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Shock Video: School Kids Taught to Praise Obama

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posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by jmotley
How many of you actually did research on this other then the video. This is no more then class of singing about Obama for black history month. Love him or hate him the man is a living legand. They sung about Martin Luther King Jr. before he died. I see no problem with it. For better or worse (hopefully better) this man has changed the face of what a minority can achieve in this country. I hope he will change the face of politics in this country also but that remains to be seen.

It seems to me that there are only 4 groups of people that are pushing this subject.

1) racist - Open about it and do not want or think a black man can ever be or should be a leader,

2) Birthers - a lot of them are racist but not all

3) People that are not compleatly racist such as neo nazis and the KKK but do not think that the presiedent should be black.

4) People that just dont like him and now will find whatever reason to get him out of office.

You just completely missed the topic or reason most people have a problem with this. This isn't about Obama to me, although I did not vote for him. This should not happen for any President, I don't care what your party is.

The issue is politicizing children. I know this was during Black History Month, but the context of the lyrics was not about him being an African American or any of the obstacles he faced. It was purely about the virtues of Obama's policies and telling the kids he is a savior of the country.

Not sure if you saw this in your research, but the woman leading this is part of a left wing group, wrote an Obama book and wrote curriculum for school children that teaches them about their potential through 'learning of the greatness of Barack Obama.'

Flip any of this around to being the same thing about a Republican President and I would be very against it. Just like there is separation of church and state, there needs to be separation of politics and schools.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 09:11 AM
Most of the Anti-Obama stuff i've seen really dosn't make any sense but then alot of it is just the sheepies regurgitating what their Masters are saying or its mis-drected anger and frustration which oft seeks out a scapegoat.
People need to get a hold of themselves and actually focus on what's really going on. There are some serious things going on with this country and Obama is not the Archetect of the ills which are happening. Infact, the seeds which we are seeing come to fruitation today is the result of many years in the making. The Red Herrings keep being thrown out and people keep falling for it.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by johnny2127

And I am saying "bullocks".

Why did I not hear anyone complaining when this song was sung for Bush, congress and Fema?

Probably, just like at my childs school, happy to hear children singing the praises of Bush.

I am STILL not hearing any outrage over the Bush song here people. I am STILL hearing just the outrage over a song being sung, during black history month in regards to Obama. And a quick backtrack oh it's not ok to be done in regards to any president, ignoring the FACT that NO ONE complained when it was done for Bush.

Come on, step up to the plate people and also start complaining about the song sung for Bush.

Otherwise your true "colors" are showing through intensely.

Anyway, I was done with this thread until I saw the song being sung about Bush, congress and Fema. In my eyes far "worse" than a song about the first black president during black history month.

So now I am done again.

Harm None

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Chance321
Hope the Mods or OP don't mind, but found the lyrics so I post them here. This is freaking scarry. It looks like it'd be something outta the socialist hand book.

This was filmed around June 19, 2009 at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ.

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand [?]
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be clear today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

Is that the same thing that all civil rights leaders were asking for. Is this not what the women suffrage movement was about. Lets break this down.

All must lend a hand to make this country strong again - Whats wrong with this????? This is your home and this is my home. When you live in a hosehold all must contribute to make the house hold strong.

He said we must be clear today, Equal work means equal pay - Has this not been around for decades. So once again whats wrong with this??? Are you saying that we should keep things the way they are now and that the white male should get top dollar. That because I'm black I should not get paid the same or my co-worker who is a woman should not get paid the same even though we do the same job?

He said that we must take a stand, To make sure everyone gets a chance - Once again equality. was this not preached long before Obama. Did our forefathers not say the same. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." (from the declaration of idependce)

He said Red, Yellow, Black or White, All are equal in his sight - look at the above. Still talking about equality!!!! Correct me if I'm wrong but equality is a good thing.

They sang songs about George Washington, some of which I'm sure they made while he was alive. Same with Jefferson, Lincoln, MLK. All while they were still alive. The man is a living legend, he has achived something that no other man in our countries 230yr history has done. He is by far one of the best living role models for children not just black children but all children.

I even found a song sung by kids prasing Bush. Good ol' George W. Did anyone raise up arms about that. No i dont even think it made the news. Of all things this song praised his handling of Katrina.
So was this also propaganda???? Where was all the uproar about this????
Everything that Obama is doing is uder such a close scruntiy and being twisted into distorion by those that would love to see him fail. This is just one more thing to throw on the fire.

I guess you also want to bring up the fact that he wanted to talk to children while at school. BIG DEAL. I remember Clinton doing the same and I think Reagen did it too. (not sure have to look that one up)

So once again what is the big deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by johnny2127

Flip any of this around to being the same thing about a Republican President and I would be very against it. Just like there is separation of church and state, there needs to be separation of politics and schools.

The diffrence is that these children will grow up and make the choices that effect the whole country using polittics. Personally I believe that they should be teaching children about politics. Maybe then we can stop having a generation like mine that really dont know a damn thing about anything. For Gods sake please get your kids involved in politics because then half the crap that gets past us today will not happen. If you wait till they are 18 then its to late. You'll be lucky if they can tell you who the vice president is. Atleast if you get them involved now they will be able to make their own descion about which party to support and have some idea of what going on when the time comes.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by johnny2127

Correct me if Im wrong but they have made many many many songs about people all over the world that stood for these same things. Hell we make movies about them even when they are still alive.

You ask why they have it as Obama. He is the most prominit figure right now pushing these policies. Who ever is in the forefront for the fight against injustice, intoleerence, and all around hate, and they are making there presence know that is who they will sing about. The fact that Obama is the First black president is going to make this all the more powerfull. This song is not pushing his agenda it is pushing the agenda that we all should have.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Indoctrination would upset me too, if that is what it was. I don't know if people post these videos and comments because they don't dig futher to find out what is going on first, or if it is just because they have extreme opinons, and when they find something they think can corroborate their point of view, they jump on it.

My first advise would be, if you only watch/listen to O'Reilly, Beck, and Limbaugh, try to balance what you are hearing by watching a little Olbermann and/or Maddow on MSNBC. It will at least get you thinking. I have to grit my teeth, but I do sometimes read articles on Fox News' website, and listen to some of their shows. I usually find them very lacking in any hard data they can point to from other sites, to back them up. And Glen Beck, pleeese! He is one of the most unorganized, incoherent speakers I have heard on t.v.

According to Maddow on her 9/29 show (I wish I could find the video, but I think it is only available on ITunes). She says the songs were from February (black history month) and were part of the activities the kids had that month. I don't know about you, but knowing it was from Februay, but didn't get posted until much later, and then was not latched onto by conservative t.v. until now, makes it look like to me the propaganda is more on the side of the conservatives.

According to an article I found on MSNBC's website, some of the lyrices of two songs that were sung include "The first song begins, "Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama/He said that all must lend a hand/To make this country strong again. The second one was set to "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and included the refrain, "Hooray, Mr. President."

You have got to be honest. He is our first black president; that is historic. There is nothing wrong with kids being taught about that, and singing lyrics that say we all need to work together (it doesn't say we all need healthcare reform!). One reply on this site noted that if Bush had children sing about him, people would be furious. It might interest you to know that Maddow showed a clip of Mrs. Bush standing with schoolchildren who had been singing about W. Rachel told what some of the lyrics of the song were.

Rachel Maddow also said that permission slips were sent home first, and no parents objected. She states there is confusion over who put the video on youtube, so it doesn't seem the school was trying to promote indoctrination.

I don't personally start threads myself, but if I did, I would feel obligated to either make really, really sure I personally knew my "facts" were right, or at least I would clearly state that I had not looked further to verify.

Again, what I have pointed out is only from MSNBC's website, and the Rachel Maddow show. I highly praise her for very often offering viewers other sites (including conservative ones) that you can go to in order to confirm what she is saying. She is also very clear in what she is saying, and goes out of her way to explain a story. Her show is on 9p.m. Eastern M-F, and repeated at 11p.m. M-Th.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by jmotley

I heard it was filmed in February (black history month) and loaded onto youtube in June. Were you joking, or were you serious that lyrics that say everyone is equal and deserves equal pay are scary? You must be a major stockholder in WalMart

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by gidwa
reply to post by jmotley

I heard it was filmed in February (black history month) and loaded onto youtube in June. Were you joking, or were you serious that lyrics that say everyone is equal and deserves equal pay are scary? You must be a major stockholder in WalMart

So tell me whats wrong with equal pay for equal work? You seem to have something very wrong with it. If I get paid $20 per hour to do my job and then they hire a woman to do the same job and has the same qualifications should she not also get paid $20 per hour. I know that is a concept that backwoods mind cant seem to grasp but a man is equal to a woman, a black man is equal to a white man. Equal pay for equal work reguardless of race, creed, national orgin, gender, sexual prefrence.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 06:40 PM
Must of struck a heart chord in the teacher teaching the class. She sounds african american.. this is probably already said, but nonetheless its still a fact.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by jmotley

Originally posted by gidwa
reply to post by jmotley

I heard it was filmed in February (black history month) and loaded onto youtube in June. Were you joking, or were you serious that lyrics that say everyone is equal and deserves equal pay are scary? You must be a major stockholder in WalMart

So tell me whats wrong with equal pay for equal work? You seem to have something very wrong with it. If I get paid $20 per hour to do my job and then they hire a woman to do the same job and has the same qualifications should she not also get paid $20 per hour. I know that is a concept that backwoods mind cant seem to grasp but a man is equal to a woman, a black man is equal to a white man. Equal pay for equal work reguardless of race, creed, national orgin, gender, sexual prefrence.

Great in theory, but let me ask you; how do you determine equal work? Is it job titles? Standardized job descriptions? Who determines if pay is fair? If there are two people with the same job title, but one works harder and gets better results, should that person be paid more than the one that is lazier?

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by johnny2127

Originally posted by jmotley

Originally posted by gidwa
reply to post by jmotley

I heard it was filmed in February (black history month) and loaded onto youtube in June. Were you joking, or were you serious that lyrics that say everyone is equal and deserves equal pay are scary? You must be a major stockholder in WalMart

So tell me whats wrong with equal pay for equal work? You seem to have something very wrong with it. If I get paid $20 per hour to do my job and then they hire a woman to do the same job and has the same qualifications should she not also get paid $20 per hour. I know that is a concept that backwoods mind cant seem to grasp but a man is equal to a woman, a black man is equal to a white man. Equal pay for equal work reguardless of race, creed, national orgin, gender, sexual prefrence.

Great in theory, but let me ask you; how do you determine equal work? Is it job titles? Standardized job descriptions? Who determines if pay is fair? If there are two people with the same job title, but one works harder and gets better results, should that person be paid more than the one that is lazier?

After your HOAX thread you posted, I think we all know where your "true colors" lie.

Anyway..... what? Do I hear a fly buzzing around? *swat

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Common Good

This teacher should be fired! No school officials should force these children to express the teachers political or personal views. I wonder if this same teacher would like it if another teacher had children singing praises to George Bush? Political and religious views should not be forced upon our children in school.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by amazed
After your HOAX thread you posted, I think we all know where your "true colors" lie.

Anyway..... what? Do I hear a fly buzzing around? *swat

You should really learn to quote better.. At any rate I am just chiming in here to say I do not think johnny2127 thread was a HOAX. I heard some of those folks say obama... Now mind you I think they were being smart alecs then again what place does health care lobbying have in church?

Sorry for going off topic put you brought up his thread and belittled it as a fly to be swat and I do not believe it can be that easily dismissed.

I also think any worship or praise of political figures is wrong, be they Bush , Obama or Nixon kids should not be made to sing songs of praise for presidents.

In fact I don't think children have a place in politics period. That realm belongs to the adults and I blame the irresponsible adults for forgetting that.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by johnny2127

It starts out equal but if one person excels then that person should get the raises. There are many factors that will play in. price of living for example. But when I start out at $X per hour and then they start you at $Y per hour to do the same job some thing is not right. Thats equal pay for equal work

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by amazed

Originally posted by johnny2127

Originally posted by jmotley

Originally posted by gidwa
reply to post by jmotley

I heard it was filmed in February (black history month) and loaded onto youtube in June. Were you joking, or were you serious that lyrics that say everyone is equal and deserves equal pay are scary? You must be a major stockholder in WalMart

So tell me whats wrong with equal pay for equal work? You seem to have something very wrong with it. If I get paid $20 per hour to do my job and then they hire a woman to do the same job and has the same qualifications should she not also get paid $20 per hour. I know that is a concept that backwoods mind cant seem to grasp but a man is equal to a woman, a black man is equal to a white man. Equal pay for equal work reguardless of race, creed, national orgin, gender, sexual prefrence.

Great in theory, but let me ask you; how do you determine equal work? Is it job titles? Standardized job descriptions? Who determines if pay is fair? If there are two people with the same job title, but one works harder and gets better results, should that person be paid more than the one that is lazier?

After your HOAX thread you posted, I think we all know where your "true colors" lie.

Anyway..... what? Do I hear a fly buzzing around? *swat

Good job not addressing my question to you. By the way, that other video isn't a hoax. Thats the opinion of the mod that moved it there, which is just that, his or her opinion. Some people say God, and another said Lord, but most are saying Obama.

This is pretty easy to distinguish. 'Oh God' and 'oh Lord' each have two syllables. Obama has three. Personally i can clearly hear the name Obama, but even if you want to debate that, you can clearly count 3 syllables. Do it yourself if you disagree. I have already emailed the mod to get the HOAX tag removed. Who knows if they will. But regardless, this has in no way been proved a Hoax. Thats just the Mod's personal opinion shinning through onto their responsibilities here.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:53 PM
I wonder if we are being presidentially brainwashed...

Forced to endure bushs stupidity... or maybe even his amount of stupidity was faked to make it more dramatic, for Obama's " Save the day by being the first president with a false birth certificate".

Create fear, then create a plausible upfront solution (Obama's multitude of lies). By the way this guy talks to the teleprompters and doesnt actually make eye contact with the crowd... its almost like he didnt mean any of it... And for the most part he didnt it seems like.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by TheFaiThfulSkepTic

What good would that do? I am failing to see the logic..... there are much easier ways to create fear or panic

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by johnny2127

Maybe we dont know what good it will do... until its too late. Maybe yes there are easier ways to create fear and panic, but maybe not ... for the way it has to be accomplished to create their desired outcome. Like a chess game some of the moves might not be understood to begin with in the first place... but we never know what will happen deep into the game. Just watched the movie Revolver and i thought it related to the sequence of things that could be underway.

Of course its just a theory.

[edit on 2-10-2009 by TheFaiThfulSkepTic]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by TheFaiThfulSkepTic
reply to post by johnny2127

Maybe we dont know what good it will do... until its too late. Maybe yes there are easier ways to create fear and panic, but maybe not ... for the way it has to be accomplished to create their desired outcome. Like a chess game some of the moves might not be understood to begin with in the first place... but we never know what will happen deep into the game. Just watched the movie Revolver and i thought it related to the sequence of things that could be underway.

Of course its just a theory.

[edit on 2-10-2009 by TheFaiThfulSkepTic]

True. Hopefully thats not happening. I know obviously manipulation occurs with somethings. But I hope and assume this isn't an example of it.

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