posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 10:06 PM
Excuse my input as I've only read through about half of your posts but if I may, I have a suggestion. I've spent MANY an hour reading, watching and
listening to the "possible scenarios" and what I've found in a nutshell is; we're in for a polar shift in the extreme near future, there's the
possibility of the brown dwarf star coming into our immediate neighborhood affecting all sorts of havoc, a new level of conciousness and many other
theories. Basically, SOMETHING is coming in 2012. According to one of the many times over supported theories, with the polar shift, one of the new
poles will settle on the Michigan - Wisconsin area. Consider where the new equator will be with the new North pole there and then pick your home.
Also, if / when that happens, there will be major upswelling of the oceans, so stay away from the coastal regions. Also, let's not forget about the
one of every volcanoe on the planet going off at once. From Oregon up through Alaska, there are nothing BUT volcanoes deep in the earth there.Forget
politics, forget good neighborhoods, forget crime rates. All of that is new and different if and when that happens. SO, if I have my way AND the
time to get there, it will be on the bottom end of the Rockies. It's high, lush and you could hide there for a very long time.
You're right about Oregon being an area of "getting lost forever" in those very bountiful forests. I miss it. I've been to 48 of the states
including Alaska and Hawaii and I have to say that the lower Rockies are the safest, highest, furthest inland I would go, place to live. OH, one last
thing, the other thing I've read the most is stay away from highly populated areas, so no population would be good, other than a small community to
barter with afterwards.