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An "explanation" for the recent UFOs in Mexico

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posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:22 AM
thx a lot Cardu
im truly thankfull mate

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:38 AM
Weather may explain Mexico UFO stir

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -- A cluster of mysterious objects that surrounded a Mexican Air Force plane, alarming the pilots and sparking a UFO scare, could be a weather phenomenon known as ball lightning, a scientist said on Friday.

The pilots grew nervous during a routine drugs surveillance flight in March when their radar detected strange objects flying nearby and an infrared camera showed 11 blobs of light, invisible to the eye, hovering or darting about their plane.
But nuclear science researcher Julio Herrera said the blobs of light may have been nothing more than ball lightning -- glowing spheres that are little understood but often sighted near the ground during thunderstorms.

"Just as you have lightning between clouds and ground, you can also have it within the clouds and sometimes ball lightning can develop. I feel this is one of these rare events," said Herrera, based at Mexico's National Autonomous University.

"It's a very rare atmospheric phenomenon and it would be very interesting to be able to analyze all the information these pilots obtained," he told Reuters.

I knew we'd get some B/S story like this debunking the event. Just once, I wish they'd tell the truth, that is if it really wasn't ball lighting...

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:18 AM
BS. The "explanation" is horrible. So they are saying that two of the "ball lightning" created radar anomolies, while the other 9 or so did not. BS. Another debunking attempt by the goverment.

So ball lightning, moves at a rather slow pace of say 300 or 400 knots ?

I find this hard to believe, while I do not doubt that ball lightning exists, I find it unlikely that it would appear as 10 to 12 seperate "balls of light" traveling in sort of formation and capable of vector changes, all the while traveling at a rate that allows them to be observed over the course of a few minutes.

Add the fact that they could not be visually identified and where picked up only on IR and you can pretty much rule out that it was lightning all together. As the Ion discharge (an attribute of lightning) exists within the visable spectrum and not just the IR spectrum.

So BOOOOO on the bogus "explanation" of the Mexico UFO video.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Preest
It's shakey but it's their jobs to find explanations within reason or at least the realm of possibility.

AAEEGHH, wrong answer.

Who determines what explanations are within 'reason' or 'at least the realm of possibility'? If the latter was truly the case, I'd like to hear all possible explanations-even if it includes the paranormal. Scientists exclude the 'unknown' as if it is invalid, but that is far from the case.

I've seen you, Preest, ridiculing the idea of extra-terrestrial existence in such a way that you seem frightened of the thought. Fear of the unknown hinders the search for truth. Perhaps we'll get some REAL answers once the 'experts' come to that realization.

People would rather make up some bogus explanation instead of saying, "You know what? I don't know".

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Bangin
I've seen you, Preest, ridiculing the idea of extra-terrestrial existence in such a way that you seem frightened of the thought. Fear of the unknown hinders the search for truth. Perhaps we'll get some REAL answers once the 'experts' come to that realization.

People would rather make up some bogus explanation instead of saying, "You know what? I don't know".
Scientists exclude the "unknown" because it is UNKNOWN. Their jobs are to find explanations that can be applied to the laws of physical proof and physics regardless what people on ATS think...just like many of you jump to absurd conclusions simply because YOU WANT TO BELIEVE even if the answer is fairly plain. Some of you are no different then just resent them more because they're in a better position to push their theories and you aren't.

You've never seen me ridiculing the existence of extraterrestrial. Ever. You're simply trying to label me a "debunker" and a "skeptic" in order to diminish my opinions as if those 2 words weren't an important part of furthering the UFO communities beliefs and concerns. I have never ridiculed the existence of extraterrestrials...feel free to post a link showing that I am. I am a believer in extraterrestrial life and the phenomenon of UFO's but not at the cost of my critical thinking. Many of these scientists are every day men and women who do damn good jobs and offer explanations sometimes to the best of their ability.

Some of you need to take off the tin foil hats for a bit...ball lightning (as I said above) was a shakey explanation and I didn't hold to their theory but if it's in the realm of possibility then I refuse to make up my mind on it. Don't label me because you prefer to jump to conclusions and I don't.

I'll be waiting for that link that shows me ridiculing the existence of extraterrestrials.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Preest
I'll be waiting for that link that shows me ridiculing the existence of extraterrestrials.

I'm not attempting to label anyone. Each time that I've seen you in the Aliens & UFOs forum, you seem to laugh at the idea of their existence. I won't be searching through the forum for the posts that gave me that impression.
Perhaps I should have worded my post differently to avoid this little confrontation. I apologize for the confusion.

We're each entitled to our own opinions and beliefs, but it really concerns me when those opinions hold people back from searching for the truth.

Scientists shouldn't confine their expertise to already 'discovered' explanations for certain phenomena. How else are we supposed to learn something 'new', if that something exists?

I'm at the point where I believe this sighting can be explained as Government secret aircraft or extraterrestrials. Which is it?

[Edited on 5/17/2004 by Bangin]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 02:19 PM
Theoretical Physist Dr. Michio Kaku talked about this very issue on Coast to Coast last night. Everybody who know about Dr. Michio Kaku will agree that he is a real scientist who follows the scientific method precisely and he pretty much said that the Mexico sighting are truely unexplainable. He said when he saw the IR video "The hair on the back of his neck stood up" and this is a Mainstream Theoretical Phsysist view people not a Ufologist.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Bangin
I'm not attempting to label anyone. Each time that I've seen you in the Aliens & UFOs forum, you seem to laugh at the idea of their existence. I won't be searching through the forum for the posts that gave me that impression.
Perhaps I should have worded my post differently to avoid this little confrontation. I apologize for the confusion.

We're each entitled to our own opinions and beliefs, but it really concerns me when those opinions hold people back from searching for the truth.

Scientists shouldn't confine their expertise to already 'discovered' explanations for certain phenomena. How else are we supposed to learn something 'new', if that something exists?

I'm at the point where I believe this sighting can be explained as Government secret aircraft or extraterrestrials. Which is it?

You wouldn't be able search for any post in which I ridicule the existence of extraterrestrials because there are none. There is no confusion on my part regarding your just incorrectly accused my skepticism of being nothing more than ridicule because my skepticism doesn't fit into your belief structure...isn't that essentially what the scientific community do?

The biggest thing holding people back from searching for "truth" is the gigantic amount of disinformation and stupidity coming out and from the UFO community. Many of you cry about how "they're trying to disinform you" and yet you neglect to see the disinformation you all perpetrate on your own community. More disinformation is being thrust upon the UFO community by fringe speakers, "theorists" and new agers than anything the Government would waste their time creating. Why infiltrate when we're doing a fine job of discrediting our own community?

Scientists are not "trained" to assume those objects are Alien aircraft...they're first taught to offer up the easiest and most likey explanations...if all else fails simply claiming they cannot be identified is putting us right back to where we started. Their jobs are to find answers. Even if they don't sound kosher to don't have to agree with them...I don't agree with them in the case of this Mexican footage but I'm not going to disrespect their status simply because I don't agree.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Preest
There is no confusion on my part regarding your just incorrectly accused my skepticism of being nothing more than ridicule because my skepticism doesn't fit into your belief structure...

My belief structure is simple; anything is possible. There aren't any personal experiences that I could effectively build a 'belief structure' with. I incorrectly accused your skepticism of being nothing more than ridicule, because it was just that, an incorrect assumption. My comments had nothing to do with my belief structure. Just wanted to clear that up.

Also, I chose to comment on your post because I thought you created this thread. But the thread author, silQ, was put on global ignore which hid his post from public view.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Preest

Originally posted by Bangin
I'm not attempting to label anyone. Each time that I've seen you in the Aliens & UFOs forum, you seem to laugh at the idea of their existence. I won't be searching through the forum for the posts that gave me that impression.
Perhaps I should have worded my post differently to avoid this little confrontation. I apologize for the confusion.
We're each entitled to our own opinions and beliefs, but it really concerns me when those opinions hold people back from searching for the truth.

Scientists shouldn't confine their expertise to already 'discovered' explanations for certain phenomena. How else are we supposed to learn something 'new', if that something exists?

I'm at the point where I believe this sighting can be explained as Government secret aircraft or extraterrestrials. Which is it?

You wouldn't be able search for any post in which I ridicule the existence of extraterrestrials because there are none. There is no confusion on my part regarding your just incorrectly accused my skepticism of being nothing more than ridicule because my skepticism doesn't fit into your belief structure...isn't that essentially what the scientific community do?

The biggest thing holding people back from searching for "truth" is the gigantic amount of disinformation and stupidity coming out and from the UFO community. Many of you cry about how "they're trying to disinform you" and yet you neglect to see the disinformation you all perpetrate on your own community. More disinformation is being thrust upon the UFO community by fringe speakers, "theorists" and new agers than anything the Government would waste their time creating. Why infiltrate when we're doing a fine job of discrediting our own community?

Scientists are not "trained" to assume those objects are Alien aircraft...they're first taught to offer up the easiest and most likey explanations...if all else fails simply claiming they cannot be identified is putting us right back to where we started. Their jobs are to find answers. Even if they don't sound kosher to don't have to agree with them...I don't agree with them in the case of this Mexican footage but I'm not going to disrespect their status simply because I don't agree.

First of all, who made you a scientist.I have seen 0 credibility from you other than you are a "writer", and that you are from the "hood".But you criticize people like you have all of the answers.And you have pretty much laughed and ridiculed people's statements since I have seen you post.Any Phd'?Degrees?I have no problem telling you my story.College student, Junior, IU University in Bloomington, IN,3.4 average.Religious studies and ancient civilizations.Not saying I am better than anyone, but what makes you so credible?Posting a site?Anyone with a hand can do that.If you did not, you would not have had three people tell you this in the past two days, and more.Think about it, you are not totally right.Oh yeah, why is it that government officials and military personnel always have a problem identifying there own aircraft, secret or otherwise, you know when it is not of this world.And them become afraid of it?Smells fishy to me.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by jhova
First of all, who made you a scientist.I have seen 0 credibility from you other than you are a "writer", and that you are from the "hood".But you criticize people like you have all of the answers.And you have pretty much laughed and ridiculed people's statements since I have seen you post.Any Phd'?Degrees?I have no problem telling you my story.College student, Junior, IU University in Bloomington, IN,3.4 average.Religious studies and ancient civilizations.Not saying I am better than anyone, but what makes you so credible?Posting a site?Anyone with a hand can do that.If you did not, you would not have had three people tell you this in the past two days, and more.Think about it, you are not totally right.Oh yeah, why is it that government officials and military personnel always have a problem identifying there own aircraft, secret or otherwise, you know when it is not of this world.And them become afraid of it?Smells fishy to me.
Nobody cares. Stick to the subject and stop stalking me. Please refrain from obsessing over my posts and stick to the subject. Your personal attacks are getting old. If you continue to obsess over my posts and flame me I'll be forced to file a complaint with the mods.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 03:45 AM
Just saw this site... has some good analysis of the UFOs.
The pics are good and the analysis sounds very interesting.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Preest
The biggest thing holding people back from searching for "truth" is the gigantic amount of disinformation and stupidity coming out and from the UFO community. Many of you cry about how "they're trying to disinform you" and yet you neglect to see the disinformation you all perpetrate on your own community. More disinformation is being thrust upon the UFO community by fringe speakers, "theorists" and new agers than anything the Government would waste their time creating. Why infiltrate when we're doing a fine job of discrediting our own community?

Excellently put! I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Grey Pilgrim

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by Grey_Pilgrim
Excellently put! I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Grey Pilgrim
Thanks! Nice to see somebody actually quote one of my posts to AGREE with me.

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