posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 04:52 PM
Very,they "fire" the health care workers for refusing the damn vaccine and then by proxy,the health-care facilities become short
Of COURSE that will then create more of a "panic/need" and tent-hospitals and on the corner vaccination points will be allowed to pop up with God
only knows who administering the life-saving dose of God only knows what.
The health care system will be declared inadequate in it's current form and un-able to provide for the needs of the American peeps so wouldn't it be
BEST if they pushed the f-ing health care reform through asap or nationalized medicine asap because here is our proof that it's screwed up and we
NEED then to fix it for us,this flu is DEADLY after all.
After all,they have our best interest at heart...gagging just a bit here.
I'm all about that panic sex instead of a shot,trust me.
I have great empathy for the OP and all other who are being subjected to such injustice and hope like hell people will not be bullied!!!