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EU Plans Massive Surveillance Panopticon That Would Monitor “Abnormal Behavior”

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posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 06:04 PM
MIT has been up to some interesting shinanigans along these lines:

"Reality Mining defines the collection of machine-sensed environmental data pertaining to human social behavior. This new paradigm of data mining makes possible the modeling of conversation context, proximity sensing, and temporospatial location throughout large communities of individuals. Mobile phones (and similarly innocuous devices) are used for data collection, opening social network analysis to new methods of empirical stochastic modeling.

The original Reality Mining experiment is one of the largest mobile phone projects attempted in academia. Our research agenda takes advantage of the increasingly widespread use of mobile phones to provide insight into the dynamics of both individual and group behavior. By leveraging recent advances in machine learning we are building generative models that can be used to predict what a single user will do next, as well as model behavior of large organizations.

We have captured communication, proximity, location, and activity information from 100 subjects..."

The origional subjects were volunteers it's important to note, but who knows how long that "little" ethical technicality will be adhered too?

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:37 AM
I saw an item on INDECT on German tv news (ARD Tagesschau) at 8 am one morning. I think it was last November or so. It was about how INDECT could soon rid society of all crime, and Utopia had arrived thanks to drones monitoring every car thief and and litter lout, and sending the info live to the authorities for them to be arrested withing minutes of the crime being committed. Long live INDECT - the way to happiness for all.

I sat bolt upright and dashed to my pc to find out what INDECT is. It took a while to get all the info I needed. By 9.30 I went to the Tagesschau website to download their report from its archives. It was gone. It had been replaced by an item that had NOT been shown on TV that morning. The whole 8 am recording in the archives was FALSE - I mean, they left the other items intact but deleted the INDECT report and they had just inserted an innocuous news item so it would appear the INDECT item was never there. And you won't find it on google any more.

The Germans are not supposed to know that drones will soon be filming them on the streets and at home through their windows. They don't even know that they have laws in place giving the police snooping powers without a soul being any the wiser. But that's beside the point. This is just one small way to show how they cover up their tracks so the majority of the populace are none the wiser.

And curious annoying wasps like you and me can be ferreted out and kept tabs on just in case we decide to stir up trouble at some time in the future. For me, I have no qualms about being able to beat the system and staying off the radar. You won't find me hiding in a cave with a gun on my lap. But that doesn't stop me from looking over my shoulder, nor does it stop me from wanting to know what is going on. I want to be informed about these developments. It's my life that will be affected in the future, and I don't want any surprises.

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