The problem i have with the AK as a resistance rifle is you want to use a weapon that uses the same ammo as the people you are fighting.
i am going to use a weapon that uses the same ammo as my enemy if possible.
'One' The sound. Anyone shooting a M16 will know that you are firing a AK and know you are the enemy.
The navy seals in vietnam tricked the NVA at times by using AKs because the NVA though that they were firing on there own people when they heard AKs
firing back and hesitated.
'Two' You can use your enemy's ammo to supplement your own supplies.
'Three' If you get AK tracers they are green.
If you are fighting a enemy that is using NATO ammo there tracers will be red. And they will target green tracers.
"four" If you are using the same weapon as your enemy you have a supply of spare parts. (you should never leave workable weapons on the battlefield
for your enemy to recover. strip them for parts and bend the barrels. by smacking them on a tree. or hide them for later recovery by you.)
Also take the mags for your own use.
'five" if you spot a one of enemy and pop him with a AK and there is a enemy patrol nearby armed with M16s they will know the shots did not come
from there own people. and you will become a bullet magnet.
If you are firing the same weapons they will think there guy fired at something and be slower to check.
You can if you have reloading and bullet pulling equipment pull the bullets of there ammo and pour the powder from one of there rounds into another
round that you have pulled the bullet from and make a overload.
leaving a mag with a number of these overloads around for them to find can get interesting.
If you can get C4 or other high explosives and some fuse type blasting caps or other primary explosives replacing there powder with a small amount of
primary and the rest of the case with C4 or other high explosives can really be fun to watch when they fire there weapons. The navy seals were experts
at screwing with the NVA like this to the point that the NVA believed that there own ammo from Russia was being sabotaged by the Russians that
supplied it. It also removed one gun and the operator from action and caused the enemy time and resources in burying or treating there personal.
PS never pick up any ammo mags or boxes you find dropped on a trail until you have checked for traps (a small mine or a grenade will mess up your
day)and never use the ammo in your weapons. Only use ammo off dead enemy's or that you take from there vehicles after you have killed them.(leave
some boobytrapped ammo behind just for fun)
dropped ammo may by booby trapped. don't be a booby.
The NVA in vietnam were good teachers but we were better at teaching them not to trust us.
[edit on 1-10-2009 by ANNED]