posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by prevenge
People who claim they went to the doctor and were diagnosed with swine flu are usually lying there is no blood test they do the swab and send it off
to the CDC and you don't know for a couple of days usually.
As for as me I posted the link as opening of thread...
I explained earlier, I know it's h1n1 because it's all that is coming into the emergency room up here, there are no cases of any other type of
I am avoiding MD's they can't do anything for me and i'm liable to be exposed to worse, the last thing I need is Mrsa while being lambasted by
My original pursuit in school was
Psychopharmacology and Microbiology although after going
as far up the ladder as Gross anatomy I declined to continue through Med school when i examined work hrs, lifestyle, exposure, insurance internship
and various other factors that made a medical career unappetizing to me.
I worked as both a diet counselor and personal trainer for many years and actually ended up doing design for a living, something that came up from a
hobby perspective and started me making money from home, allot of money actually and with that I have spent the last 15 years working via computer and
or the Internet
Currently given my situation and location near a University I am actually returning back to school to go the route of sports science and Bio since the
Doctorate is offered and I regret not finishing my letters and have a vested Internet interest financially on said topic matter. It seems my Two
directions career wise are coming together into One at this time
My study of the subject matter has been 4 fold in the form of School, personal athletic training/Interest and website projects and Career in Health
and Fitness for a time. It is a life long pursuit for me. The focus of my thesis will be narrowed to within a specific aspect of Human Longevity and