posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by PowerSlave
I just saw the 2012 movie,( it is Nov 12th "down" here ), and I think it may just do for the Mayan 2012 / Earth Changes topic what "Close
Encounters Of The Third Kind" did for the UFO topic in it's day.
At one point, one of the characters,( played by Woody Harrelson ), says something to the effect,"First you make them laugh, then you give them
something to think about". He is saying this to the John Cusak character about an animated video he made to expalin the earth change.
So a LOT of action, crashing and burning, but a few nuggets of truth for the masses to find. It even mentions Dr. Charles Hapgood’s Theory of Earth
Crust Displacement... how about that!
Tell your "uninitiated" fellow human beings that they should take in this flick - then talk to them after and bring them up to speed.
I especially like the scene where the old question- to "tell" or not "tell" the people is debated by the characters from the White House.
But the VERY best part is seeing the name on the carrier as it rolls on top of that Washington landmark... "oh the irony of it"
I give it - "Three toes up!"
[edit on 12-11-2009 by TOSFORUS]
[edit on 12-11-2009 by TOSFORUS]