying there's a safer alternative to Valium... not using Valium?
reply to post by fraterormus
There are actually a lot of health benefits to smoking Tobacco, even though all we hear about are the negative health benefits.
Nice list!
Now consider this: TPTB drink water too. If 99% of all the water in the country is fluoridated, that means they can't realistically avoid fluoride
altogether. Thus, cigarettes (and cigars) aren't illegal, they are just too expensive for anyone not in a position of power. But do you really think
the new tax is going to stop Obama from having a smoke if he wants one? No!
Somewhere right now, there is a back room full of power brokers happily puffing away on a smoke (probably a few of those illegal but glorious Cuban
cigars). They are probably laughing about how many people are now either deathly afraid that a whiff of tobacco smoke will kill them or can't afford
to smoke.
reply to post by burdman30ott6
*Truth* (always wanted to use that in a pro-tobacco sense after having to watch all those annoying TV spots that end with
I see I'm not alone in my opinion of those anti-informative bits...
Thank you for the info on worming dogs! I will have to try that next time!
Also, for insect stings and bites, i typically make a compress out of tobacco and vinegar. It stops the stinging and itching and makes then at least
seem to heal much faster.
reply to post by sdcigarpig
All this is going to do is set up a black market for those items.
I know for a fact that cigarette loads are already one of the highest-risk truck loads you can haul, much more so that alcohol. A typical tobacco load
includes requirements such as where you csn park, inability to unhook from the load under any circumstances (including breakdowns, where you have to
wait on the side of the road until another truck arrives to repower the load), no deviation from pre-determined routing (right up there with DoD loads
on this requirement), and you even have to call in to dispatch for any stop whatsoever, even if it's a pit stop to take a leak.
It's already getting rough, and it's just going to get worse.