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Conspiracy: Law prevents Insurance from Competing with Drug Companies

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posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 11:55 AM
My GOD, I was reading the other thread about the cancer cure DCA, and found that the reason the patents are a problem is not because the drug companies don't want to invest in the research, but also because it is illegal for the insurance companies to invest in the research!

WHAT?!? They are the very ones who have the ability to offset the lack of commitment from the drug companies! They have incentive to invest in this kind of research! Why would our or any government make it illegal?!?

Wow, if this isn't grounds for removing our legislators I don't know what are! Check out this site, watch the video, it's insane!


posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by memarf1

Well when its time for somebody to make a claim on there insurance you don't want some insurance agent saying we blew that money on a cure for the common cold sorry US we need a bail out to recover thank you for the free money now were going to give out bonuses to our research department that made it posible for us to get this free money from tax payers.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by memarf1

Well when its time for somebody to make a claim on there insurance you don't want some insurance agent saying we blew that money on a cure for the common cold sorry US we need a bail out to recover thank you for the free money now were going to give out bonuses to our research department that made it posible for us to get this free money from tax payers.

They would adjust their charges to people for this. The bottom line is that if more cures existed then cheaper medication would be available and insurance costs would decrease. There would be no healthcare issue in the U.S. to debate about!

Watch this video:

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by memarf1

Your whole statement is crap. When has the insurance companies ever said they would lower cost if they could fund medical research youe video you posted said nothing quoted nobody. And insurance money is not for funding pet projects but for paying insurance claims. They are able to invest in certain areas in order to make additional money but not allowed to blow it on experiments that have no proof of paying off. Even the guy in the video says I wouuld not say this is a miracle drug and theres no proof it will even work for what I want it to. So even the scientest has doubts of its abilities and says many drugs seem like a miricle drug im rats but once tested on humans they don't work as intended.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

Wow, what an attack. Yes you are right, the insurance money we pay in should pay for claims. I suppose its okay for it to pay the major commissions of the agents and stock holders and CEO's also. Thats just capitalism right? Well, you are technically correct.

Now lets use some logic. Cancer patients spend on average 350k in medical expenses and it typically goes up from there. Thats a lot of expensive customers that they are obviously losing money on. Then you take into account other diseases that also the drug companies want us to continue to have to fight, rather than just eradicating them. The insurance companies could spend a few million per year in research and maybe eliminate some of these more expensive problems and save themselves some money in both the short and long runs(probably much more in the long run).

Well, we like capitalism so lets see what happens when insurance companies save money. Well, there are several agencies in every state so there is a small amount of competition. With this competition we know that as expenses drop for an agency then they can become more competitive by also lowering their prices accordingly. Maybe they can save 50% and make the same profits, or they can maximize profits and drop 25% and gain some customers make current customers happy at the same time as increasing their profit margins. Econ 101 buddy. So I say if my statement is krap, which it isn't, then yours is simply not well thought out.

The drug companies don't want us to find a cure. It is only in the interest of the insurance companies for us to find the cure.

Besides, shouldn't it simply be left up to the companies what they invest in? Why does the government need to continue to stifle progress by constantly getting in the way?

You don't like that video, check out this one!

[edit on 25-9-2009 by memarf1]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 01:42 PM
there's another law too, preventing drug companies from liability to the drugs, approved by FDA

in other means if you die / have complications from FDA approved drug, you cant sue the company or demand damages

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by memarf1

That video says exactly what should be done. Government agencies should look into it. Namely CDC here in the US should look at drugs such as this for additional treatments of diseases and health isurance moneey needs to stay where it is and not be gambled away.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by memarf1

That video says exactly what should be done. Government agencies should look into it. Namely CDC here in the US should look at drugs such as this for additional treatments of diseases and health isurance moneey needs to stay where it is and not be gambled away.

The CDC has been infiltrated by vested interests.

The CDC is run by Big Chemicals and people who sit on Big Phaarma boards.

In other words they are corrupt.

They are pushing that crappy untested swine flu vaccine to be mandatory.Corruption in America is rife.

Wake up.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by memarf1

That video says exactly what should be done. Government agencies should look into it. Namely CDC here in the US should look at drugs such as this for additional treatments of diseases and health isurance moneey needs to stay where it is and not be gambled away.

Do you really think you pay your money to the insurance company and they put it in a big savings account for you? No, they leverage it and gamble it every day. At the very least they could stop the speculation and invest in some meaningful research!

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